
Inuit: Yellow people in the Arctic Circle, hunting sea beasts and eating only raw meat, raising children together from the Asian continent to migrate from the Asian continent to a unique cultural tradition unique to life

author:Ant Daha
Inuit: Yellow people in the Arctic Circle, hunting sea beasts and eating only raw meat, raising children together from the Asian continent to migrate from the Asian continent to a unique cultural tradition unique to life

People with different skin colors

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest", human beings living in the global village often live in an environment more suitable for their physical conditions. Whether in Asia, Africa, the Americas or Europe, the inhabitants of each land will evolve some unique characteristics according to the different environments in which they live.

Africans, for example, have black skin, and the reason for this is because Africans have gradually formed a special skin color in the process of millions of years of evolution in order to adapt to strong ultraviolet radiation. Similar to Africans, people living on Asian and European soils evolved yellow and white skin, respectively.

But in any case, in our perception, whether it is Asia, Africa or Europe, these places are suitable for human habitation. But can you believe that in the cold Arctic Circle, there are also a large number of people living all year round?

Inuit: Yellow people in the Arctic Circle, hunting sea beasts and eating only raw meat, raising children together from the Asian continent to migrate from the Asian continent to a unique cultural tradition unique to life


These people were the Inuit, who had also been called "Eskimos", a term that the Inuit hated. Because it means "people who love raw meat", this is a derogatory term for them by the Indians. To find out the origin of this nickname, we must start with the ancestors of the Inuit people.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > migrated from the Asian continent</h1>

There is a credible claim about the ancestors of the Inuit, who lived on the comfortable Asian continent as we did twelve thousand years ago. To this day, they look very similar to Asians, with yellow skin and black hair, and some studies have found that they are close to the Mongols in Central Asia.

Inuit: Yellow people in the Arctic Circle, hunting sea beasts and eating only raw meat, raising children together from the Asian continent to migrate from the Asian continent to a unique cultural tradition unique to life

At that time, they were accustomed to living a life of constant wandering around, like grazing, and when there was no grass in one place, they moved to another place. Slowly, the ancestors of the Inuit migrated to the American continent.

At that time, the owners of this land were still Indians, and in the face of the alien race at that time, the native Indians were very unwelcome in their arrival, and they were expelled and hunted down. In desperation, the Inuit could only fight and retreat until they fled the American continent and fled into the Arctic Circle.

At that time, seeing the enemy entering the ice and snow, the Indians did not continue to pursue. Because they feel that the environment there is not suitable for human habitation at all, they only have a dead end. But then the Indians found out they were wrong, because they saw their enemies breeding there.

But the victorious Indians, in order to mock their opponents, called them "Eskimos" as a way of mocking their custom of eating raw meat.

Inuit: Yellow people in the Arctic Circle, hunting sea beasts and eating only raw meat, raising children together from the Asian continent to migrate from the Asian continent to a unique cultural tradition unique to life

The tenacious Inuit adapted to life in the Arctic, living in igloos of their own construction. But in this icy environment, eating is their biggest problem.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > special habits</h1>

In our asian land, the climate is warm and humid, the temperature is suitable, not only we humans will feel very comfortable, poultry and livestock and various crops can also grow well. But in the Arctic Circle, it's a different story entirely.

We all know that the temperature of the Arctic is below zero degrees all year round, and there is a lack of sunshine, sometimes for months without seeing the sun, which is called "polar night". Therefore, conventional plants cannot grow there, so they cannot feed on grains like our ancestors.

In addition, without plants, there is no way to raise animals such as pigs, cattle and sheep. Their food source can only be a variety of animals that also live in the Arctic Circle, such as some walruses and various types of fish, as well as ducks, reindeer, polar bears and so on.

Inuit: Yellow people in the Arctic Circle, hunting sea beasts and eating only raw meat, raising children together from the Asian continent to migrate from the Asian continent to a unique cultural tradition unique to life

Long ago, the Inuit hunted only by simple boats and harpoons, but it was with such simple weapons that the brave Inuit dared to fight strong polar bears. Sometimes they have to dive under the ice floes in order to catch fish, and in such a cold environment, such behavior is really admirable.

