
Love is like life, love money is like life: 18 "twins" idiom, it is embarrassing to use it wrong

author:Classical Literature and Poetry

"Twins" is often used to describe siblings, but Cain Niang wants to use it to describe the idiom.

There are some idioms, only one word is different out of four words, which can be called "twins". But these "twins" are very naughty, look like, but the meaning is thousands of miles apart, if used wrong, it may be quite embarrassing.

In order to avoid embarrassment in the future, hurry up and learn it!

Love is like life, love money is like life: 18 "twins" idiom, it is embarrassing to use it wrong

【Love is like fate】【Love money is like fate】

Love of money as life: A derogatory term that refers to the fact that money is as important as life, and describes extreme miserliness.

Love is like life: Describe the love of talents, eager to get, just as important as life.

【The Ambition of the Bird】【The Bird is coming】

The Ambition of the Birds: Metaphorical ambitions. From the "History of Chen ShiJia": "Oh! Bird Bird Anzhi Honghu Zhi Ya! ”

The Crane is coming: It means that the swan is about to fly. Refers to not paying attention to learning. It is now said that there will be gains.

【Crane hair chicken skin】【Crane hair childlike face】

Crane hair chicken skin: white hair like white crane feathers, rough and wrinkled skin like chicken skin. Describe the appearance of aging in the face of the elderly. Also known as "Chicken Skin Crane Hair".

Crane hair and childlike face: crane feather-white hair, childlike ruddy complexion. Describe the elderly as having a good look.

Love is like life, love money is like life: 18 "twins" idiom, it is embarrassing to use it wrong

【Forward to follow】【Predecessor and successor】

Forward and backward: refers to the person in front of the heroic advance, and the person behind follows closely. Describe the courageous progress, continuously.

Front servant follows: the front falls, and the back follows closely. Describe the struggle as heroic and heroic.

【Tiger Vision Eagle Eye】【Tiger Vision Eagle Yang】

Tiger Eyes: Staring greedily and ferociously like tigers and eagles trying to pounce on food. Describe the fierce gaze, will want to grab something.

Tiger Vision Eagle Yang: Like a tiger, flying in the sky like an eagle. Describing people is very authoritative.

【High mountains and long water】【High mountains and low water】

Mountains and rivers: The original metaphor of people's demeanor or reputation exists forever like a mountain, and the latter metaphor is kind and affectionate.

Mountains and rivers are low: the mountains are high and dangerous, and the water flow is low and turbulent. It is a metaphor for the unfortunate events that happen unexpectedly (mostly referring to the death of a person).

Love is like life, love money is like life: 18 "twins" idiom, it is embarrassing to use it wrong

【One's own view】【One hole's view】

Opinion: Refers to the opinion of a person.

One Hole View: Refers to the narrow and one-sided view seen from a small hole.

【No doubt】【No question beak】

Needless to say: the facts are obvious or well-founded, there is no need to doubt, there is no room for doubt.

Needless to say: it means that no one else is used to interject, no need to say much.

【Half the work】【Half the work】

Doing more with less: It means using only half the strength and receiving a double effect. Describe small force and great effect.

Double the effort: Describe the method of doing things as laborious and effective.

Love is like life, love money is like life: 18 "twins" idiom, it is embarrassing to use it wrong

【Live up to expectations】【Not to meet public expectations】

Living up to expectations: Refers to being convinced, very contentious, and not living up to everyone's expectations.

Unpopularity: It means that everyone cannot be convinced and does not meet everyone's expectations.

【The theory of not publishing】【Theory of not being easy】

Unpublished: Metaphorically unchangeable or indelible remarks, used to describe articles or words with appropriate precision and impeccableness.

Not Easy Theory: Means immutable remarks, adjective assertions or opinions that are very correct.


Nothing in the world could be more tragic. Described as miserable to the extreme, rare in the world. Many describe the various tragic situations caused by torture, massacres, etc.

Inhumane: It means cruelty to the point of not having a little humanity, and it is described as fierce and brutal to the extreme.

Love is like life, love money is like life: 18 "twins" idiom, it is embarrassing to use it wrong


Appalling: It means that people are very surprised to hear it (mostly referring to bad things that happen in society).

Sensationalism: Deliberately saying exaggerated or fabricated words of surprise makes people very shocked to hear it. Indicates deliberate surprise.


Dizzy: It means to describe things that are too late to watch or cannot be seen.

Overwhelmed: It means that there are many scenes and it is too late to watch. There are too many people or things to describe, and I can't cope with them.

【Resurrection from the Dead】【Escape from the Dead】

Resurrection from the Dead: Describe the medical skills as clever, but also describe the rescue of things that seem hopeless.

Escape from death: Escape from extremely dangerous situations and survive death.

Love is like life, love money is like life: 18 "twins" idiom, it is embarrassing to use it wrong


Take care of everything: no matter how subtle, it can be taken care of. It's very subtle.

Omnipotence: It means that there is nothing not to do, it also means that there is nothing that cannot be done, and it means that nothing is not done.

【Getting worse every time】【Getting worse and worse】

The worse it gets: the more you push down and the deeper you push, the more you can understand the real situation.

Deterioration: Refers to the worse situation, and each deterioration is two distinct idioms.


Interesting: Describe high interest and strong interest. Angran: Describe the atmosphere, fun, etc.

Interested: Shows no interest at all.

What other "twin" idioms do you know?

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