
The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

author:Yong A said gossip

In 2015, the Hong Kong film industry boiled again. Liu Qingyun, the award-winning actor, stood on the podium for the 26th time. When everyone was looking forward to hearing the routine acceptance speech, Liu Qingyun gave the audience an unexpected surprise.

His gaze looked beyond the flickering magnesium lights and looked affectionately at his wife Guo Aiming in the audience. With a hint of choking in his voice, he said, "Whenever I see my wife sweating profusely doing housework, I am overwhelmed and just want to hide."

I sincerely thank her for her accommodatingness. This unexpected confession instantly turned the entire award ceremony into a touching declaration of love. Everyone present couldn't help but wonder, what kind of love story made this accomplished actor so sincerely grateful to his wife? Let's go back in time to 1994, which is the starting point of the story of Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

On the star-studded stage of the Hong Kong film and television industry, two stars quietly met and opened a chapter of their love. Liu Qingyun, a boy born in Hong Kong in 1964, had an easy early life.

In order to reduce the burden on his family, he once gave up his studies and devoted himself to work. However, the gears of fate always turn unexpectedly. By chance, he entered TVB's actor training class, and thus embarked on the road of acting.

With his extraordinary talent and hard work, Liu Qingyun quickly rose to prominence in the film industry and became a high-profile new star. Guo Aiming, who was born in 1967, took a completely different path.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

Having excelled in her studies since childhood, she showed extraordinary talent during her university years, earning a double degree in mechanical engineering and computer engineering. In 1991, with a longing for his acting career, Guo Aiming participated in the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant.

With the perfect combination of intellectuality and beauty, she won the championship in one fell swoop and became the most dazzling "talented girl Hong Kong sister" that year. This competition became a stepping stone for her to enter the showbiz, and also made it possible for her life trajectory to intersect with Liu Qingyun.

In 1994, on the set of "Happy Ghost 3", fate allowed these two talented young people to meet. At that time, Liu Qingyun was already a well-known actor, and Guo Aiming was a newcomer who had just stepped into the film and television industry.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

In between busy shooting, Liu Qingyun inadvertently noticed this beautiful and intellectual rookie actor. Guo Aiming's talent and beauty naturally attracted the attention of many people, but in Liu Qingyun's eyes, she also has a special temperament.

Maybe it's the strength she shows in the face of difficulties, maybe it's the focus and enthusiasm she shows in her work, or maybe it's the wisdom she shows in her conversation. In any case, Liu Qingyun found it increasingly difficult to take his eyes off her.

However, as a senior in the circle, Liu Qingyun did not rashly show his intentions. He chose to care for Guo Aiming in a gentle and graceful way, silently caring for and caring for Guo Aiming.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

On the set, he will give Guo Aiming some professional guidance in a timely manner; Outside of work, he would thoughtfully ask her if she was adapting to this new environment. This kind of attitude of imminent departure made Guo Aiming curious about this introverted actor.

She found that under Liu Qingyun's seemingly calm appearance, there was a delicate and warm heart. In every conversation with him, Guo Aiming can feel a tacit understanding and comfort.

In this way, under the bright starlight, in the busy set, in the corner where no one is paying attention, two hearts quietly approach. Their feelings, like a seed, quietly took root and sprouted in the seemingly noisy soil of the film and television industry.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

This nascent emotion did not have a vigorous confession, no deliberate pursuit, but slowly grew in getting along day after day, in the bit by bit care.

Their story quietly unfolded in this way against the background of the starry sky. This beginning, seeing the truth in the plain, and the warmth in the low-key, laid the groundwork for the future love story.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is 1999. This year, Liu Qingyun made up his mind to propose to Guo Aiming, who had been in love for many years. As a person who does not like to be ostentatious, he did not choose a luxurious restaurant or a romantic beach, but chose an unexpected place - on a plane at a height of 10,000 miles.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

It was an ordinary flight, and Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming sat side by side as usual. When the plane climbed into the clouds, most of the surrounding passengers had quieted down, and some even began to take a nap.

