
The Deep Integration of Broadcasting and New Media—— Beijing Literature and Art Broadcasting Center In-depth Report on the "8th Wuzhen Drama Festival"

author:Beijing Radio and Television Station

As a high-profile event in the theater circle, the 8th Wuzhen Drama Festival was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province from October 15 to 24. As the only specially invited broadcast media in Beijing, the Beijing Literature and Art Broadcasting Center conducted interviews and reports on this year's Wuzhen Drama Festival. In the process of reporting, the radio programs and new media propaganda cooperated closely and carried out deep integration and exploration.

The Deep Integration of Broadcasting and New Media—— Beijing Literature and Art Broadcasting Center In-depth Report on the "8th Wuzhen Drama Festival"

The official background map of the 8th Wuzhen Drama Festival

On September 6, Xiao Yi, host of the Literary and Art Broadcasting Center, and Liu Zhifei, a video reporter, attended the press conference of the 8th Wuzhen Drama Festival, interviewed and filmed the initiators of the theater festival, such as Huang Lei, Lai Shengchuan, Meng Jinghui, and others, and worked closely with new media editor Jin Shiyu to release the detailed news of the theater festival for the first time. Among them, the "876 Information" on the radio end gives full play to the characteristics of strong broadcast timeliness and fast speed to broadcast audio interview content; "Global Traveler" relies on the advantages of in-depth topics to invite expert guests to carefully sort out the drama festival; the official weibo of the Literary and Art Broadcasting Center and the official video number audio and video synchronously broadcast the content of the entire conference, and the number of views reached 6W+; the new media account of the Literary and Art Broadcasting Center reported the event in the form of graphics and short videos, and the reading volume was 8W+.

The Deep Integration of Broadcasting and New Media—— Beijing Literature and Art Broadcasting Center In-depth Report on the "8th Wuzhen Drama Festival"

"Globetrotter" poster, Weibo, WeChat screenshots

From October 21st to 24th, Xiao Yi and Liu Zhifei went to Wuzhen as special invited reporters of this year's Wuzhen Drama Festival to cover and report. During the interview with Lai Shengchuan, Hao Lei, Zhang Jie, Jin Xing, Shi Hang, Liu Heng, Liu Zhenyun, Zhi'an, etc., sun li, He Jiong, Wang Yanhui, Li Shi, Wu Bi, Wei Daxun, Yang Tianzhen and other stars participated in the "Midnight Reading Meeting", and the "town dialogue" was broadcast live audio and video synchronously, and the reading volume on the network exceeded 30W+.

The Deep Integration of Broadcasting and New Media—— Beijing Literature and Art Broadcasting Center In-depth Report on the "8th Wuzhen Drama Festival"
The Deep Integration of Broadcasting and New Media—— Beijing Literature and Art Broadcasting Center In-depth Report on the "8th Wuzhen Drama Festival"
The Deep Integration of Broadcasting and New Media—— Beijing Literature and Art Broadcasting Center In-depth Report on the "8th Wuzhen Drama Festival"

Literary and art broadcast host Xiao Yi and editor Zhifei interviewed the drama festival

According to the "8th Wuzhen Drama Festival", the Literary and Art Broadcasting Center gave full play to the advantages of the combination of traditional broadcasting and new media, formed a media matrix, and made useful explorations and attempts for media integration in the new era. Next, literary and art broadcasting will continue to give full play to the advantages of literary and artistic resources, further combine broadcasting with new media, and expand more diversified and rich communication content and channels.

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