
Zhu Yawen Liu Yifei's old photos are rarely exposed, the same frame is like two generations, nortel when he goes to school, the friendship is not ordinary

author:Cat's Eye Entertainment

On November 5, Zhu Yawen and Liu Yifei's old photos of green and astringent rehearsals in college were rarely exposed, which quickly caused heated discussion among netizens.

Zhu Yawen Liu Yifei's old photos are rarely exposed, the same frame is like two generations, nortel when he goes to school, the friendship is not ordinary

At that time, both of them were in their youth, Liu Yifei's face was full of collagen, her face was still a little baby fat, the girl was very cute, but her facial features were already very stunning and three-dimensional, big eyes goose egg face, the figure was also tall and material, curvy and exquisite, with a black long straight, proper campus pure goddess. Zhu Yawen is also much greener than now, but his appearance is the type of thick eyebrows and big eyes, male hormones are bursting, plus Liu Yifei was early in college, so although the two are classmates, the two look more like two generations when they are in the same frame.

Zhu Yawen Liu Yifei's old photos are rarely exposed, the same frame is like two generations, nortel when he goes to school, the friendship is not ordinary

Netizens have left messages in the comment area to joke that they always feel that Zhu Yawen is Liu Yifei's elder, and they don't know if Zhu Yawen will be angry after hearing it.

Zhu Yawen Liu Yifei's old photos are rarely exposed, the same frame is like two generations, nortel when he goes to school, the friendship is not ordinary

It is reported that Zhu Yawen and Liu Yifei have a good relationship in college, Zhu Yawen once revealed in the program that Liu Yifei often has to go outside to shoot dramas, so when he is about to take the exam, he will always help Liu Yifei rehearse homework, and the friendship between the two people when Nortel is not ordinary.

Zhu Yawen Liu Yifei's old photos are rarely exposed, the same frame is like two generations, nortel when he goes to school, the friendship is not ordinary

There are also Zhu Yawen's college buddies who broke the news that Zhu Yawen loved to be clean when he was in college, and his bed could not sit anyone, like a minefield, only Liu Yifei could sit.

Zhu Yawen Liu Yifei's old photos are rarely exposed, the same frame is like two generations, nortel when he goes to school, the friendship is not ordinary

Later, the two graduated and developed independently, the friendship was still maintained, Zhu Yawen and Shen Jiani were married in 2013, Liu Yifei personally came to congratulate and send blessings as the man's friend. During the period, she also greeted other Nortel classmates happily, and everyone was happy to find a happy Zhu Yawen.

Zhu Yawen Liu Yifei's old photos are rarely exposed, the same frame is like two generations, nortel when he goes to school, the friendship is not ordinary

Now Liu Yifei and Zhu Yawen have graduated for 15 years, and their careers are developing better and better, Zhu Yawen's love career has double harvest, Liu Yifei is still single, and Song Chengxian broke up as early as 2018.

Zhu Yawen Liu Yifei's old photos are rarely exposed, the same frame is like two generations, nortel when he goes to school, the friendship is not ordinary

I hope their friendship lasts forever.

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