
Do one unrighteous, kill one without guilt, and gain the world, and the benevolent one will not do anything

author:A native of Tianyi Village

Third, if you can't do righteousness, the country has no peace.

(1) Governing the country by deception, deceiving the people and fooling the people, and centrifuging from top to bottom.

Therefore, those who use the country will stand righteously and be kings, believe and hegemony, and power will be established and die. The kingdom of The Kingdom of Mercy is called upon to be righteous, but there is no harm to it, and it is unrighteous to do unrighteousness, and to kill one without guilt, and to gain the world, the benevolent one does not do anything. The kingdom of Qiao calls for utilitarian gain, does not do what it wants, does not ask for profit, and does not deceive its people on the inside, but seeks small profits; externally it does not deceive it, but seeks great profits, and does not correct its existence internally, but often desires people to have. If so, the people of the subordinates will not treat them with deceit. Deceiving the upper and lower deceitful, is the upper and lower analysis. "Xunzi"

Those who govern the country can establish righteousness and achieve great rule under the heavens; if they can establish faith, diplomatic relations can be normalized; if they rule the country with exclusive power, the country will perish. The whole country calls for courtesy and righteousness, which is harmless to the country. To do an unrighteous thing, to kill an innocent person to gain the world, the benevolent one will not do it. The whole country calls for utilitarianism, not to promote faith and righteousness, but to seek only profit, and at home, in order to grab small profits, unscrupulously deceive the people; with neighboring countries, in pursuit of great profit, unscrupulously deceive friends. Instead of reflecting on one's own way of accumulating wealth and correcting it, the heart often wants to possess the wealth of others, and if this is the case, there is no official and common people in the country who do not treat the monarch with a fraudulent heart. Up and down, down and down, then up and down are falling apart.

(2) The whole country, everything looks at money, and the farther away from righteousness is.

The benevolent one, the source of righteousness, the body of obedience, and the honor of the one who receives. Therefore, the country is not governed by etiquette, and it is still cultivated without humility. For the sake of etiquette is not based on righteousness, but for the sake of cultivation and the planting of the Buddha. "The Left Handbook"

Benevolence is the source of righteousness, the subject of stability and harmony, and those who understand this truth are honorable. Therefore, to govern a country without etiquette is the same as not ploughing the land; to perform the ritual without righteousness is the same as ploughing the land without planting.

Therefore, the poor do not lose their righteousness, and they do not deviate from the Tao. The poor do not lose righteousness, so the soldiers will gain their own righteousness; if they do not deviate from the way, the people will not be disappointed. The ancients, the people who have attained the will, the zega in the people; the unmotivated, the self-cultivation is seen in the world. The poor are good at themselves, and the poor are good at the world. Mencius

When a gentleman is poor and destitute, he can keep the great righteousness unchanged, and when he is an official, he does not deviate from the road. As a commoner, he did not lose his righteousness, so he could maintain his own discipline; when he became an official, he did not deviate from the road, so the people would not be disappointed in him. When the ancients attained the will, grace was imposed on all the people; when they were not willing, they cultivated themselves and left their names in the world. Cultivate your body and mind alone when you are poor and poor, and make everyone in the world good when you are developed.

Although a gentleman wants to develop, he does not get an official position with morality, and prefers to die in the forest. There is a way in the world, to take politics as an official, to take benevolence and righteousness as the criterion, and to vigorously promote government decrees that benefit the country and the people; measures that harm the country and the people are resolutely prohibited. Because of the people's decrees, govern for the people; if the decrees come from all the people, then the world is in a state of tranquility, and this is the attainment of a gentleman, and the world receives its goodness.

Those who attack and rule with chaos will perish, those who attack the righteous with evil will perish, and those who attack against the good will perish. Warring States Policy

There are four ways of a gentleman: he is also respectful in his deeds, respectful in his deeds, beneficial to his people, and righteous to his people. The Analects

He who seeks righteousness will receive it, and he who does things for the people will succeed. "Yanzi Spring and Autumn"

Attacking a country of social stability, freedom, and equality by attacking a country of social stability, freedom, and equality with a country of social chaos and contradictions must kill itself; attacking justice with evil must kill itself; and a country that uses a system of perverse and authoritarian regression to attack a country that conforms to the system of freedom and equality that conforms to the will of God and the people must commit suicide.

