
I can't laugh anymore! Dong Dong's "Rashomon" in the toilet was staged in the live broadcast room

author:Mushroom heads

Last night's live broadcast was really laughable, and a "Rashomon" incident about "Dong Dong going to the toilet" was staged in the live broadcast room, which made people laugh.

It is said that last night, Dong Dong Chuanxi and Peng Peng Xiaobei were on duty in the live broadcast room in turn. Chuanxi came up first, and as soon as he came up, he broke the news and said: "Dong Dong went to the toilet, wait for the next one to come up." Before he finished speaking, Xiaobei also interjected, but Dong Dong, who had just come out of the toilet, heard it. Dong Dong stood in the distance and asked with a puzzled expression: "Who said I went to the toilet?" ”

I can't laugh anymore! Dong Dong's "Rashomon" in the toilet was staged in the live broadcast room

When Xiaobei heard this, he quickly waved his hand to deny: "It wasn't me who said it, it's not me!" Dong Dong insisted: "I obviously heard you talking." Xiaobei was anxious, and hurriedly defended: "I didn't say it first, if you ask everyone, it's definitely not me." ”

I can't laugh anymore! Dong Dong's "Rashomon" in the toilet was staged in the live broadcast room

Now the live broadcast room is lively, and the comment area explodes. Some netizens said that it was said by Chuanxi, some said that Peng Peng said it, and some were even more outrageous, and they actually said that it was Hansen who said it. The pot was thrown on Hansen's head at once, and Hansen was probably also confused, thinking, "What does this matter to me?" ”

After some heated discussion and debate, everyone finally figured out the truth of the matter. It turned out that it was Dong Dong himself who first told Chuanxi that he was going to the toilet, and Chuanxi revealed this "little secret" in the live broadcast room. As a result, I didn't expect that this spread ten, ten spread hundreds, and finally made such a "Rashomon".

I can't laugh anymore! Dong Dong's "Rashomon" in the toilet was staged in the live broadcast room

Although this farce of "Dong Dong goes to the toilet" is over, it has left a deep impression on everyone. Netizens have said that the atmosphere in this live broadcast room is really joyful, not only can you see the wonderful show, but also participate in this interesting interaction.

However, this also reminds us that we should be cautious when speaking in the live broadcast room, and if we are not careful, we may become a "backstabber". At the same time, it also allows us to see the charm of the live broadcast room, which is not only a platform to show talents, but also a social place full of joy and interaction.

I can't laugh anymore! Dong Dong's "Rashomon" in the toilet was staged in the live broadcast room

Finally, I would like to ask everyone, if you were on the scene, would you also participate in this "Rashomon" discussion? Or have you ever encountered similar interesting stories, please share them in the comment area!

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