
Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

author:Foreign French

01, black muntjac

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

02. Can you hand me a towel?

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

03, take a look at this colorful little thing, it is a spider, with a pair of horns growing on the back of the buttocks, majestic.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

04, cannibalism? Seals eat starfish

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

05. Beautiful feathers belong to good-looking birds

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

06. After being infected with Rhinocystea, the bullfrog's eyes grow into its mouth, which is a terrible mutation.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

07. Speaking of stick insects, people's impression is that they are long insects like dead branches, but in fact, there are many varieties of stick insects, with different colors, tall, short, fat and thin.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

08, this crocodile was pierced by a bison

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

09, 1965 Stephen Hawking and Jane Wilde's wedding photo, Hawking in the photo looks gentle and gentlemanly.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

10. Hello, shark! Come to my mouth! I don't care what kind of fish you are, you can't escape when you get into my mouth.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

11. The bald head monkey has no hair on his head at all, and the other monkeys are all red buttocks, but it is the whole face red.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

12. The buffalo fought back in a rage

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

13, a domineering and exposed dog sister

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

14. The water level dropped, and a small island appeared in the center of the pond, where the deer and the crocodile rested together, looking very harmonious.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

15. This is a cute baby raccoon, and it looks like it's boring.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

16. The tranquil atmosphere of the village comes naturally, and the incomparable energy and invincible enthusiasm symbolize the indomitable spirit of the villagers.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

17. Phnom Penh bantam

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

18. What kind of monster is this? To my surprise, the Chihuahua's eyes were glowing red, and there was a weird syringe in its mouth.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

19. This kind of tree that looks like a giant umbrella is called the Socotra Dragon's Blood Tree, once the trunk is split with an axe or sawed with a chainsaw, it will begin to bleed red liquid, as if it is bleeding, which is very scary.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

20. What is the highest level of dog ownership? Keep hyenas. Take a look at this majestic African old iron.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

21. Early one morning in Australia, I heard a strange noise coming from the roof, and I went up to check the picture I found.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

22. It's too chaotic, there are more monks and less porridge, three snakes grab a frog to eat, and they also attract a large group of buzzing flies!

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

23. A glass-penetrating butterfly, its wings are like the lenses of glasses, completely transparent.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

24. Haddock.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

25. Birds of prey and snakes, they seem to be eye-to-eye

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

26. The animal world and the human world are actually very similar in many places, and a short temper does not necessarily mean that the level is high, and the flat-headed brother is bold, nor does it mean that it can really fight.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

27. A circle of petals bloomed around the eye circle? No, it's actually a moth lying around the animal's eyes and sucking tears, which have salt in them and some protein.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

28. It's very colorful

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

29. The seagull has a big mouth and swallows everything in its stomach. The seagull swallowed a starfish in one gulp, and the starfish's three brachiopods were still hanging out.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

30. This terrible creature has a slender body, 7 holes on its body, and its suction cups are full of sharp teeth. It's the Pacific lamprey. It's like a beast that only appears in horror movies, its suckers suck on other fish, bite open the skin of other fish with its teeth, and suck the blood of other fish.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

31. Exchange gifts

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

32. Several caterpillars gathered together, and actually made a bald plant look like a leafy leaf. Take a closer look at those tiny foliage – that's the hair on a caterpillar!

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

33. Meet the hive of carnivorous bees! It's really scary and gorgeous.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

34. Traces of grove and desert activity. Lie in a cave during the day and go out in the middle of the night to forage for food.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

35. Quartz and amethyst are mixed, like a crystal clear jellyfish, beautiful!

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

36. This turtle looks so strange, it lives in sandy Amazon waters, and its name is Amazon mata turtle.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

37. A venomous snake in the Namib Desert in Namibia

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

38. The jumping spider with cute big eyes is actually a natural master, and it treats its prey mercilessly.

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

39, 16 Bats full of trees, like deflated balloons

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

40. Such a beautiful coat color should be even more beautiful, with blue, white, and even green

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

41, the snake swallows the frog cruel moment

Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

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Of the 40 species of rare animals, how many have you seen? I've seen more than 5 of them, and they're all pretty good

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