
This is the most faceless group in Chinese history, which is rare in the world!

First of all, let's talk about a person, this person is An American, but there is a Chinese name, called Yu Yingshi.

First of all, when I briefly introduce this Yu Ying, he was originally a Chinese, and later went to the United States, became a famous anti-Chinese literati, and was proud to oppose China all his life. But some people praise him like this: "Professor Yu Yingshi is an internationally renowned master of historiography, the most influential Chinese intellectual in the world, and both Chinese and Western academic circles respect him as a titan of Chinese historiography in the 21st century." ”

Realistically speaking, Yu Yingshi's knowledge is a little, but as for the "Taidou", forget it. When he slandered Guo Moruo for plagiarizing his teacher Qian Mu, he had already been punched in the face. Do you remember what others said to him?

The first morality of scientific research is honesty: you may be dishonest in life, but you must not be dishonest in scientific research. Falsifying data is the biggest crime in scientific research, and anyone caught in a job may lose their qualifications to engage in scientific research. I think that deliberately tampering with citations in social science research for inhuman purposes is also equivalent to falsifying data, and once caught, even if it does not lose the qualifications for research, it cannot but make people doubt all their past, present and future achievements.

This is the most faceless group in Chinese history, which is rare in the world!

Yu Yingshi's lying and rumor-mongering did not only slander Guo Moruo for plagiarizing this one, he was a veteran. Yu Yingshi said this when he overturned zhou Zuoren's case: "I do not feel particularly reproachful for his acceptance of a false post, not to mention that recent discussions in the mainland have pointed out that this matter was promoted by the underground party on orders. "Everyone probably doesn't know about this matter, so I'll talk about it briefly." In 1987, there were some interview articles, which were some historical materials about Zhou Zuoren. Two of them talk about democrats finding an underground party member to discuss boycotting Miao Bin as the pseudo-education inspector (that is, the traitorous position held by Zhou Zuoren), and one of the democrats said that instead of letting Miao Bin be the one, it was better to let Zhou Zuoren be the one. As a result, when Yu Ying arrived, he became "the underground party was ordered to promote it." And those so-called "Zhou Zuoren historical materials", which were later stood up by the interviewees and made up serious statements, were tampered with and fabricated. It is a fabrication in itself, and a so-called "historical titan" cannot distinguish between true and false, and what is even more fatal is to further spread rumors on this basis, and the despicable nature of his academic character can be seen.

In the era when Chinese were mostly illiterate, the corrupt Confucians held the right to speak, and at that time they wanted to appoint themselves as a "titan", and the people had nothing to do. But this is not what it was.

Yu Yingshi's writings are very numerous, in fact, his core ideas can be summarized in three sentences.

First, China's intellectuals are now the object of suppression and control, and China is anti-intellectual.

See Yu Yingshi's "60 Years of Desolation in the Mainland Humanities World"

There is no need to pay any attention to such ridiculous remarks, it is ignorant and arrogant.

The biggest problem with China's corrupt Confucianism is that it does not know how high the sky is and how thick it is, and after reading a few broken books, it is thought that it can help the world.

Since Yu Yingshi believes that China is anti-intellectual, what exactly is this "wisdom" he refers to?

Is two bombs and one star "wise"? Is manned spaceflight "smart"? Is Chen Jingrun's "Chen Theory" considered "wisdom"? Is the Beidou system "smart"? Is "Loongson No. 1" considered "smart"? Is the Human Genome Project "smart"?

I'm sorry, but I can tell you that in the eyes of this "titan of Chinese historiography", all this does not count.

So what is "wisdom" in Yu Yingshi's eyes? This is his second core idea.

Second, when I was in Yuying, I was "wise".

What exactly is Yu Yingshi's "wisdom"?

Didn't we say before, Cheng Zhu Lixue's favorite sentence is "The way preached by Yao, Shun, the Three Kings, the Duke of Zhou, and Confucius has not tasted to walk between heaven and earth in a day." ”

We have also explained that the so-called "Tao" means the "virtue" of the Second Emperor, the "etiquette" of the Three Kings, and the "learning" of Confucius. What I want to express is that the emperors are not worthy of the throne. And those who have virtue are our corrupt Confucianism, and we are the ones who inherit the "Taoist system", that is, the "imperial masters". Yu Yingshi went one step further than Cheng Zhu Lixue and advanced to the "Confucian theory of main wisdom", where corrupt Confucians represented not only morality but also knowledge. See Yu Yingshi's Anti-Intellectualism and Chinese Political Tradition

So did Yu Yingshi have any remarkable and earth-shattering "insights"? No! In fact, in his bones, it is still the set of Cheng Zhu Lixue, changing the soup without changing the medicine.

