
#Flag Awarding Ceremony For a Year#Laobian Public Security Substation revisited the oath of joining the police at the Willow Police Station

author:Yingkou Police
#Flag Awarding Ceremony For a Year#Laobian Public Security Substation revisited the oath of joining the police at the Willow Police Station
#Flag Awarding Ceremony For a Year#Laobian Public Security Substation revisited the oath of joining the police at the Willow Police Station

On August 26, 2020, the flag-awarding ceremony of the Chinese Police Police Was held in the Great Hall of the People. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, presented the flag and delivered a speech to the Chinese police force.

#Flag Awarding Ceremony For a Year#Laobian Public Security Substation revisited the oath of joining the police at the Willow Police Station

Today, August 26, 2021. The Laobian Public Security Bureau relived the oath of joining the police at the Willow Police Station. Bao Gongyu, deputy secretary of the party group and political commissar of the Laobian Public Security Sub-bureau, took the lead in taking the oath.

#Flag Awarding Ceremony For a Year#Laobian Public Security Substation revisited the oath of joining the police at the Willow Police Station

"I swear: I volunteer to become the people's police of the People's Republic of China, dedicate myself to the lofty cause of people's public security, resolutely be loyal to the party, serve the people, enforce the law justly, and have strict discipline, unswervingly be the builder and defender of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive to maintain the stability of the overall social situation, promote social fairness and justice, and ensure that the people live and work in peace and contentment!"

#Flag Awarding Ceremony For a Year#Laobian Public Security Substation revisited the oath of joining the police at the Willow Police Station

In the oath that resounded through the clouds, the learning atmosphere of the old border public security sub-bureau was pushed to a new climax. After the activity, Bao Gongyu, deputy secretary of the party leading group and political commissar of the Laobian Public Security Sub-bureau, summed up the public security work in the past year. Comrades unanimously expressed that it is necessary to further study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's precepts as an important political task, take General Secretary Xi Jinping's precepts as an order, keep in mind the mission, hold high the police flag, move forward courageously, and resolutely complete the mission and tasks entrusted by the party and the people.

#Flag Awarding Ceremony For a Year#Laobian Public Security Substation revisited the oath of joining the police at the Willow Police Station

In the past year, all the police officers of the Laobian Public Security Sub-Bureau have interpreted the sixteen-character general requirements of "loyalty to the party, service to the people, fairness in law enforcement, and strict discipline" with practical actions. In the future, we will continue to remember the entrustment, forge ahead, and maintain the safety of the party!

#Flag Awarding Ceremony For a Year#Laobian Public Security Substation revisited the oath of joining the police at the Willow Police Station

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