
It's amazing! The story behind the executive's bet with a "cut belly" was unexpected

author:Ye Tan Finance
It's amazing! The story behind the executive's bet with a "cut belly" was unexpected

Recently, a strange company caught fire, and the way of fire is very unique.

The company's deputy general manager publicly declared in the circle of friends, "Next year's market value is not 50 billion, and I apologize." ”

I have to say that this is really a propaganda for life.

The secretary of the company's board of directors immediately came to the round field, indicating that this was a mis-sent content, please don't take it too seriously.

The exchange also reacted quickly and immediately issued a regulatory warning to the vice president.

Netizens have said that they have never seen such a "sand sculpture" vice president, which is really strange.

This company is called NORD Shares, and it can be said that it is also a wild horse running wild on the lithium battery track.

For high-quality companies in the lithium battery industry, the director has introduced many companies to everyone, and NORD shares are also within the scope of the director's attention.

The vice president's "cutting the abdomen" remarks are strange, but what is the value of the company itself, and what gives the vice president the courage to "cut the abdomen"? Will he be punched in the face next year?

Let's take a look.

It's amazing! The story behind the executive's bet with a "cut belly" was unexpected

Another star of the new energy track

The main components of lithium batteries believe that everyone should be more familiar with it, which can be roughly divided into positive electrode materials, negative electrode materials, diaphragms, and electrolytes.

In addition to these, the material of lithium batteries can also be more finely divided.

Copper foil, which is a segment with a relatively large cost, currently accounts for 5% to 10% of the total cost of lithium batteries. It can be said that it is one of the top five important materials for lithium batteries.

Since copper foil is mainly used on the negative electrode, it is sometimes included in the cost of the negative electrode material.

In terms of official interpretation, in the field of lithium-ion batteries, copper foil is used as a carrier and collector of the negative electrode of lithium-ion batteries, which is the most basic raw material for lithium-ion batteries.

Of course, copper foil can also be divided into lithium battery copper foil and electronic circuit copper foil according to the process and performance, etc. Here we are mainly talking about lithium battery copper foil.

Nord co., Ltd. is precisely one of the most interesting companies in the domestic copper foil industry.

From the perspective of revenue proportion, 87.62% of nord's revenue in 2020 came from copper foil products, and the scale reached 1.888 billion yuan.

The rest of the company's business includes wire and cable components and leasing and trading business. Obviously, the company's core product is copper foil.

From the performance point of view, this year's NORD shares can be said to have found a breakthrough in fluctuations.

It's amazing! The story behind the executive's bet with a "cut belly" was unexpected

Source: wind

As can be seen from the above figure, in terms of revenue, the company's growth trend in the past two decades is still very clear.

As of the third quarter of this year, the company's performance has improved by leaps and bounds, and has surpassed the total revenue of previous years.

It's amazing! The story behind the executive's bet with a "cut belly" was unexpected

On the profit side, it can be seen from the above figure that the company has still had twists and turns in recent years, and it is not until this year that the company's profits have achieved a qualitative leap.

Previously, the main problem on the profit side of the company was some non-performing assets, which included some businesses such as cables other than copper foil.

On the other hand, from 2018 to 2019, the core customer of NORD shares at that time, Jianruiwo, went bankrupt, and the company made a large number of bad debt provisions, resulting in serious damage to profits.

Not only that, in the first two years, due to the fierce competition in the industry, everyone made concessions on the profit side in order to seize the market.

At present, these negative factors have been eliminated. With the outbreak of new energy vehicles and energy storage industries, the demand for lithium batteries is driving the company's performance upward rapidly.

It's amazing! The story behind the executive's bet with a "cut belly" was unexpected

Lithium battery copper foil is an important material that is overlooked

So what is the actual competitiveness of NORD shares? It is still necessary to figure out the development trend and market prospects of copper foil.

Theoretically, the thinner the copper foil, the smaller the internal resistance, the stronger the conductivity, and the better the corresponding battery energy density and cycle life.