At this seemingly ordinary moment, Liu Qingyun's heartbeat accelerated. He quietly turned to Guo Aiming, his eyes flashing with nervousness and anticipation. Softly recalling the attention of Guo Aiming, who was reading the magazine, Liu Qingyun took a deep breath and said the words that he had rehearsed countless times in his heart: "Are you willing to marry me?" Guo Aiming was stunned, she didn't expect Liu Qingyun to propose on such an occasion.

Before she could recover from her surprise, Liu Qingyun added a humorous "threat": "Either marry me, or I'll jump off the plane." This sentence made Guo Aiming laugh.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

She looked at the man in front of her, who was usually calm and introverted, but at this moment, she showed a youthful nervousness and expectation, and a warm current surged in her heart. She looked at the sea of clouds outside the window, and then looked at Liu Qingyun beside her, and the corners of her mouth rose unconsciously.

"For the safety of the passengers on the plane, I feel like I should say yes." Guo Aiming said with a smile, but tears of happiness flashed in his eyes. In this way, at an altitude of 10,000 meters, above the white clouds, among many unsuspecting passengers, Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming made a promise to spend their lives together.

This unique marriage proposal scene is both romantic and full of Liu Qingyun-style humor, which perfectly interprets the warm and interesting relationship between them. However, Liu Qingyun's surprise is not over.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

He pulled out a delicate little box from his pocket, and inside it was an ingenious ring—a diamond ring composed of 13,999 crystals. This number is not chosen at random, but means "a lifetime for a long time", expressing Liu Qingyun's cherishing of this relationship and his commitment to the future.

When Guo Aiming saw this ring, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore. This is not just a piece of jewelry, but also the embodiment of Liu Qingyun's love for her. At that moment, she felt the happiness of being deeply cherished.

From acquaintance, acquaintance to love, and then to this cloud proposal, the love story of Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming is like a well-woven idol drama, which is touching and enviable.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

However, they all know that the real test has just begun. The next married life will be a new chapter in their love and a real test of their feelings.

After marriage, Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming showed the world a picture of love and harmony. However, under this seemingly calm surface, there is a daily life in which two people are constantly running in and supporting each other.

Guo Aiming made a surprising decision after getting married - to quit the entertainment industry. , the former champion of Miss Hong Kong, gave up her acting career that might shine and chose to support her husband wholeheartedly.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

This decision sparked a lot of discussion at the time, with some praising her selfless dedication and others regretting that she had given up her career prospects. However, Guo has never regretted her choice.

In an interview, she smiled and said, "I didn't sacrifice anything, I just shifted the focus of my work, and I still feel happy." She has shifted her talents and abilities to the family and investment world.

Under her careful care, the family has become Liu Qingyun's strong backing, and her keen investment vision has also brought considerable benefits to the family. Liu Qingyun is grateful for his wife's dedication.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

He worked harder in his career, as if he wanted to repay his wife's support with his achievements. From 1994 to 2015, Liu Qingyun was nominated for Best Actor 15 times, setting a record in the Hong Kong film industry.

Every time he won an award, he would especially thank his wife in his speech, and his words showed deep love and gratitude. In everyday life, the couple showed an enviable tacit understanding.

Although Liu Qingyun often plays the role of a tough guy on the screen, he is a considerate husband at home. He prepares simple but heartfelt meals for his wife in his busy schedule, and accompanies her to learn new hobbies, such as flower arranging or cooking.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

These small details made Guo Aiming feel the happiness of being cherished. Guo Aiming supports her husband in her own way. She knows that Liu Qingyun works hard and never puts extra pressure on him.

During Liu Qingyun's filming, she would silently handle the big and small affairs at home, so that her husband had no worries. When Liu Qingyun is depressed because of the needs of the role, Guo Aiming can always use her unique way to regain her husband's confidence.

Their lifestyle is simple and rustic, which is very different from the luxurious life of a celebrity couple that one imagines. They prefer to enjoy the world of two at home, watching movies together, chatting, or simply enjoying each other's company.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

Occasionally, they will also choose some quiet places to get away from the hustle and bustle. This low-key lifestyle keeps their feelings away from the distractions of the entertainment industry and maintains their original purity.

In this marriage, Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming used practical actions to explain what it means to be close to each other and rely on each other. Their story is not only a romantic idol drama, but also a love song of life that grows together and supports each other.

