
The water level of the Canal River in Quxian County, Dazhou County, Sichuan Province, rose sharply All 37 townships in the county were affected


  Chengdu, July 11 (Reporter Fu Xiongzhu) Reporters learned from the flood control headquarters of Qu County, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province, that as of 15:00 on July 11, the water level of the Canal River caused by continuous heavy rainfall rose sharply, resulting in all 37 townships (street offices) in the county being affected.

The water level of the Canal River in Quxian County, Dazhou County, Sichuan Province, rose sharply All 37 townships in the county were affected

  Up to now, the water level of Sanhui Town, where the Ba River and the Zhou River meet, has reached 262.82 meters (net increase of 21.95 meters), exceeding the guaranteed water level by 2.31 meters and flowing by 23,400 cubic meters per second; the water level in quxian urban area is 250.01 meters (net increase of 19.01 meters), the water level is 0.67 meters above the guaranteed water level, the flow rate is 19,500 cubic meters per second, and the water level of the canal river continues to rise.

  The Flood Control Headquarters of Quxian County, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province, said that the fierce flood and the rapid rise in water level caused all 37 townships (street offices) in the county to be affected, of which 11 townships and towns were seriously affected, industry, agriculture, and commerce were hit hard, mass housing, road traffic, municipal facilities, and public welfare facilities were seriously damaged, and related economic losses were being statistically verified.

  At 3:00 a.m. on July 11, the Level I flood control emergency response was launched, 269 emergency resettlement sites were set up, and more than 35,000 people have been relocated. The county's finance urgently allocated 10 million yuan of special disaster relief funds, organized 29 emergency rescue detachments of 3861 people, and reserved more than 32,300 pieces of emergency rescue equipment and materials of 16 categories such as storm boats, rubber boats, and life jackets, all of which have been arranged in place.

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