
The mystery of "Emperor Shenwu = Xu Fu"

author:Yang Jun

The history of the founding of Japan is not a myth

The mystery of "Emperor Shenwu = Xu Fu"

The peoples of the world have their own different myths in their primitive societies. There are also myths about the political character of primitive peoples made up according to the needs of the rulers. However, the veil of these myths has been stripped away by the increasingly developed scientific archaeology of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, so that the historical truth of prehistory has been largely unraveled. For example, the Greek nation is from Central Europe, the Indian nation is from Iran, and the Teutonic and Galian peoples are recorded in the Roman history books, etc., all of which have been determined. This means that although each people has its own legend, its true history must still be based on historical records. The national history of the countries of Europe and the United States is almost clear by this century, so that all civilized countries have no one who still takes mythology as history. The Japanese nation, of course, has its own mythology. Japanese historians of the past cling to the traditional concept that "history is a tool of politics" and distort history or arbitrarily distort history. Therefore, the study of ancient Japanese history cannot be scientifically developed.

The mystery of "Emperor Shenwu = Xu Fu"

The purpose of my initial research was to find out from an objective standpoint the truth about the "Tiansun nation" in the founding era of Japan. In the study, it was found that the deeds of the founding era of Japan are related to the Chinese zhengshi record of Xu Fu crossing the sea. The more you study, the more consistent evidence you find. This kind of evidence makes it impossible for me to constantly determine that Emperor Shenwu and Xu Fu are the same person. Xu Fu's ancestors were descendants of the Five Emperors Shaohao and Emperor Huan. In the Tao Tang, Youyu, and Post-Xia dynasties, Gao Tao and Boyi were the saints of Di Yao, Di Shun, and Di Yu, and were sealed in Xu (the ancestor of the Xia Dynasty). During the Guzhou Dynasty, his descendants multiplied in the Jiang, Huai, Yang and Ji areas. Xu Ju Wang Kang asked For Zhou Fu shares. King Xu Yan was born to do good deeds of benevolence and righteousness. Xu Fu was his twenty-ninth generation grandson.

The mystery of "Emperor Shenwu = Xu Fu"

Qin Shi Huang unified the world, xu Fu deeply resented his tyranny, falsely claimed that Xiandao had immortal medicine, pretended to seek medicine, requisitioned personnel and materials, and crossed the sea to establish a kingdom. Its wisdom, heroism and martial courage have left a glorious page in the history of the East.

Qin Shi Huang and Xu Fu described in the "Chronicle of History"

The mystery of "Emperor Shenwu = Xu Fu"

In the 221st year of the first century (that is, the twenty-sixth year of the First Emperor), the King of Qin destroyed Qi, unified the world, and called himself "Emperor Qin Shi Huang".

Twenty-eight years (219 BC), the First Emperor went east to the county... NanDen Lang Evil, Great Happiness, Stay in March... Make Lang Evil Platform, Standing Stone Carving, Praise qinde, Ming De... Since the Qi people Xu Shi and others have written, there are three gods in the sea of words, namely Penglai, Abbot, and Yingzhou (Author's Note: According to Liang Jiabin's research, Pengcai is today's Ben archipelago, the abbot is Jeju Island, and Yingzhou is now Ryukyu Island) Immortals live in it. Fast and ask for it with the virgins. So he sent thousands of boys and girls to the sea to seek immortals. (Author's Note: Zhuannan Biography as Xu Fu.) According to the "Chronicle of Xu Yan Wang", the twenty-ninth generation of The Birth of King Yan was named After the Emperor, alias City, the word Yanfu. City and Fu are homophonous, so this is the city)

The mystery of "Emperor Shenwu = Xu Fu"

In the twenty-ninth year, the First Emperor traveled east again to Lang Evil.

Thirty-five years later, the First Emperor was furious: "...,... Xu Shi and other expenses are huge in the tens of thousands, and finally there is no medicine... ,,,

Thirty-seven years (21 O BC) October decoction ugly, the first emperor traveled... North to Lang Evil. Fang Shi XuShi waited for the sea to ask for divine medicine, but he could not be allowed to be a few years old, and Fei Duo, fearing reproach, was a deception: "Penglai medicine is available, but it is often suffering from the big mackerel, so it is not allowed to come, and if you are willing to shoot well, you will shoot it with even others." Shi Huang Dream fights with the sea god, like a human. Ask Dr. Zhanmeng: "The water god is invisible, and the big fish and dragon are waiting." Now the shrine is ready, and this evil god should be removed, and the good god can be done. "It is to let the sea catch giant fishing gear, and since the July Bing Yin who waited for the big fish to shoot, the first emperor collapsed in the sand dunes."