Inuit: Yellow people in the Arctic Circle, hunting sea beasts and eating only raw meat, raising children together from the Asian continent to migrate from the Asian continent to a unique cultural tradition unique to life

The small boats they used were also made of local materials, and they made wooden kayaks out of the skin and wood of their prey, which could only carry one person, in the same style as our kayaks today. The advantage of this kind of small boat is that even if the boat is overturned during the hunt, the overturned boat can be quickly adjusted back, and this hunting method is also a true portrayal of the Inuit.

When hunting outside, the Inuit could not cook on a fire, so they tended to eat it raw after catching their prey. Over time, the Inuit developed such a special habit of eating raw meat. And they tend to prefer to eat the guts of their prey.

In our perception, it is certain that meat similar to animal legs and other parts is more delicious, and there is a reason why innuendo people love animal offal.

We all know that the human body has a lot of essential trace elements, such as vitamins and iron zinc and selenium, which are very important for innuit people who rarely eat vegetables. Animal offal contains more of this trace element, and the internal organs often contain more fat, which can better help them resist the cold environment.

After hitting the prey, the meat is eaten, and the fur of these animals is of course not wasted, they are used to make clothes, so the Inuit often wear real fur products. Of course, this is also their last resort, without cotton and linen and other crops, they simply can not weave clothes.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > unique cultural tradition</h1>

They also developed their own unique cultures, such as the Inuit who raised their offspring differently than people in most parts of the world. In the harsh natural environment, raising offspring is a very difficult thing. In order to improve the survival rate of infants, Inuit children are often raised by people in the community.

Inuit: Yellow people in the Arctic Circle, hunting sea beasts and eating only raw meat, raising children together from the Asian continent to migrate from the Asian continent to a unique cultural tradition unique to life

Over time, the Inuit developed a special tradition that whoeverse child needed help, they would bring him back to their own clan and raise them with the help of everyone, and the reason they did so was to maintain the population of their own race. Because of the harsh environment, the number of people who lure the special people has never exceeded 100,000.

Often the harsher the living environment, the more grateful people are, and they will perform a special ritual for the whales they catch, similar to the "transcendence" in Buddhism.

Because in their cultural legend, there was a bowhead whale that saved them when God sent a flood and would come to feed them every spring, so the Inuit had a special affection for whales.

In the cold environment, although there is no way to raise pigs, cattle and sheep and other animals, but the Inuit people will also raise other animals, they raise the most dogs, of course, dogs are human friends, they raise dogs not for food, but to facilitate their travel.

Inuit: Yellow people in the Arctic Circle, hunting sea beasts and eating only raw meat, raising children together from the Asian continent to migrate from the Asian continent to a unique cultural tradition unique to life


Dog sledding is the most common means of transport in the Arctic Circle. Unlike the "Two Ha", the sled dog we are most familiar with, the Inuit breed in The Newt. The Inuit has a polar wolf pedigree, is larger than our common dog size, and is hard-working and has helped the Inuit solve many difficulties.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > step into modern life</h1>

As the Activities of modern expeditions in the Arctic increased, scientists gradually discovered the presence of innuit in the Arctic, and inuit people slowly became known to the public as the owners of the Arctic land. Slowly, inuit people gradually came into contact with people in modern society, and their living habits gradually changed.

Inuit: Yellow people in the Arctic Circle, hunting sea beasts and eating only raw meat, raising children together from the Asian continent to migrate from the Asian continent to a unique cultural tradition unique to life

Wooden house

Today, the life of the Eskimos is quite modern. They no longer live in igloos, but instead wooden houses with sewers and heating; they no longer use small boats made of seal skins to drive jet skis; instead of pulling sleds harder, Inuits no longer have to work hard to pull sleds, because people already own cars.

The children of every family can also get a good education and no longer have to eat raw meat and offal like their ancestors, but they still love the land and proudly call themselves "Inuit (the true owners of the land)".

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