
Threatened to retaliate against Israel, Iran did not act for a long time, and pro-Iraqi forces came to explore the way first

author:True Microcosm

Threatened to retaliate against Israel, Iran did not act for a long time, and pro-Iraqi forces came to explore the way first

The Middle East, an ancient and mysterious land, has long been a hotspot of intertwined forces and frequent conflicts. In recent years, the situation in the Middle East has once again become the focus of international attention as tensions between Iran and Israel have escalated. Iran has repeatedly threatened to retaliate against Israel, but, unexpectedly, Iran has not taken direct military action, but has been spearheaded by pro-Iranian militant groups. This phenomenon has not only aroused widespread concern from the international community, but also has a far-reaching impact on the future direction of the Middle East region.

Iran's tough rhetoric and complex calculations

Since Israel launched air strikes on Iranian military facilities in Syria, the Iranian side has repeatedly made strong statements vowing to retaliate against Israel. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has even publicly stated that Iran will defend its national sovereignty and interests at all costs. Such a tough statement has undoubtedly exacerbated tensions in the Middle East and made the international community remain highly vigilant about it.

However, Iran's retaliation did not come as expected. There are complex considerations behind this. First, Iran needs to weigh various factors at home and abroad, including the reaction of the international community, the will of the domestic population, and its relationship with Western countries such as the United States. As a regional power, Iran's actions are not only related to its own interests, but also have a far-reaching impact on the entire Middle East region. Therefore, Iran must act carefully to avoid triggering a larger conflict and crisis.

Threatened to retaliate against Israel, Iran did not act for a long time, and pro-Iraqi forces came to explore the way first

Second, Iran also faces limitations in its military capabilities and strategic options. Although Iran has a relatively strong military, Iran's military superiority in the confrontation with Israel is not obvious. In addition, Iran needs to think about how to avoid direct conflict with Western countries such as the United States, so as not to fall into a more passive situation. Therefore, with limited resources, Iran needs to make the most rational decisions in order to achieve its strategic goals.

The tentative actions and influence of pro-Iraqi forces

In the absence of official Iranian action, pro-Iranian militant groups have spearheaded exploratory operations. These armed groups usually maintain close ties with Iran and operate in the Middle East with Iranian support. Their actions typically include attacks on Israel's border areas, surveillance and reconnaissance of Israeli targets, etc.

The purpose of these exploratory actions is to test Israel's response and to assess its military capabilities. Through small-scale attacks and reconnaissance operations, pro-Iraqi forces can understand Israel's defense capabilities and reaction speed, and provide intelligence support and reference for Iranian officials for future operations. At the same time, these actions can also cause a certain amount of psychological pressure and panic on Israel, weakening its will to fight and its morale.

Threatened to retaliate against Israel, Iran did not act for a long time, and pro-Iraqi forces came to explore the way first

However, these tentative actions have also had a number of negative consequences. First, they exacerbate tensions in the Middle East and further destabilize an already fragile region. Second, these actions could also provoke a strong reaction from Israel, leading to an escalation and expansion of the conflict. Finally, these actions could also trigger intervention and sanctions by other countries, causing even greater damage to Iran and the Middle East as a whole.

The reaction and concern of the international community

The international community has reacted differently to Iran's threats of retaliation and the probing actions of pro-Iraqi forces. A number of countries called on all parties to exercise restraint and resolve the issue through dialogue and consultation. They believe that only through peaceful means can disputes and conflicts in the Middle East be resolved and the escalation and expansion of conflicts can be avoided. These countries advocate strengthening communication and cooperation through diplomatic channels and promoting all parties to jointly seek ways to solve problems.

However, there are also some countries that have expressed concern and unease about this. They fear that Iran's retaliation could lead to a larger conflict or even a spiral out of control in the region. These countries believe that Iran's retaliation could trigger a ripple effect that could lead to more countries being drawn into the conflict, with far-reaching repercussions throughout the Middle East. These countries called on the international community to strengthen cooperation and coordination to jointly address the challenges and threats in the Middle East.

Threatened to retaliate against Israel, Iran did not act for a long time, and pro-Iraqi forces came to explore the way first

The complexity of the situation in the Middle East and its future direction

The current situation in the Middle East is extremely complex, involving entanglements of interests and contradictions and conflicts between many countries and organizations. Tensions between Iran and Israel are only part of the story. In addition, the Middle East region is also facing multiple challenges and threats, such as terrorism, ethnic contradictions, and religious disputes.

In the future, the Middle East region may face more challenges and threats. First, terrorist forces are still active in the Middle East and pose a serious threat to the security and stability of all countries. Second, ethnic and religious disputes may also lead to more conflicts and instability. Finally, with the changes in the global political and economic landscape and the reshuffling of regional powers, the geopolitical landscape in the Middle East may also undergo profound changes.

Under such circumstances, the international community needs to strengthen cooperation and coordination to jointly address the challenges and threats in the Middle East. First, all countries should respect each other's sovereignty and interests and resolve issues through dialogue and consultation. Second, countries should strengthen counter-terrorism cooperation and jointly combat terrorist forces. Finally, all countries should promote regional economic development and prosperity and lay a solid foundation for peace and stability in the Middle East.

Threatened to retaliate against Israel, Iran did not act for a long time, and pro-Iraqi forces came to explore the way first

At the same time, Iran and Israel should also recognize each other's existence and interests and find a way to solve the problem through dialogue and consultation. The two sides should abandon the zero-sum game mindset and seek a win-win development path. Only in this way can we achieve peace, stability, prosperity and development in the Middle East.


The Middle East is a region of challenges and opportunities. Although the current situation is complex and volatile, as long as we strengthen cooperation and coordination and work together to address challenges and threats, we will certainly be able to achieve peace, stability, prosperity and development in the Middle East. Let's work together to contribute to the future of the Middle East!

Threatened to retaliate against Israel, Iran did not act for a long time, and pro-Iraqi forces came to explore the way first

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