
Chief Interview | Yiqi Ai Guwen: Iterative Employee Welfare Thinking And Digitally Retain the Back Wave

author:Chief Interview

The 14th Five-Year Plan mentions the need to "accelerate digital development and build a digital China." Grasping digital opportunities, releasing digital vitality, and giving full play to the new advantages of the digital economy have become the mission of the times; adapting to the changes of the times, comprehensively improving the level of digitalization, and reconstructing the core competitiveness of enterprises have become important and urgent tasks for enterprises.

So how exactly is digitalization understood? How can enterprises respond quickly and use new technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data to make changes? In response to digital-related issues, Phoenix Guangdong launched the "Light Up Digital China" topic, through dialogue with experts and scholars, Bay Area Chambers of Commerce Association and entrepreneurs to conduct a comprehensive analysis and interpretation, this dialogue, Phoenix Guangdong interviewed Yiqiai CEO Gu Wen.

Chief Interview | Yiqi Ai Guwen: Iterative Employee Welfare Thinking And Digitally Retain the Back Wave

Some time ago, there was a paragraph that was particularly popular on the Internet: "The post-70s leave is because the parents are uncomfortable, the post-80s leave is because the children are uncomfortable, the post-90s leave is uncomfortable for themselves, and the post-00s leave is to see the boss uncomfortable." Indeed, as a new generation of employees enters the workforce, there are more and more places where company managers are confused and scratching their heads. The boss wants to care for the employees, but he is struggling to find the cool spots of the young people.

"The type of welfare is single, the choice is small; the gifts are old-fashioned and lack of novelty; things are too heavy and inconvenient to carry...", originally wanted to send benefits, the result became a trouble that employees complained about. Just like a straight man who gives gifts to his girlfriend, racking his brains is also rare to be a beautiful person.

What to do, how to send out the benefits that make the "girlfriend" satisfied, from the "I think" domineering president to the intimate warm man of "what do you think"?

As we all know, what Houlang wants most is the "right to choose", and the employee benefits of flexible choice, diverse personality and continuous innovation are its cool spots, and it is also the company's weapon to let employees have a sense of emotional belonging.

And this kind of welfare must be inseparable from the support of a set of digital tools. In the view of Gu Wen, CEO of Yiqiai, "In the face of the new generation of talents, entrepreneurs need to pay attention to the updating and iteration of employee care ideas, and use digital tools to empower talent management systems with the times, in order to make good generals tide." ”

Using SaaS software to provide a "one-stop digital platform for employee life services", integrating many food, clothing, housing and entertainment consumption entrances. And based on the feedback of big data algorithms for intelligent welfare management, coupled with cloud data collaboration and refined operation, on the employee side, so that employees of small and medium-sized enterprises can enjoy the same latest customized welfare experience as large enterprises; on the enterprise side, let enterprises retain talents, to achieve cost reduction and efficiency. This is the starting point of YiQiAi.

The double helix gene combines to build two major barriers to competition

Ten years of grinding a sword, as early as 2009, Gu Wen entered the enterprise welfare service industry, starting from the business of several hundred people in the CcB, slowly getting bigger and deeper, precipitating more than ten years of accumulation and thinking. "Enterprise service is the most knowledgeable, is a slow work, fine work, need practical experience and digital two legs to walk." Veteran teams come to do it and can go faster and farther. ”

Not only that, in Gu Wen's view, in addition to the team advantage, Yiqiai also has a double helix gene of digital technology and e-commerce operation. As a new generation company incubated by the parent company Licai Network, a veteran human resources SaaS service provider, YiqiAi is born with its own digital genes. Not long ago, it integrated an e-commerce company that GMV did billions of dollars last year - Chongqing Caterpillar E-commerce Co., Ltd., integrating e-commerce genes, dual genes promote each other, so that enterprises have entered a spiraling, positive cycle of development track.

It is understood that Caterpillar E-commerce was established in 2015, focusing on the industrialization of e-commerce and providing professional store operation services for many brand enterprises. In the past 6 years, the team has developed from 8 people to more than 500 people, and the annual business volume has increased at a rate of 200%, and it has grown into one of the largest e-commerce integrated service enterprises in the southwest region. With the unique e-commerce planning concept, it has created a number of category firsts and explosive models, serving customers covering Philips, Panasonic, Jiumu, Shuijingfang, Sony, Haier, Angel and other well-known brands at home and abroad.

"Employees have a strong demand for intelligent e-commerce services, so after the strong combination with caterpillars, the fusion of the two genes has brought us unexpected competitive barriers."

In Gu Wen's view, there are currently two major competitive barriers: supply chain barriers and operational barriers.

"Enterprises choose us, the first thing to value is to save time, trouble and money." Gu Wen once contacted an investment group customer, for the staff welfare procurement specially raised a team, one by one to investigate, dock, adjust suppliers, every month to spend more than 300,000 costs, time-consuming and costly.

"Later they found us, our entire software service is charged 20 yuan a year for one person, not only a SaaS entrance to integrate more than a dozen consumer platforms, but also through the collection advantages in the supply chain, so that employees can buy the same products at a more favorable price, which is much cheaper than the membership fee of 99 yuan a year of" In turn, the browsing data of these platforms continues to feed back to the background, bringing continuous optimization of selection, recommendation and procurement, continuously improving GMV, and allowing us to build higher and higher barriers in the supply chain. ”

Secondly, "doing To B enterprise services is very different from To C." C-end products focus on standardization, but B-end focuses on meeting a large number of customized needs of customers, which inevitably requires intelligent operation capabilities supported by big data. In Gu Wen's view, this is the biggest difference between YiqiAi and other traditional gift companies and e-commerce companies.

In fact, SaaS is software as a service, and in the era of cloud services, it is difficult to make a lasting profit by selling SaaS software alone. Often, users are reluctant to pay for software products, but are willing to pay for services that solve problems. Therefore, from the idea of "selling products" to the idea of "seeking service opportunities", it can be said that the purpose of SaaS customer acquisition is to obtain service opportunities, so operational capabilities are the core competitiveness of SaaS service providers.

"Compared with traditional gift companies, we have more planning capabilities based on data feedback, which can cover a large number of constantly updated employee care scenarios and intelligently generate planning plans." Compared with the traditional e-commerce platform, we are more vertical to the employee welfare track and can give a higher degree of customized services. These two relative advantages constitute barriers to the intelligent operation of Yiqiai. Gu Wen said frankly.

The market share of the head company is less than 1%, and the trillion-level blue ocean market is setting sail

"At present, the e-commerce part is our core profit point, and e-commerce will also be a very good direction in the next 5 years, especially the e-commerce services within the enterprise." At present, no one in the entire enterprise service market is particularly large. Gu Wen analyzed.

It is understood that in the field of intelligent SaaS platform for employee welfare, the annual turnover of the largest company in China has exceeded 10 billion, but the market share is less than 1%, which shows that the entire market capacity is as high as trillions. More importantly, at present, this market has not yet formed a giant monopoly, and it is truly a blue ocean track of digital upgrading.

"From the big system of human resources services of the parent company, YiqiAi extracted an important and urgently needed small module - the welfare of the new generation of employees, to carry out refined deep ploughing and breakthrough, which is to see the unlimited opportunities in this big market." Gu Wen said.

【Production】Phoenix Network Guangdong News Center

【Written by】 Yu Fei

【Reviewer】Hu Min

[Editor] Chen Xiaoting

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