
Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants: The world's top ten seafood ingredients, the treasure of high-end banquets

author:Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants

They come from the vast and mysterious ocean, the meat is extremely delicious, it is the most delicious dish in the world, and it is rich in nutrients, with a very low calorie content, and it is also a green and healthy tonic. Due to rarity, fishing difficulties, preservation and transportation is not easy, and the value is not cheap, it is the treasure of the "town seat" at the large banquet! The Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna offers you these delicious meals!

Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants: The world's top ten seafood ingredients, the treasure of high-end banquets

Australian abalone

Australian abalone: Australia's largest abalone species, large in size, thick in flesh, black on the edge of the gastropods, rich in muscle nutrition, delicious and delicious, for seafood treasures, one of the world's top ten seafood ingredients. The inside of its shell has a dazzling nacre layer, which is not only used for medicinal purposes, but also a precious raw material for making shell carving and inlaying mother shells. The commercial value is extremely high.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants: The world's top ten seafood ingredients, the treasure of high-end banquets

Red crab

Red crab: One of the top 10 seafood ingredients in the world. If the king crab is the "king" of the crab and the snow crab is the "long-legged Oba" in the crab, then the red crab "dressed in red sables" is the noble lady in the seafood. Although it does not have the domineering spirit of the king crab, the skin of the snow crab is not smooth, but the body hides the delicate and delicious "heart", and the king crab and the pine leaf crab are called the three famous crabs in Japan, and are known for their beautiful appearance.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants: The world's top ten seafood ingredients, the treasure of high-end banquets


Oysters: worldwide distribution, high-quality seafood shellfish, common seafood cuisine, the taste is extremely delicious, of which the French Belon oyster is one of the world's top ten seafood ingredients, known as the king of consumption. Meat and shell can be used in medicine, with high medicinal value, its zinc content ranks first in human food, can treat weakness, detoxification, lower blood pressure, nourish yin and aphrodisiac.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants: The world's top ten seafood ingredients, the treasure of high-end banquets

Australian lobster

Australian lobster: one of the top 10 seafood ingredients in the world. Its meat is delicate, tender and delicious, and the meat yield is almost twice that of other lobster varieties. The big dish of important foreign large-scale banquets will have an Australian lobster "sitting" during the banquet. Moreover, in our country, the symbol is red and hot, dominating the top, important festivals and festive occasions are very suitable.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants: The world's top ten seafood ingredients, the treasure of high-end banquets

King crab

King crab: an important edible seafood crab, one of the world's top ten seafood ingredients. It is a deep-sea crab, with a large body, with black hook-shaped knuckles at the end of its large legs, and is known as the "king of crabs". It is high in protein, extremely low in calories, and the meat is extremely delicious. It is not the same species as the emperor crab produced in Australia.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants: The world's top ten seafood ingredients, the treasure of high-end banquets

Canadian elephant mussels

Canadian elephant mussel: its red tube is fat and succulent, is a famous high-grade economic shellfish, one of the world's top ten seafood ingredients, the largest known drill hole double-shellfish, succulent rainbow tube resembles an elephant trunk and got its name. It has the advantages of large individual size, fast growth, delicious taste and high economic value. Its meat yield is as high as 60-70%, which is uncommon in shellfish.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants: The world's top ten seafood ingredients, the treasure of high-end banquets

Chinese splendid lobster

Chinese Splendid Lobster: The largest lobster variety found at present, it is one of the top ten seafood ingredients in the world. It belongs to the light sea lobster, the body color is colorful and bright, the meat is tender and rich, and it is not lost. From Western-style shrimp tail meals such as grilled and baked to lobster full-body dishes with Chinese colors, aromas and flavors. It is said that eating flower dragons will have a prosperous business for the New Year, and the dragons will be fierce.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants: The world's top ten seafood ingredients, the treasure of high-end banquets

Frog crab

Frog crab: One of the world's top 10 seafood ingredients, named after its frog-like appearance. Bottom trawling is used and production is not large. Graded by size, baskets, boxes of fresh transport on the market. Shelled, gill, stomach after eating its meat, the meat is full, delicious, nutritious, the food method is similar to lobster, steaming, boiling, is the common seafood ingredients for high-end banquets.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants: The world's top ten seafood ingredients, the treasure of high-end banquets

Bluefin tuna

Bluefin Tuna: One of the world's top ten seafood ingredients, one of the world's most popular edible fish, one of the fastest fish in the world, the largest species of tuna family, pelagic migratory fish, seasonally close to the coast, happy flocks, the deepest can dive up to 9850m. Due to overfishing and its slow growth, EU fisheries experts warn that if fishing is not restricted, it will face extinction.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants: The world's top ten seafood ingredients, the treasure of high-end banquets

Australian Emperor Crab

Australian Emperor Crab: The world's heaviest crab (the heaviest up to 14kg), the size of the second largest crab in the world after the giant crab, one of the world's top ten seafood ingredients, known as the hall of the best seafood. Only in high-end hotels, restaurants can be seen, the price is also the most expensive, a Chinese Australian emperor crab on the table often cost tens of thousands of yuan.

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Note: This article is the original of the Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants, please indicate the source when reprinting.

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