
Leadership of Marquis Wenhou of Wei and King Hui of Wei

author:Long winds far away

At the beginning of the Warring States period, the State of Wei spanned the north and south of the Yellow River, and its main territory included the southwest of present-day Shanxi, the northern part of Henan, and parts of Hebei and Shaanxi, which were the most economically and culturally developed areas at that time.

The State of Qin was still fighting with the Xi rong tribes, the State of Chu was in civil strife, the power of the State of Qi was falling, the Tian family was gradually replacing the Jiang family, and the surrounding powers did not pose a threat to the State of Wei for the time being.

Wei Wenhou was in danger and took the lead in carrying out reforms, and Wei Wenhou reused the Li Wu transformation method. Wei Guo's first gathering of talents gathered a lot of talents.

The chancellor Zhai Huang recommended two excellent generals, Wu Qi and Le Yang, to the monarch. Le Yang captured zhongshanguo, Wu Qizhen defended Xihe County, and the Qin people did not dare to expand eastward.

General Le Yang was originally a disciple of Zhai Huang, the Xiangguo of Wei, and although he was able to lead his troops to fight, although Le Yang was not as good as Wu Qi, he was definitely a first-class general, and it was still a matter of taking down a small Zhongshan Kingdom.

It is said that this Le yang led the Wei army to attack Zhongshan all the way to attack the city and pull up the village, and the momentum was like a bamboo, and in less than half a year, it hit Lingshou, the capital of the Zhongshan Kingdom. Lingshou City is a city with thick walls, dangerous terrain, and extremely abundant materials, and the King of Zhongshan, with a strong city and abundant grain and military resources, hid in Lingshou City, ready to fight with the Wei state to the end.

Le Yang could not make a substantial breakthrough for a while and a half. In desperation, he had no choice but to order the troops to surround this Lingshou, and in this way, the two sides entered a protracted war. The stalemate between the two sides lasted two years. During this time, there was constant discussion in the Wei court, and even more people secretly wrote some folds to give to Wei Wenhou, saying that this Happy Sheep may have been smuggled into zhongshan kingdom, or raised Kou to be self-respecting, and did not want to fight at all, so it became a stalemate. Wei Wenhou smiled when he saw these pieces, and casually threw them aside.

After a long time, the size of the Zhongshan Kingdom was too small, and finally it could not hold on, and the King of Zhongshan trapped the beast and sacrificed his own skill. Unfortunately, Le Yang's son Le Shu was in Zhongshan Kingdom. Zhongshan Guojun wrote to Le Yang threatening: "Your son can be here, if you immediately order the retreat, your son can survive, otherwise wait to drink his broth!" Please General Le Yang to be good to himself", after all, father and son are connected, and Le Yang's heart is sour, but on the surface he pretends not to care.

The King of Zhongshan was furious, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he killed Leshu and really made a broth and sent it to Leyang's military camp. Everyone looked at Le Yang, who tried to control his emotions and pretended to drink the broth in front of everyone.

When the news reached Lingshou City, the morale of the defenders suddenly collapsed, and the King of Zhongshan opened the Lingshou Gate and obediently went out of the city to surrender.

The State of Wei had two such famous generals, who killed the east and the west, opened up the territory and expanded the territory, and the prestige was great, and the princes were shocked for a while. It became the first country to rise in the Warring States.

Heaven favored the State of Wei, and during the reign of King Hui of Wei, two outstanding talents from Sun Zhi and Pang Juan came to the State of Wei successively, but later there was a matter of Sun Bing and Pang Juan fighting each other. What's going on?

Pang Juan and Sun Zhen were brothers in the same division, and they learned the skill of fighting with soldiers from Oniguzi.

Hearing that King Hui of Wei had recruited talents, Pang Juan interrupted his studies and went down to the mountain to join the State of Wei. King Hui of Wei appointed him a general, and Pang Juan fought many victorious battles. However, he was worried that Sun Bing's talent was superior to his own, so he pretended to invite Sun Zhi to assist King Hui of Wei, and Sun Bing was very happy, but what awaited him was an unimaginable disaster.

When Sun Zhi arrived in the State of Wei, he was not only not reused, but was tortured because of Pang Juan's frame-up, and when Qi Guo found out, he took away Sun Zhen, who pretended to be crazy and stupid. While the State of Wei was busy engaging Han and Zhao, Sun Zhi designed to defeat the Wei army twice, and Pang Juan committed suicide in shame.

Pang Juan was jealous of Xian's ability and was punished for his evil deeds, but King Hui of Wei also had the responsibility of negligence, and if King Hui of Wei could use Sun Zhen and Pang Juan well to coordinate the relationship between the two and let them perform their respective duties, then their contributions should not be less than those of Wu Qi and Le Yang.

Leadership of Marquis Wenhou of Wei and King Hui of Wei

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