They prove that true love is not only in the dramatic moments of the bang, but also in the mutual understanding and support of each other in ordinary days. It is this tacit understanding and empathy that makes their marriage still pure and beautiful in the complex environment of the entertainment industry.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

Their story has brought many people confidence in love, and also shows the value of mutual respect and mutual achievement in marriage. Although Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming's marriage seems to be perfect, they have also faced challenges and tests in the 24-year long-distance race.

As public figures, their relationship has always been in the media spotlight, and every detail can spark speculation and discussion. Whenever Liu Qingyun has an intimate scene with an actress, the media will always hype up the scandal.

Or when Guo Aiming does not appear in public for a long time, there will be speculation about whether there is something wrong with their marriage. In the face of these pressures, Liu Qingyun chose to remain silent.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

He firmly believes that sincere feelings don't need to prove anything to the outside world. His silence is not an escape, but confidence in his marriage. Guo Aiming supports her husband in her own way.

She is well versed in the rules of the entertainment industry and understands the peculiarities of her husband's work. For Liu Qingyun's emotional scenes in the play, she never showed dissatisfaction or jealousy. On the contrary, she often silently supports her husband behind the scenes and becomes his strong backing.

Sometimes, she will attend some events and use practical actions to dispel the suspicions of the outside world. In his career, Liu Qingyun is also facing tremendous pressure. As an actor, every new work carries the audience's expectations.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

Sometimes, he gets skeptical about his performance. At this time, Guo Aiming can always use her way to regain her husband's confidence. She will patiently listen to Liu Qingyun's concerns, give pertinent advice, and sometimes even help him figure out the role.

Guo Aiming's support has allowed Liu Qingyun to go further and further in his career and win many awards. There are also many challenges in life. As they grew older, health problems began to plague the couple.

Kwok's parents are elderly and need more care. Liu Qingyun also suffered from health problems due to excessive work pressure. In the face of these difficulties, they choose to work together to overcome them, take care of each other, and face them together.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

Once, the media photographed Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming going to the hospital together. This is a very common thing, but it has caused a lot of speculation from the outside world. Some people say they have emotional problems, and some people speculate whether someone is sick.

In the face of disturbing speculation, Liu Qingyun just smiled indifferently and said, "We're just going to do a routine physical examination." You don't need to read too much into it. This tacit understanding and mutual trust is the key to their marriage being able to withstand the test.

Liu Qingyun once said in a rare in-depth interview: "I am grateful to her, because I know that her efforts are not easy. I am fortunate to have what I am doing today; But having her company is what I cherish the most.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

These words expressed the true meaning of their marriage. In these 24 years of marriage, Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming have proved with their actions that true love is not a vigorous confession, not a romance under the moon, but mutual support in ordinary days, and a mutual help when the storm comes.

Their story goes beyond the romance of idol dramas and shows the power of love in real life. Their relationship is like a bottle of aged wine, which has become more and more mellow over the years.

Every turmoil and every challenge has become a footnote in their relationship, making their love more indestructible. In this Vanity Fair, their love is like a clear spring, not noisy or public, but always clear and warm.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

Back to the unforgettable award ceremony in 2015, when Liu Qingyun said that touching acceptance speech, Guo Aiming in the audience had tears in his eyes, but his face was full of happy smiles.

At this moment, their love story once again became the focus of public attention. However, what is really moving is not this touching scene, but the bits and pieces hidden behind this scene.

The mundane routines — breakfast together, whispering in the middle of the night, mutual care when sick, encouragement when career troughs — formed the cornerstone of their 24-year marriage.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

These seemingly ordinary moments are the truest and most precious embodiment of their feelings. The story of Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming, from acquaintance, love to staying together, is like a well-woven idol drama.

But what is even more commendable is that they interpreted this "idol drama" into a "legend" in real life. They interpret extraordinary love with ordinary life, and write a moving chapter with the companionship of fine water.

In this Vanity Fair, their love is like a clear spring, not noisy or unassuming, but always clear and always warm. This may be the true meaning of love - not in the vigorous, but in the long stream; It's not about earth-shattering, it's about sincerity in the ordinary.

The love between Liu Qingyun, who got the soft hand of the "actor", and Guo Aiming, the "Hong Kong sister", is like an idol drama

Their stories tell us that true love can withstand the baptism of time and see the truth in the ordinary.

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