The mystery of "Emperor Shenwu = Xu Fu"

Wu's confession is unmistakable

Twenty-eight years before Xu Fu crossed the sea with the "giant fishing gear", in the 221st year before his death, there was a Wu quilt in the neighboring Chu state of Chu (chu state county, Surabaya county, and tan county adjacent to Lang evil at that time), at the age of sixty-seven. He was a great writer of the Western Han Dynasty, a military, political and academic leader of the Huainan Kingdom, and an important author of zuo nanzi. Because of his involvement in the rebellion of Liu An, the king of Huainan, he said in his confession when he surrendered: "Xu Fu has obtained the plains of Guangze, and the king will not come." And the people mourned and missed each other...

Wu was born around 189 BC, twenty years after Xu Fu's last crossing of the sea, at which time it was clear that Xu Fu was still alive overseas. Moreover, Wu Was born next to Lang Evil, Wu Yu's parents were Xu Fu's contemporaries, geographically adjacent, it is entirely possible to actually see Xu Fu crossing the sea when the conscription of virgin boys and girls and grains, hundred workers and the allocation of transport ships and so on. At least it is entirely possible that the close relatives and friends of Wu's parents and elders may have seen Xu Fu cross the sea with their own eyes, and it is entirely possible that the children of Wu's relatives or friends were sent to cross the sea with Xu Fu. Since Yuan Shuo was still alive by his parents in the fifth year (this year, they were imprisoned by the Southern King), it can be said that this record is extremely correct.

The mystery of "Emperor Shenwu = Xu Fu"

The men's and women's armies of Emperor Shinmu

According to the Nihon Shoki, the founder of Japan was "Emperor Iwayohiko of Japan". Originally called "Konozun", it was called "Tensun" during the Eastern Crusade. At the end of the seventh century, when the Kingdom of Japan was renamed Japan, the monarch's honorific title was changed to "Emperor".

Emperor Katsumi was forty-five years old and led a boat to the East from Hyuga. After three years, the world was pacified in one fell swoop.

Whenever Emperor Shenmu came to battle, he first sent out the female army, and when the enemy troops were all out, he personally led the male army to attack from the rear. After all the Zhongzhou were pacified, the capital was built in the southeast of Mu ping mountain, and the original Year of Xin You was the first year. The Emperor ascends the throne in the first month. In the second year, on the reward of merit and deeds, the group of ministers was named "National Manufacturing" or "County Lord". For four years, the spirit was worshipped in the suburbs. Crashed in seventy-six years, one hundred and twenty-seven years old. He left behind the heirloom treasures "Eight Mirrors", "Grass Shaving Sword", "Feather Chopping Sword", "Takakura Sword", and "Yasaka Qiongqu Jade". These heirlooms are the three artifacts that the royal family later inherited to the throne.

The mystery of "Emperor Shenwu = Xu Fu"

Eight mirrors

The mystery of "Emperor Shenwu = Xu Fu"

Grass shaving sword

There are many points that coincide with the achievements of the founding of Japan and the State of Fujian

First, geographical conformity. The Kingdom of Xufu has "Plains" and "Guangze". Among the islands in the East China Sea, there are plains and Hirozawa, and only Honshu, Japan.

Second, the times are in line. Xu Fu is a figure between the Qin and Han dynasties, and among the three artifacts of Emperor Shenwu's relics are the White Bronze Mirror of the Qin Dynasty and the Ring Head Of the Han Dynasty, which proves that Shenwu is also a figure of the Qin and Han Dynasties.

Third, the boat master conforms. When Emperor Shenwu went on his crusade, he used boat divisions, which was the fleet that Xu Fu obtained the order of Qin Shi Huang and sent a fleet to cross the sea

Fourth, boys and girls meet. Xu Fu relied on the requisition order to requisition thousands of young boys and girls to cross the sea. Look at the time of Emperor Shenwu's eastern expedition, there were male and female troops.

