
How much did it cost to naturalize Ekson and 4 others? The numbers are amazing, and Li Tie is too willful

author:East Ball Brother

When Chinese football reached a bottleneck, when the increase in investment alone could no longer stir up this backwater, the naturalization route taken by other countries became the choice of Chinese football.

How much did it cost to naturalize Ekson and 4 others? The numbers are amazing, and Li Tie is too willful

Naturalized players, let foreign players join the Chinese men's football team, this is not an easy thing, after all, there is no unprovoked love under the sky, let Exon, Luo Guofu and other people give up their nationality and join the Chinese men's football team, which requires a huge price. SO, the question is, how much did it cost to naturalize Ikeson and 4 others? Well, please listen to me and tell me more about it.

How much did it cost to naturalize Ekson and 4 others? The numbers are amazing, and Li Tie is too willful

How much did it cost to naturalize Ekson and 4 others?

How can you impress foreign players to accept naturalization? The first and foremost is the money factor, such as Axon. When he did not become a naturalized player, the 27-year-old Axon's annual salary was 7 million euros (equivalent to about 52.17 million yuan), in order to make Axon naturalized, the increasingly old Axon instead got a larger contract, because of naturalization, Axon's salary increased to 10 million euros (equivalent to about 75.43 million yuan), an Axon needs to spend hundreds of millions of yuan, how much does it cost 4 naturalized players? According to previous media reports, the Guangzhou men's football team invested a total of 900 million euros (equivalent to about 6.7 billion yuan) in order to naturalize 6 players, which also means that the 4 naturalized players sitting on the bench of the national football team need about 4 billion yuan for direct economic output alone.

How much did it cost to naturalize Ekson and 4 others? The numbers are amazing, and Li Tie is too willful

The second is the issue of treatment after retirement. It is difficult to impress these players with money alone, after all, their careers have also accumulated a lot of wealth, so solving the problem of working after the players retire has become a very important point to attract naturalized players, and in order to meet the needs of these naturalized players, we also need to pay a lot.

How much did it cost to naturalize Ekson and 4 others? The numbers are amazing, and Li Tie is too willful

Finally, there is the realization of commercial value. Seriously, this is perhaps the most important point for naturalized players, if they can take Chinese football out of the quagmire and become the heroes of men's football, their commercial value will be fully realized, and the income will not even lose to their salary income, which is the main reason why naturalized players can't wait to play.

How much did it cost to naturalize Ekson and 4 others? The numbers are amazing, and Li Tie is too willful

In summary, even if you don't count the guarantee after retirement, even if you don't count the help to achieve commercial value, Axon, Luo Guofu, Jiang Guangtai, Alan, 4 naturalized players, we spend at least 4-5 billion yuan for naturalization of them, see this figure may you understand why so many fans are condemning Li Tie for not using naturalized players, we spent such a big price, but do not use, Li Tie is really too wasteful.

How much did it cost to naturalize Ekson and 4 others? The numbers are amazing, and Li Tie is too willful

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