
Based on the present and planning the future, we can go farther and farther - Liu Qingqing

author:Flying beryl
Based on the present and planning the future, we can go farther and farther - Liu Qingqing


Take the strengths of others and make up for their weaknesses

Based on the present and planning the future, we can go farther and farther - Liu Qingqing

At present, the webmasters in Nanjing are all experienced station managers, and each webmaster has its own unique characteristics for the handling of site problems. Therefore, Yang Hansheng, general manager of Nanjing City, asked each station manager to explain the advantages and shortcomings of his site in the form of PPT presentation. The advantages and disadvantages of each site are exposed to the sun, and the excellent points are encouraged by everyone, and the shortcomings are discussed and solved. The process of co-creation is also an opportunity to learn from each other's management experience, more discussion and more exchanges, the ability of each webmaster to improve means that the management of the site will be better and better.


For future planning

Based on the present and planning the future, we can go farther and farther - Liu Qingqing

If you want to become a good webmaster, you must not only focus on the present, but also have a long-term vision to look forward to the future; you must always have a sense of distress in times of peace. On the premise of doing a good job in the present, plan the future; only those who have plans and plans can go farther and farther. Nanjing city always said: "Without planning, then develop planning, once the habit is formed, you don't need anyone to remind you, you will become more and more excellent!" ”

The author of this article is Liu Qingqing, the political commissar of Nanjing City

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