
Swipe the screen! 5 times the big bull stock executives "desperate" to recommend stocks: the market value is not 50 billion to cut the abdomen to apologize! The company urgently "extinguished the fire" at night, and the supervision also shot quickly

author:Securities Times

"Next year's market value is not 50 billion, and I will apologize!" A sentence from Deputy General Manager Chen Yubi made NORD shares completely "fire".

On October 26, a circle of friends with a "market value of not 50 billion cuts and apologies" instantly swept the screen. The party who sent this circle of friends is Chen Yubi, deputy general manager of nord shares of the A-share listed company Nord. It is extremely rare for company executives to recommend their own stocks so "desperately", which immediately aroused widespread attention and discussion in the market and investors.

It is worth noting that the data shows that NORD shares are mainly engaged in lithium battery copper foil, and the company's stock price has risen by more than 500% in the past two years, and has recently refreshed a record high. Some people say that this is a signal that the stock price has peaked, be careful of the quilt cover; some people say that if you dare to shout like this, it shows that you are very confident in the profitability of your company; and another shareholder ridicules: "I can't buy it, why should Mr. Chen say this angry words!" ”

After the fermentation of public opinion, NORD shares urgently issued a clarification announcement to "extinguish the fire". Nord said that the wording used by Chen Yubi was not rigorous enough, which adversely affected the company; Chen Yubi apologized for the impact of the incident on the market. He himself has conducted a deep reflection on this behavior and apologized for the negative impact caused by this behavior to the company and the majority of investors.

Shortly after the company issued a clarification announcement, NORD shares received a regulatory work letter from the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The SSE requires companies and relevant responsible persons to take this as a warning, attach great importance to the above problems, and prevent the recurrence of such problems. At the same time, the company is required to self-examine whether all directors, supervisors and senior personnel have other improper behaviors that violate the information disclosure regulations.

"Desperate" stock recommendation

The wind of new energy has a stronger and fiercer trend, and on top of this outlet, Tesla's market value has been praised as trillions of dollars, and A-share related concept stocks have continued to strengthen. On October 26, lithium battery stocks such as NINGDE Times, BYD, Polyfluoride, Jiayuan Technology, Yongtai Technology, Shanshan Shares, and German Nano all hit a record high in the intraday.

As a member of the lithium battery industry chain, NORD shares, which are mainly engaged in lithium battery copper foil, have also risen by more than 150% this year, and the cumulative increase in the past two years has exceeded 500%. Although the stock price can be ranked in the top 15 among lithium battery stocks, the stock has not been well-known in the capital market before, and it belongs to the type of silently enjoying the good times in the industry.

However, with the company's executives on October 26 a "market value is not 50 billion cut belly apology" circle of friends screen, NORD shares in the capital market completely fire.

On the same day, a screenshot of the circle of friends about Chen Yubi, vice president of NORD shares, was widely circulated among investors. In the screenshot of the network transmission, Chen Yubi, deputy general manager of NORD Shares, released a circle of friends and said: "Please support NORD, next year's market value is not 50 billion, I apologize." Soon after, a circle of friends suspected of being the secretary of the company's board of directors flowed out, suspected of responding to the above incident, which said that it was sent by mistake.

In the secondary market, nord shares hit a record high at the end of September, and has maintained a high level of volatility in recent days, as of the close of october 26, the company's stock price was reported at 23.56 yuan / share, approaching a record high, the latest market value of 32.9 billion yuan, from the market value of 50 billion is still more than 17 billion yuan, there is still 52% of the space.

At a time when the stock price is high, the executives of listed companies are so "desperate" to recommend their own stocks, which is extremely rare and instantly triggers heated discussions in the market. Some netizens commented, "Old shareholders, or people who have been deceived know that this is the top." Some netizens also said that they dared to shout like this, indicating that they were very confident in the profitability of their company; another shareholder joked: "I can't buy it, why should Mr. Chen say this angry words, I support the market value to 100 billion." ”

It is worth noting that in April this year, the 2021 stock option incentive plan of NORD shares was completed for the first time, and 133 people were granted a total of 28.5 million shares at a grant price of 7.55 yuan per share. Among them, as the executive deputy general manager of the company, Chen Yubi was granted 1.5561 million stock options.