Righteousness to the people. When a gentleman rules the country, it is righteous to work for the benefit of the people; it is righteous to raise up a teacher to fight against sin in order to eliminate violence and peace; it is righteous to revive an unrighteous teacher, and to kill people slightly just to expand the territory, so that he can enjoy great merit; and it will also lead to destruction.

Planning is moral, planning must be applied; and if things are done in the interest of the people, things will be successful.

Everyone has some intolerance, and he can tolerate it, and he is benevolent; everyone does not do anything, and he does what he does, and he is righteous. Man can be filled with the heart of no desire to harm others, and benevolence cannot be used; man can be filled with the heart of no wear, and righteousness cannot be used; man can be filled with the truth of Erru, and he can go without being righteous. Mencius

Everyone has a forbearance and intolerance towards others (such as not being able to watch their own children starve, and being willing to watch other people's children starve), and if you can push the intolerance to the matter of forbearance, this is the role of benevolence. Everyone has the mentality of refusing to do something, and to be able to push this unwillingness to do something to the one who is willing to do it is righteousness at work. If a person can expand his heart that does not want to harm others, then ren will never end. Man can expand the psychology of not committing theft, and the righteousness will not be exhausted. Man can expand his shame, not give others a pretext to blame himself, and wherever he goes, he will not do unrighteous things.

Fourth, if man is unrighteous, he is an animal, and if he acts perversely, he will perish.

If you do not perform righteousness, one is ominous; the lust is endless, the second is ominous; if you do not listen to strong advice, the third is ominous. "Huainanzi"

If people are rude and righteous, they are chaotic, and if they do not know etiquette, they are contradictory. "Xunzi"

Man's failure to behave is the greatest ominousness, why? If man does not know righteousness, his deeds will violate moral norms; if he does not have propriety, he will commit mischief.

Therefore, officials are false, and virtue is not false, and there is humility, and righteousness is not inferior, so those who are inferior and righteous, although they are lowly and noble, and those who are high and righteous, although noble, will be poor. The New Book

Official positions are false because of buying and selling, and morality is not false because of depreciation. Man's position is inferior, but righteousness is not inferior, so those who are low in status and high in righteousness are lowly and noble; those who are of high status and low in righteousness will eventually be poor, although they are noble in front of them.

Xi Cao said, "When the heavens are gathered, they will be virtuous and righteous." Deyi Fushi, there will be a gap in the gathering. "The Theory of the Diver"

Poly renounces righteousness as a thief. "Xunzi"

For a long time to occupy the world's resource wealth and must be Bo Shi de righteousness. Without virtue and righteousness, the more it accumulates, the more dangerous it is, and one day it will belong to the people. Xun Zi believed that abandoning righteousness in order to protect private interests was the greatest thief.

Ignoring morality and imposing tyranny on the people to defend the interests of oneself or a certain group is the greatest injustice in the world.

Man is unrighteous, only food, is a chicken dog also. Eat the horns, the winner is the system, is the beast also. For the chickens, dogs, animals, and desire the respect of others, can not be obtained. If a man does not respect himself, he will be humiliated and humiliated. "Liezi"

Liezi believes that if a man has no righteousness and only knows how to eat, he is a chicken and a dog; the weak eat the strong, and they fight together for the sake of fullness, and the winner is the king, that is the beast. Act like a chicken, a dog, a beast, and it is in vain to want others to respect themselves; if others do not respect themselves, then danger and humiliation will come.

Not on top, put down the shelf, be humble and respectful of others, be cautious everywhere, afraid to do unrighteous things. There is nothing that cannot be done in the moral and righteous way to do good things for the people of the world. For officials to pay attention to moral cultivation, correct their own behavior, govern for the people, the people have no disrespect or praise.

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