
The criminal history of Duoduo, the Prince of Yutong, the Great Butcher of the Manchu Qing Dynasty

author:The descendants of the four fields on history

In 2002, a historical drama directed by You Xiaogang and starring Tranquility, Ma Jingtao, Liu Dekai and others, "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang", was officially broadcast in major TV dramas across the country. The acting skills of Tranquility, Ma Jingtao, and Liu Dekai are not said, and even the theme song of the play "You" sung by Tu Honggang has become a popular hit, which is enough to explain the influence of this drama in that year. However, the biggest failure of this drama is Duo Duo, played by Zhao Hongfei, the Manchu Qing butcher who slaughtered countless Peoples of our Han nation in history, but in this drama, he was interpreted as a great hero who was both literate and martial, and who was full of love and righteousness, which was seriously contrary to historical facts.

At the beginning of the planning of the revolution to overthrow the corrupt and decadent rulers of the Qing Dynasty, Mr. Sun Yat-sen mentioned that when the Qing army slaughtered 800,000 people in Yangzhou after entering the customs, he single-handedly commanded the massacre of DuoDuo as a big butcher, which shows the deep memory of the Han people.

Aisin Kyora-Dodo was the last son born to The Qing Taizu Nurhaci and his last concubine, the youngest of Nurhaci's sons, as his fifteenth son, and his half-brother was Nurhaci's twelfth son, Azig and Dolgun.

As the youngest son of Nurhaci, Dodo received infinite favor from his father from an early age. At that time, the eight flags system created by Nurhaci, its two yellow flags were led by Nurhaci, the two red flags were led by the second son Dai Shan and his eldest son Yue Tuo, the zhenglan banner was led by the fifth son Mang Guertai, the blue flag was commanded by his nephew Amin, the zhengbai banner was commanded by the eighth son Emperor Taiji, and the white banner was commanded by DuDu, the son of the eldest son Chu Ying.

The criminal history of Duoduo, the Prince of Yutong, the Great Butcher of the Manchu Qing Dynasty

Since Dodo was Nurhaci's favorite old son, when Dodo was only 9 years old, Nurhaci ordered Dodo to be the owner of the white flag by adjusting the flag.

It is the excessive doting of the Father Khan that has created the character of no one in the eyes of dodo, who is arrogant and self-sufficient.

After Nurhaci's death, emperor Taiji, in view of the fact that he had obeyed his father's order to force the death of the mother of the three duo brothers, The great concubine Abahai, the guilt-ridden emperor Taiji was extremely caring for the three brothers, not only carefully cultivating them, but also letting them go. This gave the three brothers the opportunity to serve in the battlefield and fight everywhere, and Duoduo and their three brothers did perform extraordinary, and since then they have become the right-hand man of the Emperor Taiji to run the world.

In the first year of Chongde (1636 AD), Emperor Taiji of the Later Jin Dynasty proclaimed himself emperor in Shenyang, and the founding name was Qing. Duo Duo was made the Prince of Heshuoyu for his merits. In this way, he became one of the founding kings of the early Qing Dynasty, and his twelve brotherSzig was only crowned as the king of Doro Wuying.

Although Emperor Taiji treated Duo Duo in this way, Duo Duo, who harbored the hatred of killing his mother, did not appreciate it at all, and out of this mentality, Duo Duo repeatedly secretly opposed Emperor Taiji in the court, but the generous Emperor Taiji did not meet him once. Only when Duo Duo really didn't like words, Emperor Taiji only punished him with some silver.

The criminal history of Duoduo, the Prince of Yutong, the Great Butcher of the Manchu Qing Dynasty

But once The Emperor Taiji was really angry with Duoduo. This was because his most trusted adviser, Fan Wencheng, had a beautiful wife, and DuoDuo, in order to disgust Emperor Taiji and Fan Wencheng, openly led people to rob his wife in front of Fan Wencheng.

Three months later, this matter was known to Emperor Taiji, and he immediately ordered Duo Duo to release Fan's wife and apologize to Mr. Fan, otherwise he would be punished with a felony, and Duo Duo had to order someone to release Fan Wencheng's woman. Fan Wencheng, who was disgusted by such a thing, never set foot in his wife's house again, and Duo Duo lost ten cattle records as a result.

After this, Duo Duo vented his hatred on the battlefield, but all the Ming Dynasty cities he attacked, except for young women, everyone else was killed by his orders, and its brutality was only comparable to that of the Japanese army when it invaded China, so the people of Guannei called him the Great Butcher.

After the Qing army entered the customs, Duoduo personally created two massacres when attacking the Southern Ming regime, that is, the Yangzhou Ten Days and the Jiading Three Massacres, and the two massacres alone died under duoduo's butcher's knife in Jiangnan.

According to the "Ten Diaries of Yangzhou" written by Wang Xiuchu, a survivor of the Tenth Day of Yangzhou, because duoduo was sworn to death by the Ming army commanded by Shangshu Shi Kefa of the Southern Ming army when he attacked the city of Yangzhou, although the isolated city of Yangzhou was attacked by the Qing army without reinforcements, because the Qing army suffered heavy casualties in the process of siege, Duoduo, who was embarrassed and angry, put all his anger on the soldiers and civilians in Yangzhou city after entering the city. So the heartbroken butcher ordered the Qing army to slaughter the city and allowed them to kill 100,000 people before sealing the sword.

In the massacre that lasted for ten days, 800,000 soldiers and civilians in Yangzhou were killed, and Yangzhou, which had been prosperous for a thousand years, has since become a city of unjust souls. After the Qing army left, the Buddhist disciples entered the city to collect the corpses, and it took two months to bury the mountains of corpses in the city.

The news reached Beijing, and the Manchu Emperor Shunzhi, under the control of his uncle regent Dolgun, promoted Duoduo to the title of Prince of Heshuo Deyu.

In the sixth year of Shunzhi (1649 AD), this great butcher suddenly contracted smallpox. Smallpox at that time was an incurable disease, and Dodo died of ulceration in great pain, ending his murderous life. He was only 36 years old.

The criminal history of Duoduo, the Prince of Yutong, the Great Butcher of the Manchu Qing Dynasty

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