
The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

author:East Lake, Wuhan
The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!
The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

Photography / Dani Chen

Have you seen the lakes/forests/birds of East Lake but have you ever seen the underwater world of East Lake?

Some myths have always existed: when crossing the East Lake Tunnel, the fish are swimming and the water grass is swaying; when walking on the greenway, the turtle hides by the grass, and the plankton in the water is too small to be seen.

There was no way to dive underwater the East Lake and cruise 33 square kilometers of water to find out, but we found someone who knew better - Liu Huanzhang, a researcher at the Institute of Aquatic Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, an expert in fish behavior.

He described to us a group of elves living under the water of East Lake, those "fish of East Lake" with different personalities and diverse postures.

We tried to restore the true appearance of the East Lake underwater with a scientific and rigorous attitude, and together with Zhang Guogang, a popular science picture book writer and teacher of Hubei University, we made a hand-drawn long picture of "Fish in the East Lake" to complete a more three-dimensional interpretation.

So now, take a curiosity and start exploring.


The water area of East Lake is about 33 square kilometers, equivalent to the size of 4607 football fields, and the deepest point is 4.5 meters, which is a typical shallow lake. The bottom of the East Lake is super flat, mostly silt, like a large bath.

And this group of small fish is the most active species in this "big bath".


「 qīng jiāng 」

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

The smallest freshwater fish in the country

It is often mistaken for the larvae of other fish

The eyes are very bright, occupying most of the head, commonly known as "eye thief"

Because of its extremely small size, it has scales but its body is almost transparent

The internal structure of the body can be clearly seen

Mosquito-eating fish

「 shí wén yú 」

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

△ ◇ Upper female and lower male, in general, females of the same age will be larger than males

Tiny gray fish, body like willow leaves

Because I love to eat mosquitoes

Mosquito-eating fish are found in the major waters of the South

Because the appetite is too good and the tolerance to water quality is strong

Mosquito-eating fish have an advantage in the turf

This results in medaka with almost the same activity waters, food and habits

Regional extinction in many waters

Carp "lǐ yú"

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

Born with a wide mouth, can eat not picky food

It is the most widely distributed freshwater fish in the world

Individuals with body color variations that occur during carp culture

Evolved into the famous ornamental fish in Bitan Guanyu - koi

However, because farmed domestic carp for wild carp

It can cause genetic contamination

The IUCN assesses carp in wild populations as

"Vulnerable", the same level as the giant panda

Grass carp

「 cǎo yú 」

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

Fish, as the name suggests, loves to eat grass

In order to eat, you can jump out of the water tens of centimeters to jump up and eat the leaves

Same as other house fish

The grass carp in the East Lake are artificially farmed

Wild four large fish (grass carp)

It needs to be fertilized in lakes and spawned in rivers

There are requirements for changes in water speed, length and water temperature of the river

There are not many left

Cocked bass

「 qiào zuǐ bundle 」

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

With a mouth full of earth and cute eyes, he looks fierce

Will be in groups of people to take the initiative to quickly eat the upper layer of small fish


「 jì yú 」

Wuhan people call it "Happy Head Fish"

It is one of the earliest domesticated fish by humans

Small goldfish that are now common on the market

They are all mutated by crucian carp and selected and bred by countless generations

It became the earliest ornamental fish species


「qīng yú」

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

Bluefish are famous for their fondness to eat snails

So the teeth of the pharynx are thick and hard as a millstone

Same as other native fish

As long as the food is sufficient and the environmental conditions are suitable

It can continue to grow until it ages

Bluefish grow very fast, reaching a body length of up to 180 cm

The largest individual record exceeds 100 kg

High-body salmon

「 gāo tī páng pí 」

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

Can't escape the animal kingdom males are mainly responsible for the law of good looks

Male tall-bodied sturgeons are extremely beautiful in color

Both red and blue have a metallic sheen

Because of the high requirements for water quality

It is mainly found in Luoyan Lake and Houhu Lake, which have better water quality

Trout need to lay eggs in river mussels to improve hatching chances

Small fish grow large in the river mussels before they come out

Therefore, breeding offspring is easier and hassle-free

But if the river mussels decrease, the salmon will disappear accordingly

Rainbow flounder

「 cǎi shípáng pi 」

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

Naughty personality

Always four or five get together

Love to fight in groups

Wuchang fish

「 wǔ chāng yú 」

Because the place of origin Echeng was called "Wuchang" in ancient times

Therefore, the fish name "Wuchang Fish"

A species of bream, tall and broad

Shrunk neck, aka "tuantou bream"