The corresponding assessment year of the exercise period of the stock options granted by the above incentive plan is the three fiscal years from 2021 to 2023, each fiscal year is assessed once, and the performance appraisal target is 302.96 million yuan in 2021, the net profit of the copper foil business subsidiary in 2022 is 393.85 million yuan, the net profit of the copper foil business subsidiary is 512.01 million yuan in 2023, and the exercise ratio of the three exercise periods is 40%, 30% and 30% respectively.

Emergency "fire extinguishing"

With the continuous fermentation of public opinion, listed companies are also a bit panicked. On the evening of the same day, NORD shares issued an emergency announcement to "extinguish the fire".

NORD shares said that the above screenshot was published to a small number of his personal friends, so the wording used was not serious and rigorous, which adversely affected the company; the outlook for the company's future market value in the screenshot was based on the individual's outlook for the securities market of the new sector, and did not provide investment advice to anyone, nor did it represent the company's position.

In the announcement, NORD shares said that it was concerned that some online platforms had market rumors such as "vice president pushing votes over sellers". At about 10:00 p.m. on October 22, Chen Yubi, deputy general manager of NORD Co., Ltd., made a mistake in setting up a small number of friends in the WeChat circle of friends to see, mistakenly sent relevant information about the company's future market value expectations and distributed posters of his personal speeches in a past conference, which he himself found out and deleted immediately in a short period of time.

On October 26, the relevant screenshots of the circle of friends were widely disseminated on the Internet, which adversely affected the company. In order to safeguard the interests of the majority of investors and avoid the majority of investors from misinterpreting the content of the above reports, the company has carefully verified the relevant contents of the media reports, and hereby clarifies the relevant situation as follows:

1. The object of the screenshot is a small number of his personal friends, so the wording used is not serious and rigorous enough, which has adversely affected the company.

2. The outlook for the company's future market value in the screenshot is based on the individual's outlook for the securities market of the new sector, and does not provide investment advice to anyone and does not represent the company's position.

3. The rumors involve that the target is affected by various factors and has the risk that it cannot be achieved, and there is a major uncertainty, and the majority of investors are reminded of the investment risks. The company will strictly comply with the provisions and requirements of relevant laws and regulations to fulfill the obligation of information disclosure.

4. The company's current production and operation situation is normal, and the board of directors of the company confirms that the company does not have any matters that should be disclosed but have not been disclosed in relevant laws, regulations and normative documents.

At the same time, NORD shares said that the company attaches great importance to the incident, and Chen Yubi apologized for the impact of the incident on the market. He himself has conducted a deep reflection on this behavior and apologized for the negative impact caused by this behavior to the company and the majority of investors. He himself said that he would strengthen the study of relevant laws, regulations and normative documents to prevent the recurrence of such things. The company also apologizes for this, and will further strengthen management, urge the relevant management personnel of the company to conscientiously study and strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations and normative documents, and consciously maintain the order of the securities market.

Regulatory shots

Shortly after the company issued a clarification announcement, NORD shares received a regulatory work letter from the Shanghai Stock Exchange, requiring the company and relevant responsible persons to take it as a warning, attach great importance to the above problems, and prevent the recurrence of such problems. At the same time, the company is required to self-check whether all directors, supervisors and senior personnel have other improper behaviors that violate the provisions on information disclosure, and if so, please correct them immediately.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange pointed out that on the 26th, some media paid attention to the inappropriate remarks of Chen Yubi, deputy general manager of the company, on the company's market value, which caused widespread concern and discussion in the market and investors. The above matters reflect the Company's deficiencies in information disclosure and internal governance. The SSE clarifies the work requirements for relevant matters as follows:

First, the company and relevant responsible persons should take this as a warning and attach great importance to the above problems. All directors, supervisors and senior management of the company shall strengthen the prudence of publicly releasing information; At the same time, we should improve the awareness of information disclosure, fulfill the obligation of information disclosure in accordance with laws and regulations, and prevent the recurrence of such problems.

