
Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

author:Japanese Popular Daily Bulletin
Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

Miura Yoshiki, if only by that name, probably no one would know. She is a manga artist, pen named Cherry, and she is the author of the well-known warm anime "Cherry Pills".

At 3:30 yesterday, the compilation department of the well-known Japanese girl manga editing agency りぼん issued an obituary on twi, and Cherry Teacher died of breast cancer on August 15, at the age of 53.

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

(Image from:

Born in 1965 in Shimizu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, Cherry Sensei (さくららもこ) was a well-known painter when she was a child, and her impression was that she had received various painting awards. In 1984, when she grew up, Cherry Girl debuted as a manga artist and began creating Cherry Pills in 1986.

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

After checking the information, the quick report sauce later found that whether it is the plot or some of the character settings in the small pills, it is created by The Cherry Teacher based on her childhood life experience. For example, her classmates gave her the nickname "Little Pill", so the heroine in the anime is also called "Little Pill", or the little jade in the anime and the real little jade.

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

To be honest, when I grew up, I rarely watched anime such as small balls and crayons. I am often attracted to the popular teenage manga or idol stars, but this still does not change the important position of the little pill in my childhood.

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

At that time, the restrictions were not as strict as they are now, and China introduced many Japanese anime to be broadcast on television. What Quick Sauce looks forward to every day is to watch a variety of Japanese anime on TV after school, and Komaruko is one of them, although Maruko does not have such a bloody plot as the current juvenile manga, basically it is an ordinary little thing in the life of some family or friends, but it will still be watched with relish.

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

Komaruko's family is very typical of the ordinary family of the Showa period. Gentle and kind grandmother, humorous and funny old naughty boy grandfather, ordinary office worker father, strict nagging mother, mature and sensible sister and cute and naughty little pills.

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

The episode that impressed Quicksin sauce the most was Thato Maruko, because she had a conflict with her sister and saw Xiaoyu's room, she wanted to have her own bed.

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

In the case that her parents ignored her, only Grandpa said, "Little Maruko wants to have her own bed, so Grandpa will go and help Little Maruko arrange it." Then she used a cardboard box and books to help Maruko make a bed of her own, although in the end she fell asleep with Maruko's nightmare.

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

But it can be seen that Grandpa has always been accustomed to "even if everyone is not partial to the small pills, but I am the most partial to the small pills." ”

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

Not only does Maruko have a family that loves her, but she also has a bunch of good friends with a lot of personality, Kodama, Hanawa, Maruo, Ohno, Hanako, and so on.

In the past, I would argue with my friends whether Maruko had a better feeling for Hanawa or a little more for Ohno

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

Cherry Teacher creates "extraordinary" small balls with ordinary daily stories. In the Celestial Dynasty, it is already a popular small pill, and in Japan, it is a national-level existence.

In the 1990s, it had a 39.9% rating, making it the highest anime in Japanese history since 1977. During this period, it also dominated the top three of Japanese anime ratings for many years, and it has endured for a long time.

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

In 2016, he also served as the Red group division at the Red and White Song Festival, which shows the high degree of its national influence.

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

Not only did Cherry Teacher create the role of a small maruko at the level of a national name, but she herself had a very good relationship with the people around her.

Tarako, who voices the Japanese version of Komaruko, said that when I learned the news, I couldn't say anything like "ご冥福を". It's just that the brain is very messy, and the mess can't think of anything. Teacher Cherry is very important to me and wants to thank the benefactor."

Eiichiro Oda, a manga artist who is also a national name, also specially painted a memorial to thank Cherry Teacher.

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

In the latest and final article on Cherry Teacher's blog, Cherry Teacher once commemorated the 30th anniversary of Cherry Maruko, "さくらももこの World Exhibition", "In the past 30 years, good things and bad things have happened a lot, but as a writer I have had a very happy time. Really appreciate everyone's support. ”

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

Teacher Cherry once said of her dream when replying to the reader's sports committee: "I want to live a healthy and energetic life to about 76 years old. My grandchildren or the kids around me would say to me, 'I like Grandma Cherry the most!' In order to use the royalties I earned to give my grandson pocket money and gifts, I would continue to paint. ”

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

Although The dream of The Cherry Teacher can no longer be realized, the Quick Report Sauce is still very grateful to the Cherry Teacher for creating a lively and cute little ball for us, bringing many beautiful daily stories.

Maybe Cherry Teacher and Little Maruzi haven't been mentioned by us for a long time, but as soon as we mention it, the childhood memories that belong to our era will come to mind. Thank you Cherry Teacher for enriching my childhood!

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

Finally, a digression, not only Cherry Teacher, but also the Japanese version of Mizutani Yuko, the japanese version of Sakurako's sister Apricot, also died of breast cancer in May 2016.

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

Breast cancer as the number one killer of our women, prevention work must be paid attention to. Even if you are busy and tired at work, you must relax yourself in time and maintain good living habits. Quick Sauce wishes every little fairy a healthy body forever.

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories
Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

✎ Edit: eru, image from the network

Goodbye, Cherry Teacher, thank you for bringing us wonderful childhood memories

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