
"Jia San"

author:Havoc 1995

This person, also surnamed Jia, is the third oldest and sells buns in Xi'an Muslim Fang. Most of the people in the shop are doing small business, earning one and getting by; Jia San sells buns but is bent on becoming a big cause. What big business can selling buns make? Jia San went to Shanghai, and the reason why Shanghai is a big Shanghai is that Shanghainese people do things seriously, treat small things as big things, and make them bigger when they do it. Jia San was inspired and pondered things on the bun. Over the years, it has been repeatedly tried, the skin of the bun is rolled out as thin as paper, the filling is adjusted to a full range of flavors, and the soup can be poured into the bun to make the bun both beautiful and soft and delicious. Eating and drinking is spread by eating and drinking people, Jia San's bun has Jia San's unique skills, his bun has become a famous food, and his shop has become a famous shop.

"Jia San"

Some are peasants, who should be called poets; some are city people, even professors or officials, but in fact, peasants. Someone can build a building into a chicken pen, someone can build a chicken pen into a building. Jia San sells buns, but Jia San is by no means a person who can lie on the ground, he is clumsy in eloquence, but has many friends, is not highly educated but is good at collecting calligraphy and paintings, and does not make a fortune but has a wide source of wealth. Such a thin skin can wrap the stuffing and soup without spilling, and Jia San is also kind and tolerant in the world. A person who is kind and tolerant is a good person and an adult.

Now go to the Jia San Guan Soup Bun Shop on Gulou Street to eat buns, you will find that there are always queues of diners there, diners have more local people from the south and the north of the sea, and the walls of the hotel are hung with photos of domestic politicians and celebrities in the cultural and artistic circles eating. In history, there are kicks that have become taiwei, selling straw shoes to become Han Wang's, although Jia San is still selling buns, but so many people come to Xi'an to remember a snack, a snack can make so many people remember Xi'an, this is Jia San's contribution to Xi'an. There is not much to do in a person's life, and Jia San sells buns to such glory, and you have to respect him.