
A must-have dish on the Cantonese banquet, without large ingredients, the taste of the pot is soft, delicious and not greasy

author:Hakka iron head

Every time I eat a banquet, the favorite is that one of the red braised meat, at home also tried to do many times, but always can not make that taste, and then by a friend who has been a chef for 8 years to point out the sudden realization, the original dish is the most traditional method used, do not need large ingredients, but the meat is more exquisite, eat is the original taste.

Now let's share this red stewed meat dish, which is also a must-have dish for our Cantonese people's banquet, the method is very simple, but the taste and texture are very good.

A must-have dish on the Cantonese banquet, without large ingredients, the taste of the pot is soft, delicious and not greasy

Ingredients: 3 kg of pork, 1 handful of sauerkraut, peanut oil, rice wine, rock sugar, soy sauce, salt, water, etc.

The detailed procedure steps are as follows:

The first step: first prepare three or four pounds of pork, first with the bone of the front sandwich belly, the meat is cleaned and cut into slightly larger pieces, can not be cut too small, because the meat will become much smaller after stewing, in order to ensure the taste, cut one to two centimeters thick, two to three centimeters wide pieces can be, you can be a little bigger, but can not be smaller.

A must-have dish on the Cantonese banquet, without large ingredients, the taste of the pot is soft, delicious and not greasy

Step 2: After the meat is cut, prepare a larger wok, pour the meat into the medium heat stir-fry, first fry the water of the pork dry, the water has been fried after the pork will slowly fry out of the oil, this time we next a little rice wine, and then a little peanut oil, continue to stir-fry over medium heat, the aroma of the pork is fried, the most important thing about this red stewed meat is this step, be sure to fry its meat flavor, if the meat is fatter, you don't need to fry it in another oil.

A must-have dish on the Cantonese banquet, without large ingredients, the taste of the pot is soft, delicious and not greasy

Step three: after the meat is fried until the surface is slightly yellow, the fire is reduced, add ten grams of rock sugar, a little more soy sauce, low heat slow fry to fry it until it is colored, the fire of this step must control the minimum fire, after adding raw soy sauce, if the fire is too big it is easy to paste.

A must-have dish on the Cantonese banquet, without large ingredients, the taste of the pot is soft, delicious and not greasy

Step 4: Prepare a casserole of stew in advance, turn the evenly fried and colored pork into the casserole, lay the meat flat, and add the boiling water of the noodles, because the casserole is not easy to dry water, so the water does not need to add too much, as long as it is over-the-top.

A must-have dish on the Cantonese banquet, without large ingredients, the taste of the pot is soft, delicious and not greasy

Step 5: Cover the pot, turn the heat to a boil, turn to medium-low heat for half an hour, you can also simmer on the minimum heat for about 40 minutes.

A must-have dish on the Cantonese banquet, without large ingredients, the taste of the pot is soft, delicious and not greasy

Step 6: After the time is almost over, open the lid and stir, then add the right amount of salt and stir it evenly, cover the lid again, reduce the heat and cook for more than 15 minutes.

A must-have dish on the Cantonese banquet, without large ingredients, the taste of the pot is soft, delicious and not greasy

Step seven: This time we come to prepare a little sauerkraut, wash the sauerkraut and squeeze out the water, then chop it up, cut it well and pour it into the pot, first fry the sauerkraut dry water, fry the sour taste, do not fry too dry, sauerkraut can be fried to the plate to pave.

A must-have dish on the Cantonese banquet, without large ingredients, the taste of the pot is soft, delicious and not greasy

Step 8: The meat in the pot can be simmered to the degree of softness and rottenness you like, do not boil the juice dry, leave a little juice, turn off the heat and put it out, spread it on the sauerkraut noodles, and then pour a little juice on the table to eat.

A must-have dish on the Cantonese banquet, without large ingredients, the taste of the pot is soft, delicious and not greasy

This fragrant Cantonese red stewed meat is ready, like friends try it, so that the stewed pork belly tastes sticky, fat and not greasy lean meat is not chai, sauerkraut sucks with soup, open rice and stomach, bite a mouthful of incense ah.

A must-have dish on the Cantonese banquet, without large ingredients, the taste of the pot is soft, delicious and not greasy

The original author of this picture: Hakka Iron Head

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Only food and love in the world can not be disappointed; eating is a kind of happiness, taste is a kind of fun, cooking is a kind of happiness!

Hello everyone, I am Iron Head, a Hakka man who loves to cook and cook!

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