
In World War II, France had set the capital of Africa, which was a wonderful trick of de Gaulle, which made people shoot cases

author:Victory of Buwu

Among the allies of World War II, France's position was very awkward, but in the world pattern after World War II, France was still one of the five permanents, which had to be said to be de Gaulle's ingenious plan. When France fell, de Gaulle and a group of young French men came to the British Empire and established Free France here, continuing to confront the Germans and Vichy France. Logically, how could such a small organization become the orthodoxy of post-war France?

In World War II, France had set the capital of Africa, which was a wonderful trick of de Gaulle, which made people shoot cases

In fact, in 1942 de Gaulle stormed out of the British Isles because he had a key decision, that is, to place the capital of Free France in Africa. This is a little-known history, when the temporary capital of France was Algiers in Algeria. Algeria, the vast size of this African country, is the number one african country.

In World War II, France had set the capital of Africa, which was a wonderful trick of de Gaulle, which made people shoot cases

In the first half of the 19th century, it also became a French colony. It became the second hot land developed by Europeans, second only to the Americas. Algeria's economy was also the most developed in Europe at that time. During World War II, maintaining control of Algeria, which remained in French control, it was not until 1942 that the Allies liberated Algiers, and de Gaulle seized the opportunity to declare Algiers the temporary capital of Free France.

In World War II, France had set the capital of Africa, which was a wonderful trick of de Gaulle, which made people shoot cases

It sounds a little strange, but it still stands out. Later, Algiers naturally became the headquarters of the Allied forces in North Africa. In the days that followed, the Free French took part in the attack on Italy and soon won the victory, while the Allies on the Western Front could only fight bloody battles in the Normandy landings, and de Gaulle's Free France escaped the attack.

When the Allies recaptured Paris, de Gaulle led his men back to Paris and recast the glory of France. What do you think?

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