Yu Yingshi was a very arrogant person, even more crazy than his ancestor Meng Ke. The famous saying of this house is: Where I am, where I am, is China.

He is also worthy of Yu Yingshi? Some scholars have long pointed out Yu Yingshi's faults: "Studying Chinese traditions without understanding the Chinese peasant problem is over." ”

"It is something that those who promote corruption, curse socialism, and praise Zhang Ailing at the Ivy League School cannot imagine."

This is the most faceless group in Chinese history, which is rare in the world!

First look at their ancestor Meng Ke. He was touted by Cheng Zhu Lixue as a sub-saint who continued to "Taoist unity" after Confucius.

Meng Ke, what ability is not, neither governing nor financial management, nor fighting wars. But in this way, he actually wanted to persuade the princes to be an official. In that era, there was really nothing wrong with wanting to mix with an official, and people like Meng Ke who had no ability and wanted to mix rice and eat grabbed a handful.

One year Meng Ke came to the State of Wei to meet King Hui of Wei, and King Hui of Wei said to Meng Ke: "I lost to the State of Qi in the east, and the princes were all dead; in the west, I was defeated by the State of Qin and lost seven hundred miles of land; and in the south, I was bullied by the State of Chu." I feel very ashamed, please come up with an idea? Meng Ke said: Then you practice benevolent government." After the implementation of benevolent government, even with wooden sticks, it was possible to resist the Qin and Chu armies with strong armor and sharp soldiers.

King Wei Hui looked at Meng Ke and felt like he was looking at an idiot. However, at the time of the Warring States, a monarch who had not seen a few charlatans was really embarrassed to say that he was a king.

But the charlatan Wei Huiwang like Meng Ke is also the first time to see it, the skill is not, but also to throw off the head, a look of "I am the imperial master." The kings of the Warring States period had seen all kinds of people, but they had never seen such arrogance and incompetence. Really according to Meng Ke's set, Wei Guo was destroyed in minutes. However, although Meng Ke was incompetent, he was ten thousand times stronger than the Cheng Zhu people who praised him. Meng Ke was the Eighth Classic of Zheng'er who wanted to carry out benevolent government, unlike his later disciples and disciples who only used this as a pretext.

In the eyes of traditional Chinese Confucianism, the "imperial master" is already a relatively lofty ideal. What are the ideals of most Chinese Confucianism? When the official gets rich playing with women.

This is the most faceless group in Chinese history, which is rare in the world!

So look at things like "The Tale of the West Chamber" and "Peony Pavilion", the themes are one: the student is in distress, the miss rescues, the private life, the examination of the middle school, the reunion of the clothes and brocade.

Wanting to be an official and get rich and play with women is actually nothing, the common sense of people. It's just that this gang of people is too hypocritical, and they have to set a point of "Huai Cai does not meet" and are "wise eyes and pearls", and finally "official hats" and "women" are automatically sent to the door.

Therefore, the traditional Chinese corrupt Confucianism most respects Zhuge Liang, not to respect his ability, but to respect the "three Gu Maolu" of the king's encounter. Be an official, all right; it's better to beg me to come out and be an official. Women, yes, it is best to take the initiative to give hugs.

So what does this have to do with Yu Yingshi?

There is a relationship, and it is these people who praise Yu Yingshi; Yu Yingshi is the representative of these people. These people compare themselves to former "scholars." "Scholar" is actually a very beautiful word, which is synonymous with patriotism, responsibility, and courage. But Yu Yingshi is really not a "scholar", they are just a rotten Confucian who puts the skin of a "scholar" on themselves, fantasizing about restoring the glory of the past. So what is their former glory?

For example, in the mouths of these people, the rebellion of xiangquan against the monarchy in those years was to fight for the interests of the common people.

That's a slippery slope. I don't like to talk about monarchy and power at all, which is not an academic issue at all.

In history, the real struggle between monarchy and power, in other words, is actually just a dispute between the "government and the court", which is essentially a matter of power distribution.

And Yu Yingshi had to say that it was a historical progress.

The "rebellion" described by these literati in the Yu Yingshi period is actually as follows: The affairs of the world are managed by our corrupt Confucians, who provide and raise us, not only to worship us, but also to give money to officials and women, so that we have the final say. This is the dream of Yu Yingshi.

