
Why did Xu Shu use the pseudonym "Shan Fu" to defect to Liu Bei? Originally, he did not believe that Liu Bei Xushu had defected to Liu Bei, why Xu Shu did not tell Liu Bei his real name at the beginning

author:Lu Baixi

Xu Shuzhicai was not as good as Zhuge Liang among Liu Bei's military divisions, but compared to Pang Tong, Jian Yong, Mi Zhu and others, it was far beyond, Xu Shu was definitely no problem in ranking the top ten in the entire Three Kingdoms strategists, so Xu Shu went to Liu Bei and actually used the pseudonym "Shan Fu", was this disrespectful to Liu Bei? The reason for this may be more of a test for Liu Bei.

Why did Xu Shu use the pseudonym "Shan Fu" to defect to Liu Bei? Originally, he did not believe that Liu Bei Xushu had defected to Liu Bei, why Xu Shu did not tell Liu Bei his real name at the beginning

Xu Shu (Shan Fu)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Xu Shu's defection to Liu Biao</h1>

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Xu Shu first appeared when Liu Bei was chased by Cai Mao to cross tanxi on a prancing horse, met Sima Hui, and stayed at Sima Hui's house for a night. That night, Xu Shu went to visit his friend Sima Hui, and a conversation explained the reasons and experiences of Xu Shu going to Liu Biao and leaving.

Xu Shu and Sima Hui, the water mirror gentleman, belong to the yingchuan people, and are considered fellow villagers, Xu Shu liked to learn swordplay when he was a teenager, and later he was arrested for revenge and murder, because he had friends to help escape from prison. So Xu Shu changed his name and surname to use Shan Fu to study, and became friends with Sima Hui, Zhuge Liang, and Pang Tong. And Liu Biao was also a person who liked to befriend Haojie, and described Liu Biao in the sixth episode of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms: "Liu Biao of the Jingzhou Thorn History, the character Jingsheng, the Person of Shanyang Gaoping, is a relative of the Han Dynasty; Those seven people: Chen Xiang of Runan, Zi Zhonglin, Fan Huan of Tong County, Zi Mengbo, Lu Guo Kong Yu, Zi Shi yuan, Bohai Fan Kang, Zi Zhongzhen, Shanyang Tanshi, Zi Wenyou; Zhang Jian of Tong County, Zi Yuanjie; Nanyang Cen Xuan, Zi Gong Xiao. ”

Why did Xu Shu use the pseudonym "Shan Fu" to defect to Liu Bei? Originally, he did not believe that Liu Bei Xushu had defected to Liu Bei, why Xu Shu did not tell Liu Bei his real name at the beginning

Left: Sima Hui, right: Xu Shu

Xu Shu also heard that Liu Biao was clearly good and evil, and only the wise used it and went away in admiration. However, after seeing it, Liu Biao was not like the rumors, the wise people could not be used, and the villains could not be far away, so Xu Shu was very disappointed and left the letter away from Liu Biao. Just came to Visit Sima Hui's Maolu, and after the time was introduced to Liu Bei.

However, perhaps to save face, Xu Shu first left Sima Hui's house and intercepted Liu Bei on his way back to Xinye; Liu Bei, first of all, pretended to be sophisticated and let Liu Bei find himself. Then he persuaded Liu Bei to do something bad and send the Lu horse that defended the lord to the enemy family, and only after the master had passed the defense could he ride it to avoid it. I didn't expect Liu Bei to change his face and be unhappy, blaming Xu Shu for being unkind. Xu Shu said that he had heard of Liu Bei Rende for a long time, so he tried it out, and it turned out to be the same as the legend, so Xu Shu followed Liu Bei and was also worshiped by Liu Bei as a military master.

Why did Xu Shu use the pseudonym "Shan Fu" to defect to Liu Bei? Originally, he did not believe that Liu Bei Xushu had defected to Liu Bei, why Xu Shu did not tell Liu Bei his real name at the beginning

Xu Shu

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > why Xu Shu did not tell Liu Bei his real name in the first place</h1>

(1) Xu Shu was afraid that Liu Bei was a false benevolence and false righteousness

Earlier Xu Shu because he heard that Liu Biao was a bright lord, but after seeing people, he was very disappointed, in Mr. Shuijing's home, Liu Bei was also here in Mr. Shuijing that night, he overheard the conversation between Mr. Shuijing and Xu Shu, and Mr. Shuijing comforted Xu Shu and said: Gong Huai Wang Zuo's talent, it is advisable to choose people and things, why not go to see Liu Biaohu lightly? And the hero Haojie, only in front of his eyes, does not know his own ears. That is to say, Mr. Shui Jing recommended Xu Shu to throw Liu Bei.

However, with the experience of casting Liu Biao before, Xu Shu was afraid that Liu Bei was also a mediocre lord, and it was better for Gu to use a pseudonym. If you find that Liu Bei is a mediocre lord, then just like leaving Liu Biao, write a letter to stay, and you can run away.

Why did Xu Shu use the pseudonym "Shan Fu" to defect to Liu Bei? Originally, he did not believe that Liu Bei Xushu had defected to Liu Bei, why Xu Shu did not tell Liu Bei his real name at the beginning

Liu Bei

(2) Xu Shu had a case for fear of being slighted by Liu Bei

Although Xu Shu was talented, he was caught after killing people, fortunately he ran away with the help of friends, changed his name and surname, and traveled around, but he was still a fugitive. Therefore, Xu Shu's choice to intercept Liu Bei on the way back is also reasonable, otherwise wouldn't it be better for Sima Hui to directly recommend it?

However, if Sima Hui said to Xu Shu that he was very talented, but he was still among the people who had been arrested, it was estimated that Liu Bei would not pay so much attention to him in his heart. What's more, Liu Bei's men may also be dissatisfied, and Liu Bei will not say to Guan Zhang and others, "I have found a very talented fugitive to be a military master."

Why did Xu Shu use the pseudonym "Shan Fu" to defect to Liu Bei? Originally, he did not believe that Liu Bei Xushu had defected to Liu Bei, why Xu Shu did not tell Liu Bei his real name at the beginning

(3) Xu Shu longs to be respected and reused

Xu Shu is a talented person, if Liu Bei can't recognize Xu Shu's talent, only give an irrelevant position, or in the future relationship, see liu Bei is also an incompetent person, then it doesn't matter if he leaves.

Xu Shu very much hoped to make meritorious achievements, but there were too few masters in the world, and most of them had false names. Therefore, before Xu Shu surrendered to Liu Bei, he thought about how to leave if he encountered a non-person. However, fortunately, Liu Bei knew the great sage, and also appointed him as a military division, which not only did not disappoint Xu Shu, but also thanked Liu Bei very much. What do you think about that? Welcome to discuss and follow, entertaining the story of the Three Kingdoms! [Lu Baixi's "xī" reading Three Kingdoms No. 52]

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