Fifth, the grain and hundreds of workers are in line. During Emperor Shenwu's eastern expedition, the troops stationed in the electric power for several years were to make weapons, store food, and build boats, but rely on the grain seeds, various craftsmen, and equipment brought by Xu Fu to succeed.

Sixth, political ideology is in line. Xu Fu was born in the State of Qi before the unification of Qin; After Qin destroyed Qi county, he lived on the mainland for only one year. Of course, his political ideology was not the county system of the Qin and Han Dynasties, but the feudal system before the Qin. After the founding of the Shinmu Emperor, the political system implemented by Yamato was feudalism.

Seventh, the policy of ignorance is in line. Qin Shi Huang's burning of books and pit Confucianism was a policy of ignorance that ruled the people's minds. Emperor Shenwu used the mirrors and swords of the Qin and Han dynasties as artifacts, adopted the political system and ritual system before the Qin and Han Dynasties, and did not use Chinese characters and languages, which was obviously a means of prohibiting poetry books and the words of the Hundred Families, which was also a policy of ignorance.

Eighth, the myth conforms. In the Qi State Festival, in addition to the "Five Shrines of Sheji" (gold, wood, water, fire and earth) practiced by the princes of various countries, there are also unique "eight gods". One day God, heaven and earth. The landlord of the second day, the father of Taishan Liang. Three-day soldier lord, Qiyou. The Four Yin Lords, the Three Mountains and the Five Days Yang Lord, the Ancestral ZhiFu. Lord of the Sixth Moon, Mount Qilai. The Lord of the Seventh Day, turn into a mountain. Eight days and four hours of the Lord, worship evil. According to Japanese mythology, the Emperor's grandson descended to Hyuga, married the daughter of the god of the great mountain (landlord god), and had four sons: The Fire Ming Ming, the Fire Entry Life, the Fire Fold Life (also known as the Fire Descending Life), and the Yan Fire Fire Out of the Face. This is exactly the main god at the fourth hour of the day, which is exactly the same as the main god of the four hours of the year worshiped by lang evil. It should be noted here that Xu Fu is the father of emperor Wu of the Lang evil god Wu, named Yan Bo Ji Wu, and has the same name as Xu Fu's father Meng; Moreover, his grandfather was in line with the four gods and main gods worshipped in Xu Fu's hometown of Lang Evil Mountain. It is obviously no accident that such a coincidence is so coincidental.

The mystery of "Emperor Shenwu = Xu Fu"

Ninth, the chronology is in line. According to the Shinmu Honki, the eighth year of the first month of the reign of Regent Jingu in Yamato (Evil Matai) is the throne, and the first year of his reign is the 203rd year of the epoch. According to most scholars to date, it is assumed that Beimihu is the Empress of Shengong. According to the Book of Wei (倭人傳), it is known that Beimi Huliang died in the year 247 CE; Four hundred and fifty years ago, the first year of Shenwu, was exactly two or three years before the epoch.

Tenth, underground archaeology is in line. Japanese archaeology divides ancient Japanese culture into two distinct systems. One is the inherent culture of the island, which scholars call "Jomon culture"; Another "Yayoi culture" invaded by the outside, Japan's Yayoi culture, which is exactly the same as the Chinese mainland Qin and Han cultures, and is thousands of years advanced than the Rope culture inherent in the Japanese archipelago. The so-called "Yayoi culture" was brought in by Xu Fu when he immigrated to the Japanese archipelago, and the underground excavations can be confirmed.

The mystery of "Emperor Shenwu = Xu Fu"

At this point, according to the complete historical records of Chinese historians, official documents, and records that the locals heard and witnessed at that time, examined the geography, examined the historical legends of Japan, examined the relics of Japanese dynasties, and excavated antiquities underground in Japan, the results proved that the kingdom established by Xu Fu crossed the sea was the Japanese kinship. The founding of Emperor Shenmu of Japan, the "God of Japan Panyu Yanzun", and the founding of Xu Fu are the same time and ten rooms, the same idea, and the same system, and there is no contradiction in all aspects. Therefore, the founding of the two people is the same colleague. The so-called "Emperor Shenwu" is the posthumous title given to Xu Fu by xu fu's descendants in the eighth century.

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