
Huang Jingyu's "dramatic" ex-wife: the things behind Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination

author:Poetic Breeze 7Wt

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife Wang Yuxin jumped again

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife Wang Yuxin is here again! This time, she not only jumped out to shout Huang Jingyu, but also pulled some traffic by the way. Every time Huang Jingyu makes any moves, she has to jump a little, so that everyone is almost used to it. The fuse this time was that Wang Yuxin was shortlisted for the Best Actress of Jinjue, and some fans of Huang Jingyu ran to scold her, saying that she was hot. So, Wang Yuxin was not to be outdone, and came out to reply: "Refuse to disturb and any warning, please let each other go." This seems to have a deep meaning, as if to say that her life is disturbed. Netizens laughed and said: "What kind of disease does this sister have, and she has to jump out every year?" ”


Wang Yuxin said that if she continues to be entangled like this, she will "take a screenshot of your current girlfriend". As soon as these words came out, everyone fried the pot and speculated who Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend was. Someone said: "Could it be that Huang Jingyu still has an underground lover?" Some people ridiculed: "Take a screenshot or something, I feel like I have to have a big melon!" This lively scene makes people wonder if Huang Jingyu has another drama to broadcast, and it is this routine every time.

Huang Jingyu's "dramatic" ex-wife: the things behind Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination

The mystery of Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination

Wang Yuxin actually attended the Shanghai International Film Festival as an actor this time, and her starring work "Shelter Tower" was also nominated for Best Actress in the Asian Newcomer Unit. Everyone was shocked, it was a blockbuster. Some netizens commented: "Wang Yuxin is going to transform successfully? Some people also ridiculed: "Huang Jingyu was trampled under his feet by his ex-wife!" Huang Jingyu's fans stopped doing it, and they ran to scold Wang Yuxin, thinking that she was rubbing the heat. As a result, Wang Yuxin was not to be outdone, and came out to shout: "I didn't expect that I was shortlisted for the Best Heroine of Jinjue and hurt you so much, refuse to disturb and warn, please let each other go." This seems to have a deep meaning, as if to say that her life is disturbed.

Huang Jingyu's "dramatic" ex-wife: the things behind Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination

Huang Jingyu's fans are even more unhappy, thinking that Wang Yuxin just wants to take the opportunity to hype. Someone left a message: "This sister is also very hard, and she dares to say anything for the sake of popularity." Someone else said: "Wang Yuxin is going to use the Golden Jue nomination to become popular again?" However, in any case, Wang Yuxin's voice did attract a lot of attention.

Huang Jingyu's "dramatic" ex-wife: the things behind Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination

The anger of Huang Jingyu's fans

Huang Jingyu's fans' anger at Wang Yuxin is not a day or two. Every time Huang Jingyu makes any move, Wang Yuxin has to come out and jump, which makes fans very unhappy. This time, Wang Yuxin was shortlisted for the Best Heroine of Jinjue, and fans felt that she was rubbing the heat, so they ran to scold her. As a result, Wang Yuxin was not to be outdone, and came out to shout: "Refuse to disturb and any warning, please let each other go." This seems to have a deep meaning, as if to say that her life is disturbed.

Huang Jingyu's "dramatic" ex-wife: the things behind Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination

Some netizens ridiculed: "Huang Jingyu has a bouncing ex-wife every year, and she is unlucky enough." Someone else said: "Wang Yuxin is adding to Huang Jingyu's blockage?" Anyway, Huang Jingyu's fans are getting more and more angry with Wang Yuxin.

Huang Jingyu's "dramatic" ex-wife: the things behind Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination

The mystery of his current girlfriend

Wang Yuxin called Huang Jingyu this time, saying that if she continued to be entangled like this, she would "take a screenshot of your current girlfriend". As soon as these words came out, everyone fried the pot and speculated who Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend was. Someone said: "Could it be that Huang Jingyu still has an underground lover?" Some people ridiculed: "Take a screenshot or something, I feel like I have to have a big melon!" This lively scene makes people wonder if Huang Jingyu has another drama to broadcast, and it is this routine every time.

Huang Jingyu's "dramatic" ex-wife: the things behind Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination

Netizens' speculations are also varied, some say: "Will Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend be an insider?" Others speculated: "Could it be an amateur?" "Anyway, this mystery is also a lot of discussion.

Huang Jingyu's "dramatic" ex-wife: the things behind Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination

Wang Yuxin's marriage story

Wang Yuxin's story tells us that marriage is not the only choice, and you can live your own wonderful life after divorce. It is indeed a big surprise that she was shortlisted for the Best Heroine of the Golden Jue this time. Netizens left messages: "This sister is also very hard, and she still works so hard after the divorce." Someone else said: "Huang Jingyu was really trampled under his feet this time." ”

Huang Jingyu's "dramatic" ex-wife: the things behind Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination

However, every time Wang Yuxin comes out to jump, it always makes people feel a little funny. Some netizens ridiculed: "What kind of disease does this sister have, and she has to jump out every year?" Someone else said: "Huang Jingyu has an unconscious ex-wife." Anyway, Wang Yuxin's voice has indeed attracted a lot of attention.

Huang Jingyu's "dramatic" ex-wife: the things behind Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination

The controversy behind the heat

Every time Wang Yuxin speaks, it is always accompanied by controversy. It was indeed a big surprise that she was shortlisted for the Best Actress of the Golden Jue this time, but her shouting also made everyone talk about it. Some netizens said: "This sister is also very hardworking, and she dares to say anything for the sake of popularity." Some people ridiculed: "Wang Yuxin is going to use the Golden Jue nomination to become popular again?" ”

Huang Jingyu's "dramatic" ex-wife: the things behind Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination

However, in any case, Wang Yuxin's voice did attract a lot of attention. Huang Jingyu's fans are also getting more and more angry with her, and many people think that she is just rubbing the heat. Netizens left messages: "Huang Jingyu has a jumping ex-wife every year, and she is unlucky." Someone else said: "Wang Yuxin is adding to Huang Jingyu's blockage?" ”

Huang Jingyu's "dramatic" ex-wife: the things behind Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination


The farce between Huang Jingyu and Wang Yuxin has become a hot topic among netizens. Every time Wang Yuxin comes out to jump, it always makes people feel a little funny, and Huang Jingyu's fans are getting more and more angry with her. In any case, this farce will continue, and everyone will continue to watch the excitement.

Huang Jingyu's "dramatic" ex-wife: the things behind Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination

Netizens left messages: "This sister is also very hardworking, and she dares to say anything for the sake of popularity." Some people also ridiculed: "Huang Jingyu has a bouncing ex-wife every year, and she is unlucky enough." Anyway, Wang Yuxin's voice has indeed attracted a lot of attention. Everyone is also looking forward to what new drama will be staged next.

Huang Jingyu's "dramatic" ex-wife: the things behind Wang Yuxin's Golden Jue nomination

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