Thirteen and a half large spines are used as the identification point

It was not until 1949 that it was recognized as a new species by scientists

It was the first freshwater fish to be named after the founding of New China

Because relative to other bream brothers

The meat of the tuantou bream is more delicious

It also became after the founding of New China

The first freshwater fish that was domesticated and successfully farmed


「Grinding suì」

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

It is extremely common, and it is found where there is wheat

Because of its strong tolerance, it can be seen in almost every river

So the name is relatively common

Similar to the "dog egg" and "jade flower" in the name

Rainbow trout

「 cǎi fù yù 」

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

Beautiful little fish typical of the East Lake

The fins are flowing and wide

Swim fast and timid in the water

You'll be scared to death

Bo's kissing goby

「 bō shì wěn xiā hǔ yú 」

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!
The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

Although small, he is naturally aggressive and has a strong sense of territory

Not content with an attack that only bites each other with lips

They have an extra dorsal fin than other fish

This is the weapon that is displayed during the fight

Sticky mullet goby

「 zhān pí zī xiā hǔ yú 」

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

Endemic to China

It belongs to the more docile among the shrimp tigers

(In fact, it is still more ferocious)

It exists in the East Lake

The skin tone is quite fashionable

Round-tailed fighting fish

「 yuán wěiu yú 」

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

Small fish commonly found in the East Lake

Waters with abundant aquatic vegetation and dense shelter under the water

Ideal for fighting fish

Once settled, they basically no longer move their nests

Fighting fish like to live alone

I can't stand having a similar figure in my line of sight

Other species swimming nearby will also be the target of its expulsion

When reproducing, it is only a brief encounter with the opposite sex

Fighting fish fathers use foam from their mouths as a nest for laying eggs

After driving the females away, they grow up alone without sleep or food

Chinese loach

」 zhōng huá huā qiū 」

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

He looks obscene, has a docile personality, and is super timid

As soon as the wind blows, it will be sandy

Bury yourself whole in the sand bed

Only one pair of eyes is exposed

This is also its innate escape skill

What does the East Lake Underwater World look like?

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!
The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!
The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!
The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!
The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!
The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!
The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!
The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!
The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!
The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

The first time I "dived" underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this.

All living beings, leisurely and self-satisfied, cannot be separated from the efforts behind it.

East Lake adheres to a unique lake governance method all year round: on the basis of exogenous pollution interception, aquatic plants are planted, water level and fish are regulated, and water quality self-purification is achieved through microorganisms.

The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

At the same time, a series of actions have been taken to maintain ecological stability. For example, cruise ships in the waters of the East Lake are regulated and only clean energy is used; for example, the complete ban on commercial aquaculture and the prohibition of illegal fishing.

Considering people's yearning for nature, East Lake has set up 5 fishing spots and is open to the public. Circle a piece of water, regularly release an appropriate amount of fish fry, observe changes in water bodies at any time, standardize fishing methods, and coexist in harmony with nature in a scientific way to maintain the beauty of order.

Therefore, the best way to love the species of East Lake is not to disturb ~! ❤️

East Lake Compliant Fishing Spots

Luoyan Island Xigeng Fishing Center

Fishing locations are | East Lake Greenway Luoyan Road Qugang Listening to the Dutch Tourist Service Center

Time | 7:00-17:00 18:00-21:00

Ticket prices | Fishing fees are based on the amount of fish stocked, weather, air pressure, fish species, fishing position, and there will be a public notice board on the day

Reservation method is | Wu Hao 18607148205

Gui's Aquatic Recreation Center

Fishing locations are | East Lake Lake Light Village Yandao Trail (about 150 meters south of the second fishery)

Time | 8:00-17:00

Ticket prices | On the pound price, diaozi fish 16 yuan / catty, ordinary fish 10 yuan / catty

Reservation method is | Gui Zhiyou 13886101600

Nine Peaks Fishing Ranch

Fishing locations are | Back Lake Waters (East and South Shores of Ma'anshan Forest Park)

Time | 8:00-17:00

Ticket prices | 20 yuan / piece, one pole per person, one pole per person, two votes and one pole in the sea pole category

Reservation method is | Huang Fei 18062699447

Lakefront community

Fishing locations are | The lakefront community is on the upper and lower levels

Time | 6:00-16:00

Ticket prices | 120 yuan - 150 yuan / pole

Reservation method is | Zheng Dingpeng 13657202000

Bridge community

Fishing locations are | Lu Mo Road Botanical Garden Road Nameless Fishing Terrace

Time | 7:00-19:00

Ticket prices | Method (1) on the pound price, intensive fish 15 yuan / catty; way (2) large fish pond fishing, 120 yuan / day

Reservation method is | Lujiashan 13807198780

* Warm reminder, fishing outside the above statutory fishing spots is a violation.


Edit = Pig Girl

Illustrator = Zhang Guogang

* Special thanks to Teacher Zhang Guogang, who is the author of "Wild Fish", "Chinese Native Fish Watercolor", "Fish Around", and the new book "Fish Hunting" is also about to be published.

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The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!
The first time I dived underwater to see the East Lake, it turned out to be like this!

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