Therefore, from the technical route, whoever can make the copper foil thin, who can lead the entire industry and seize the pricing power.

Among the A-share listed companies, in addition to NORD shares, companies with large copper foil business include Jiayuan Technology, Chaohua Technology and Jiangxi Copper.

Among them, Jiayuan Technology should be regarded as the biggest competitor of NORD shares.

In the entire industry, at present, only a few companies such as NORD and Jiayuan Technology can achieve the mass production of extremely thin copper foil in China, and the likes of Chaohua Technology have just completed research and development.

However, looking at the world, the top production capacity of copper foil is mainly in the hands of Japanese and Korean companies, but at least NORD and Jiayuan have ranked fifth in the world.

For Chinese enterprises, the biggest advantage is the market.

China is currently the world's largest producer of copper foil, and at the same time sits on the world's leading lithium battery manufacturers such as NINGDE Times and BYD, and the market prospect is undoubtedly very ideal.

The favorable policies for new energy vehicles and energy storage make the certainty of the entire industry very high.

Just this week, blockbuster documents on carbon neutrality peaking were released one after another.

Among them, on the basis of the previous penetration rate of new energy vehicles reaching 20% in 2025, it is proposed that the penetration rate will reach 40% by 2030.

It can be said that this is to further determine the future development space of the industry.

Based on the penetration rate of new energy vehicles at the end of 2020 of just over 5%, we can see very clearly the certainty of the entire industry in the next decade.

In such a big environment, the opportunity for each lithium battery subdivision leader is undoubtedly huge.

It's amazing! The story behind the executive's bet with a "cut belly" was unexpected

Don't be the number one rival is pulling the gap

As of the press release, the market value of NORD shares is 31.8 billion yuan, which is still a big gap from the vice president's blowing space.

But speaking of this, of course, we have to mention the current number one enemy of Nord shares, Jiayuan Technology.

In terms of market capitalization, Jiayuan Technology, which is in the science and technology innovation board, is currently 39.7 billion yuan, which is significantly ahead of NORD shares.

From the perspective of gross profit margin, jiayuan technology is still 5 to 6 percentage points ahead of nord shares, indicating that the company's overall operation still has certain advantages.

From this point of view, the vice president of NORD shares may really not be too happy, rather than blowing the market value target for next year to 50 billion, it is better to find a way to surpass Jiayuan Technology.

Shortly after the vice president took the order to blow the ticket, NORD shares released this year's three quarterly reports.

On the surface, the company's performance in the third quarter of this year seems to be good. The year-on-year growth rate of net profit reached 8663%, which is really amazing.

However, the company's performance has been introduced above, mainly because of the huge losses in the previous two years, resulting in a decrease in the base of net profit. The ultra-high net profit growth rate is actually not surprising.

At the same time, a careful comparison of the second quarter can be found that the non-net profit of NORD shares in the third quarter is even down from the previous quarter.

Looking at the three quarterly reports of Jiayuan Technology, the revenue and profit in the third quarter continued to maintain a comprehensive and steady growth, which can be said to have sounded another alarm bell for Nord shares.

Therefore, if you fall behind in the competition with Jiayuan Technology, then the vice president of NORD shares may be very embarrassed at that time.

Finally, let's talk about a related interesting thing.

On April 3, 2019, Wuliangye's stock price exceeded the 100 yuan mark. Zou Tao, vice chairman of Wuliangye Group at the time, shouted in the circle of friends: "Unswervingly promote the return of the value and price of Wuliangye", and also accompanied by the following meme.

It's amazing! The story behind the executive's bet with a "cut belly" was unexpected

It can be said that it is almost the same as the vice president of Nord shares this time.

However, since then, everyone has seen things, and it is only recently that liquor stocks have encountered some ups and downs.

Of course, we still do not advocate such behavior. Instead of blowing tickets throughout the work, it is better to spend more effort to run the company well.

What are your different views on the vice president's bizarre behavior and the prospects of NORD shares? Welcome to the message area to exchange and share.

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