
Can you get bitten by a snake when you go to the toilet? The man was bitten by a snake and injured his lower body, how to save himself in case of snake bite?

author:Animal Express

There is an old saying in the countryside, called "July wasp August snake", the seventh and eighth months of the lunar calendar, is the most frequent season for poisonous snakes, in this season, they will frequently look for food to paste autumn fat, after which they will hibernate. Therefore, in this season, especially friends living in the countryside, we must pay special attention to prevent snake bites.

Most of the incidents of snake bites basically occur in the wild, but there are exceptions, and even the phenomenon of "people sitting at home, disasters come from heaven" also occurs from time to time, which is not during the National Day, Luo Mou, a man whose home is in Wufeng Mountain Village, Enshi, Hubei Province, was bitten by a snake when he went to the toilet.

Can you get bitten by a snake when you go to the toilet? The man was bitten by a snake and injured his lower body, how to save himself in case of snake bite?

At about 9 o'clock in the evening of October 4, 2021, Luo Mou felt the intention of defecation, so he naturally had to go to the toilet. This should have been an extremely ordinary thing, but unexpectedly it happened like this, when Luo Mou squatted down, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his genitals, so he hurriedly looked down.

This look does not matter, directly startled him, only to see a snake jump out, and then he felt that his "lower body" had a feeling of swelling and numbness, and at the same time there was a small amount of blood flowing out, it was obvious that his genitals were bitten by a poisonous snake, fortunately, due to the timely treatment, Luo Mou was no longer in any serious trouble.

Can you get bitten by a snake when you go to the toilet? The man was bitten by a snake and injured his lower body, how to save himself in case of snake bite?

In the movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, there is a bridge section in which the Basilisk climbs up the building along the water pipe and hides under the toilet.

This clip seems nothing special today, but it was a nightmare for our childhood, because it combined with the scenes commonly used in life to create a horror atmosphere with a certain sense of reality, which led to us not daring to go to the toilet alone for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the nightmare shone into reality, someone was bitten by a snake when they went to the toilet, in fact, although this phenomenon is not common, it is not so rare, and there have been many incidents of toilet encounters with snakes all over the world.

Can you get bitten by a snake when you go to the toilet? The man was bitten by a snake and injured his lower body, how to save himself in case of snake bite?

Also during the National Day, in a scenic spot in Liaobu Town, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, the woman encountered a thrilling scene when she went to the toilet, when a snake fell from the ceiling, startling her, fortunately, no one was injured.

On July 5, 2021, a 65-year-old man in Austria felt pinched when he went to the toilet, so he quickly checked and found a 1.6-meter-long albino mesh python.

On March 28, 2021, a man in Pak Lan Province, Thailand, also felt as if his ass had been pushed against by something when he went to the toilet, and when he got up, he found that there was a snake head staring at him in the toilet, and rescuers arrived and pulled a 2.5-meter-long python out of the toilet.

Can you get bitten by a snake when you go to the toilet? The man was bitten by a snake and injured his lower body, how to save himself in case of snake bite?

Meeting a snake at home is already scary enough, more terrifying is still in the toilet, in fact, there is a similar experience with Luo Mou and Mr. Ye from Taiwan, but Mr. Ye was bitten by a centipede.

Mr. Ye, whose home is in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, is too tired to return home from work, so after washing, he directly slept on the floor. It is the hot season, in fact, many people have the habit of sleeping on the floor, because it will be much cooler than the bed.

It was precisely because of this move that an unfortunate thing happened, a centipede burrowed into Mr. Ye's pants, and then bit his genitals.

Can you get bitten by a snake when you go to the toilet? The man was bitten by a snake and injured his lower body, how to save himself in case of snake bite?

Centipedes and snakes are common animals in life, but also more toxic species, almost every year many people are bitten by them.

Another Mr. Luo, who lives in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, was also bitten by a poisonous snake around the National Day, but his series of textbook self-help methods won him precious rescue time and finally successfully escaped. Because the bite of him is a famous poisonous snake in our country, the scientific name is "original spearhead viper", commonly known as "soldering iron head", typical of the "rotten meat king", after being bitten by it, the flesh and blood will turn black and rotten, and even the bones are black and bad.

Being bitten by this poisonous snake, it is not too much to say that it is a race against the god of death, once the time for treatment is delayed, even if it does not die, it will lead to damage to the limbs or leave sequelae.

Can you get bitten by a snake when you go to the toilet? The man was bitten by a snake and injured his lower body, how to save himself in case of snake bite?

Being bitten by a snake, especially by a venomous snake, the correct self-help measures are very necessary, which can not only buy time for follow-up medical staff to come, but also minimize the damage after being bitten by a poisonous snake, so what should be done after being bitten by a snake?

The first thing is to be sure to stay calm, tension and excitement will accelerate the spread of snake venom, and then you can sit down and reduce pressure to slow the blood flow. At the same time, you can ask your friends or yourself to have the conditions to kill the venomous snake, or take a photo so that the follow-up doctor can diagnose what is the venomous snake and inject the corresponding anti-snake venom serum at the fastest speed.

Can you get bitten by a snake when you go to the toilet? The man was bitten by a snake and injured his lower body, how to save himself in case of snake bite?

The frequent footage on television is deeply rooted in the way poisonous blood is sucked out by mouth, but this practice is wrong and not recommended, especially for snake venom that spreads through the lymphatic system such as "soldering iron head".

The correct way is to rinse the wound with a lot of water, and at the same time use the lashing method to ligation the wound near the heart, of course, the most important step is to ask for help, whether it is driving by yourself or a friend, or calling for help, you must rush to the hospital as soon as possible, because the injection serum is currently the fastest and most effective way to detoxify the snake.

Can you get bitten by a snake when you go to the toilet? The man was bitten by a snake and injured his lower body, how to save himself in case of snake bite?

The three brothers of Bian Que practice medicine, and the eldest brother has the most exquisite medical skills, because he can often be cured before the onset of the disease, before the patient himself is aware of it, so his medical skills are the highest. The best self-help measure for snake bites is the same, that is, to prevent problems before they occur, in daily life, we should try to avoid wading into areas where poisonous snakes often appear, such as the dense green belt of the community, the river and so on. Also pay attention to your feet when walking, because snakes rarely take the initiative to attack people unless you step on it.

Debunking: Rattlesnake juvenile snakes are more venomous than adult snakes? It is only folklore, and there is no scientific conclusion

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