
Homework help to launch fawn eloquence, focusing on the eloquence of 6-12-year-old children


Recently, children's elocution classes have gradually become a quality education course that parents in China pay attention to. From first- and second-tier cities to some third- and fourth-tier cities, elocution classes with language expression ability as the main concern have made some families hate each other late, and also added a color to the connotation of quality education.

Why do children also need to learn eloquence lessons? Many people do not understand the problems faced by parents in primary schools today. Some families are more doting on the only child, the child will not make friends in kindergarten and school, do not know how to communicate with children of the same age, trigger interpersonal communication, social adaptation and other issues, cause parents to worry, and expect that there are relevant courses to solve such problems.

In first- and second-tier cities and other places, the school selection and further interviews of excellent schools are also pain points. In first- and second-tier cities, young children often need to go to the interview. These contents, eloquence courses will be covered, which is a good preparation and exercise for students.

Homework help to launch fawn eloquence, focusing on the eloquence of 6-12-year-old children

Recently, Homework Help's Deer Literacy launched an eloquence course, which won the attention of domestic parents with its scientific and advanced quality education concept, interesting and ingenious curriculum design, and high-quality product innovation.

Three major scenarios to cultivate students' five comprehensive qualities

Xiaolukou is carefully polished by the official teaching and research team of the homework help, facing the quality education curriculum of 6-12 years old, focusing on the improvement of primary school students' eloquent thinking and expression ability, and cultivating eloquence masters who "express content and think with direction".

The course adopts the form of live lectures in the classroom, large class live classes with tutoring and comments after class, real teachers appear on camera to give lectures and interact, lead children to carry out real people and microphone exercises, gradually exercise children's self-confidence in speaking on stage, and provide feedback and correction to children's expressions in a timely manner, stimulate children's learning interest and expression desire, encourage children to learn to communicate, and lay the foundation for lifelong interpersonal skills.

In terms of curriculum content, the "Oral Communication" section of the Chinese textbook compiled by the Fawn Combined Department requires students' expression ability, and on this basis, it has expanded and extended exercises to help children supplement and input extracurricular knowledge. The themes of the course are based on the actual life of students, focusing on the three most common expression scenarios of family, school and society, so that students can learn useful and integrate language expression into life.

 School: class committee, host, competition, performance, planning, speech, theme report

 Society: making friends, visiting relatives, talent shows, emotional intelligence, Cao Can cup, small reporters, volunteers

 Family: parent-child communication, homework assignment, school situation, parent-child relationship

Homework help to launch fawn eloquence, focusing on the eloquence of 6-12-year-old children

In Fawn Eloquence, children learn the top ten types of language expression, including recitation, language performance, narrative, communication, interview report, host anchor, recommendation introduction, speech, speculative response, and report explanation, to obtain five comprehensive literacy improvements: self-confidence mentality, willingness to learn, strong communication skills, strong organizational skills, and good peer relationships.

The original "five-step teaching method" and six closed loops ensure the learning effect

At present, the quality of elocution courses on the market is uneven, and most of the course content is thin, and more are linked to speeches. Unlike other courses, Xiaolu Eloquence creates a comprehensive, practical and effective eloquence curriculum with a deep understanding and scientific concept.

Due to the large differences faced by children of different ages, Fawn Elocution designs targeted courses according to the language problems of children at each stage. The overall course is divided into 6 levels, each 2 levels is 1 level, a total of 3 levels 6 levels, from easy to difficult, step by step, step by step teaching.

Homework help to launch fawn eloquence, focusing on the eloquence of 6-12-year-old children

The teaching and research team created the original "five-step teaching", which ensures the learning effect of students through the closed loop of six full-scenes of measurement-learning-practice-drilling-management-evaluation.

1-1 Scenario Import - Resonate with home with common expression cases and present them in rich and interesting animation forms

1-2 Problem Exploration - Lead students to think deeply about the above scenarios, and explore and think about how to solve the problem

1-3 method training - combined with practical cases to teach students practical solutions, and lead students to practical exercises

1-4 Creative Expression – Combined with learning methods, practice with interesting and creative forms and works

1-5 Thinking Development - Summarize and review the course content in the form of a mind map, and attach some inputs to expand knowledge to exercise children's logical thinking ability

Lively and interesting interactive live classroom, with a breakthrough class to stimulate children's interest in eloquent learning, credit red packets, comments on the wall display, even wheat expression and other interactive forms, so that children learn in fun, grow in fun.

After class, there will be professional tutors who will make targeted comments and guidance for each student's eloquent works, combine learning and practice, and improve rapidly.

Fawn eloquence class, scientific curriculum system, perfect service system, is exploring the literacy education of Chinese children.

It is reported that in the future, Xiaolu Eloquence will also bring more educational innovation products.

This article originated from the Financial Circle Network

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