2. The company shall strengthen the training of business rules for all directors, supervisors and senior management personnel, enhance the compliance awareness of relevant personnel, and ensure that the work related to information disclosure is carried out in a compliant and orderly manner.

3. Please check whether all directors, supervisors and senior management personnel have other improper behaviors that violate the provisions on information disclosure, and if so, please correct them immediately.

The company shall, in the spirit of being responsible for investors, conscientiously rectify and reform, standardize the behavior of directors, supervisors and senior management in releasing information to the outside world, improve the company's internal control system, strictly abide by the Stock Listing Rules and other relevant provisions of the Firm, and ensure that the company's information disclosure is true, accurate, complete, timely and fair.

Benefit lithium batteries

NORD co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of electrolytic copper foil for lithium-ion batteries, is one of the earliest companies in China to produce lithium battery copper foil, and is also the first listed enterprise of electrolytic copper foil in China. The company's main products lithium battery copper foil is used in lithium-ion battery products, and finally applied to new energy vehicles, 3C  Digital, energy storage systems and other terminal products, of which new energy vehicles are currently the largest application areas.

In the first half of this year, the operating income of NORD shares was 2 billion yuan, an increase of 153.42% year-on-year; the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 201 million yuan, compared with a loss of 17.69 million yuan in the same period last year. During the reporting period, the demand for new energy power battery customer orders increased significantly year-on-year, and the demand for lithium battery copper foil also increased significantly. At the same time, due to the tight supply and demand of copper foil products, the price increased compared with the same period last year.

In the domestic market, the company maintains stable cooperation with customers such as CATL Times, BYD, AVIC Lithium Battery, Guoxuan Hi-Tech, Yiwei Lithium Energy, Fu Neng Technology and so on; at the same time, the company also supplies batches to overseas customers LG Chemical, Panasonic, ATL, SKI and so on.

According to the data, NORD co., Ltd. has two production bases based on lithium battery copper foil in Xining City, Qinghai Province and Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, and is one of the leading copper foil production enterprises in china, of which qinghai copper foil base has a production capacity of 35,000 tons / year, a production capacity of 15,000 tons / year, and a preparatory production capacity of 15,000 tons / year, and the total production capacity will reach 65,000 tons / year after completion; The Huizhou copper foil base has a production capacity of 0.8 million tons / year, a production capacity of 12,000 tons / year, and a total production capacity of 20,000 tons / year after completion.

After the completion of the above two copper foil production bases, the total annual output will reach 85,000 tons, which is in the leading position in the industry. In the semi-annual report, NORD said that the two projects under construction in Qinghai and Huizhou are progressing smoothly and are expected to be completed by the end of this year. In the coming years, the company will carry out steady expansion according to market demand to maintain the company's leading position in the industry.

The research report released by Guohai Securities in mid-September pointed out that considering the expansion cycle of lithium battery copper foil and the rapid growth of power battery demand, it is believed that lithium battery copper foil processing fees are expected to continue to rise. In addition, the thinning trend is clear, 4.5μ in the processing fee is significantly higher than the 6μ product, and the profitability is expected to further thicken. The company includes global high-quality customers, including Ningde, BYD, LGC, SKI, etc., and is expected to continue to enjoy the rise in quantity and profit in the future. In early September, Minsheng Securities analysts Ding Ya and Li Jingbo also released a research report that it is expected that this year and next year, the progress of capacity expansion will still lag behind the increase in demand, copper foil is still expected to rise in price, and the company's net profit per ton will gradually increase.

However, the reporter found through the Wind database query that since the end of September, as the stock price of NORD shares has remained at a historical high, there are no new brokers to publish research reports on the company.

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