Let these corrupt confucians have the final say, what are the consequences? The Jin Dynasty was driven across the Yangtze River, and the Sima clan had to look at the faces of these clans all day long, and these corrupt Confucians ate, drank, and sat talking all day long. The Song Dynasty was also driven across the Yangtze River, and these corrupt Confucians did not want to restore their homeland and directly made Hangzhou a state of Bizhou. We all know that the Song dynasty was an extremely rich dynasty, and it had been hollowed out by this gang of corrupt Confucians before it perished. The Ming Dynasty is not to be said, than the Song Dynasty to pay more empty, Chongzhen's biggest headache is that there is no money, Li Zicheng into Beijing a copy of the home, 70 million two silver.

These corrupt Confucians dressed in the cloak of "scholars" are just the people of the Society Rat City Fox, but they still try their best to fool the common people and try to live a good life again. This is the most faceless group in Chinese history, which is rare in the world!

This is the most faceless group in Chinese history, which is rare in the world!

The whole world is played. When they fight the world, these corrupt Confucians have no size work, but after fighting the world, they want to pick fruits and fruits.

So the core of the question is whose world is it? Here score two points, ancient and modern.

The concept that the ancients generally agreed with, the world is the emperor's world, and the modern people generally agree with the concept that the world is the people's world.

No matter what kind of concept, it has nothing to do with these corrupt confucians.

From the company's point of view, the emperor hired this gang of corrupt Confucians to work, and as a result, these corrupt Confucians wanted to empty the boss so that they could do some social rat city fox things, not only to be a social rat, but also to make a fuss. In the name of the people.

As mentioned earlier, in ancient times, there was no way, the common people were basically illiterate, and those who had read books were all corrupt Confucians. Therefore, Wen Yanbo could nakedly threaten Song Shenzong: "Rule the world with the scholars, not with the people." ”

Unless you encounter hard stubble, such as Zhu Yuanzhang, it is not a big deal to kill and kill you. Zhu Yuanzhang killed not enough corrupt Confucians to even work in various departments, but did the Ming Empire stop functioning? It's still thriving. It can be seen that the rule of the scholar and doctor is just a.

It is precisely because there have been brilliant successes in history, so in the eyes of Yu Yingshi, they should be respectfully invited to the temple, and the marquis should be humbly asked for advice. They should not only discuss major state affairs, but also participate in them, and even more so. Otherwise, I am sorry for their "Taoist" status.

As mentioned earlier, some scholars commented: These people study Chinese traditions and do not understand the Chinese peasant problem.

This sentence is to the point.

Even the Chinese peasants did not understand the problem, and they actually called themselves "Taoist unification" and actually wanted to continue to enslave the common people under the cloak of "Daoist unification."

Fortunately, there are very few illiterate people in China now, fortunately, the Internet has been developed so much, the era of corrupt Confucians holding the right to speak has been completely ended, and it is not so easy for Yu Yingshi to try to fool people.

Yu Yingshi still wants to continue to tell people that their corrupt Confucians are the embodiment of wisdom, morality, and knowledge, the teachers of the people, and they are where China's "Taoism" lies.

The common people have only four words about this, and they scoff at it. Even you deserve it?

Third, for their own selfish interests, Yu Yingshi respected the West

If the Yu Yingshi only pursue their own selfish interests under the guise of traditional Chinese culture, it cannot be considered particularly excessive.

But the third core idea of Yu Yingshi," the so-called "titan of historiography," is that Chinese culture should be returned to the "Tao" of the mainstream of the West, so that the great problem of China's confrontation with the West will also come to an end. See the full text of Yu Yingshi's speech when he received the Kluge Lifetime Achievement Award for the Humanities and Social Sciences from the Library of Congress.

This is the most faceless group in Chinese history, which is rare in the world!

In this era when the people's wisdom has been opened, corrupt Confucianism is actually not terrible, and the two words "Taoism" are not interested in the people at all.

But for the sake of their own selfish desires, people do everything. In fact, these corrupt Confucians know very well that the original "Taoist system" can no longer deceive the Chinese people.

Since they can no longer deceive the common people, modern corrupt Confucians will not be able to live the decent life of their ancestors. So what to do?


For their own selfish interests, Yu Yingshi came up with the idea of submitting Chinese culture to the so-called Western "mainstream." Yu Yingshi saw very clearly that as long as this was done, China could be subdued, so "the big problem of China's confrontation with the West will also end."

People don't want faces, the world is invincible!

Finally, A word to Yu Yingshi: You are an American, how to go on the road of Chinese culture, your old bones are blind and worried, no matter what you do, it is not your turn to bother.

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