
Why don't Indians keep cats? I get goosebumps when I see what native Indians do

author:Pet Handbook

Why don't Indians keep cats? I get goosebumps when I see what the natives of India do!

With the progress of the times, now more and more young people began to like to raise pets, of which there are more cats and dogs, raising cats is simpler than raising dogs, because cats like to stay at home, and dogs need to be taken out every day to walk a walk, cats are also suitable for people who love home, raising cats also has many benefits, raising cats is a good way to get rid of loneliness for some young people who are working outside, because small animals will make people feel very healing, especially cute cats.

Why don't Indians keep cats? I get goosebumps when I see what native Indians do

There are many countries where people like to keep cats as pets, like South Korea and Japan, especially in Japan, almost every family in Japan has a cat, and Japan has also produced a lot of cat-related movies, anime, and games. But some countries don't welcome cats very well, and that's India. India is an exception, Indian people do not like cats, basically in the streets of India is not visible cats, only in the slums and laundry rooms can see one or two cats, here will also make people feel very strange, why indians do not like to keep cats?

Why don't Indians keep cats? I get goosebumps when I see what native Indians do
Why don't Indians keep cats? I get goosebumps when I see what native Indians do

Most likely because cats will catch mice, in India rats are a very sacred animal, Hinduism worships many animal gods, India also has a temple specially built for rats called karnimata, this temple has more than 20,000 rats, in the temple Indians worship not mice, but one of the embodiments of the goddess Durga karni mata, Indians believe that rats have the soul of the goddess, so they are so careful to take care of mice.

Why don't Indians keep cats? I get goosebumps when I see what native Indians do

Listening to the native Indians is in the temple of karnimata, there are five white incarnations of karnimata himself, there are also many Indians believe that people will become rats after death, rats will reincarnate after death, they also believe that their relatives may become rats in the temple after death, so they are very respectful to the rats, so this temple has also become a paradise for rats.

Why don't Indians keep cats? I get goosebumps when I see what native Indians do

In the temple of karnimata, people need to take off their shoes when they want to go in, and many people come to the temple with milk and food, which are used to feed rats, and it has to be said that the only person in the world who treats rats is India, because in other countries rats are shouted and beaten by everyone.

Why don't Indians keep cats? I get goosebumps when I see what native Indians do
Why don't Indians keep cats? I get goosebumps when I see what native Indians do

The life span of rats is generally 1 to 3 years, rats mature relatively early, generally born a few months can breed, each breeding can give birth to more than a dozen, you can imagine the same in the temple of karnimata will now have how many rats, which is very unfriendly to small partners with dense phobia, there are so many rats According to the theory, the environment will be very poor, but the Indians will take care of the temple of karnimata just like the ordinary temple, and it is also very clean. In addition to the rats on the ground that give people goosebumps and don't look dirty, it can be said that Indians really treat rats with care.

Why don't Indians keep cats? I get goosebumps when I see what native Indians do

In addition to the reason why Indians value mice, Indians rarely keep cats, and there are many Indians who feel that cats are unlucky, but this is all without scientific basis, are caused by personal religious beliefs, cats in our country are very cute, and mice are really avoidable, living in the Temple of Karnimata in India should be very happy.