
Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

author:Liu Sanshui chatted about things
Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

Mr. Wang usually likes to eat seafood in his diet, and he has never been regular in his diet, and he can eat whatever he wants.

It was this reason that caused Mr. Wang's uric acid value to be high, and after a physical examination, the doctor told him to be careful about his diet and not to eat too much.

But Mr. Wang didn't listen, and when he had a gout attack, he was very serious and went to the hospital again.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

This time, the doctor said to him: "Too high uric acid is very harmful to the body, not only gout, but also will lead to kidney and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems, and in severe cases, it is easy to cause stroke, so it is still necessary to pay attention." ”

This time, Mr. Wang realized the seriousness of the problem and began to pay attention to his diet. And I heard that eating onions can help alleviate the problem of high uric acid value, so is onion really a killer of uric acid?

1. What causes a stroke?

Stroke is a very serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, also known as stroke.

There are many factors that can trigger stroke, such as chronic diseases or bad lifestyle habits, etc., which are more common in middle-aged and elderly groups.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

Most people think that a stroke happens suddenly and catches people off guard. In fact, there are certain signs of stroke before the onset of the disease, and if you can be vigilant, you can prevent it.

Sudden blackness in sight: Many patients have obvious symptoms before stroke, and one of the manifestations is a sudden blackness in front of the eyes.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

It's like the feeling of being in front of our eyes and suddenly standing up. It also lasts for a short time, usually a few seconds or tens of seconds, and then it can return to normal.

It is precisely because it lasts for a short period of time that it is easy for patients to overlook.

The reason why such a problem occurs is because there is already cerebral ischemia, which causes retinal ischemia, and only then will there be a black eye.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

Yawning: 80% of stroke patients experience this symptom about five to ten days before the onset of the disease.

This kind of yawning is not caused by poor sleep, and for some patients who sleep well, they are also prone to yawning.

It is very likely that cerebral ischemia has occurred, and if it continues to develop, it is easy to have a sudden stroke.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

Unclear language: Stroke is a functional disorder caused by cerebral ischemia and hypoxia. So before the onset of the disease, there will be a situation where the tongue is stiff and cannot speak normally.

Even speech is very unclear, and most patients may not be able to communicate normally before the stroke, and they can easily develop speech barriers.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

At the same time, there will be a certain deviation in understanding, because at this time the brain ischemia has been too long, causing damage to the functional areas.

Limb numbness: Gout is also prone to limb numbness before the attack, mainly because the blood circulation is not normal, resulting in the limbs cannot supply blood normally, and it is easy to have numbness without nutrients.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

There will be numbness in the fingers, arms, legs, etc., and the movements will become much slower.

For some elderly people, it is easy to fall down even due to numbness in the limbs, and the situation is already more serious at this time, so don't care.

Generally speaking, there are certain signs before the onset of stroke.

If the middle-aged and elderly people in the family can find their own physical problems in time, they can strangle the stroke in the cradle and not leave serious sequelae after the onset of the disease.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

There are many factors that lead to stroke, and if the uric acid in the body is too high, it is easy to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

There is a saying that onions are the killer of uric acid, is this true?

2. Onions are the killers of uric acid?

There are many foods in our lives that have a certain effect on the prevention of diseases, and onions, as a healthy ingredient, are always used as ingredients by us, in fact, the role and nutritional value of onions are very large.

Although eating onions does not directly reduce uric acid, it can make the level of uric acid in the body fluctuate to a certain extent.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

This is because onions do not contain purines, and there is also a type of quercetin that is good for the body.

The production of uric acid is hindered by the action of this substance, which reduces the amount of uric acid in the body.

For people who have been diagnosed with high uric acid, they can usually eat onions in moderation, which has a certain regulatory effect.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

However, it is best not to eat a large amount at one time, because onions are still spicy foods and may have a certain effect on the stomach and intestines.

Middle-aged and elderly people do not have a very good stomach, so they cannot eat a large amount of raw onions, which will cause some irritation to the gastric mucosa.

You can choose to eat onions cooked, which also contains a lot of dietary fiber, which can effectively relieve constipation.

Of course, people with gastrointestinal diseases should be cautious and try to eat less, otherwise it will lead to aggravation of the disease.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

If you really don't want to have a stroke, you still have to pay more attention to your diet, and there are three foods to eat less.

The first type of food is seafood. Now people's living conditions have improved, and seafood can be eaten as much as it can be eaten. There are many types of seafood, and the biggest feature of seafood is that it is relatively delicious.

From the perspective of ingredients, if you don't want to increase uric acid, you must eat less seafood.

Because its purine content is too high, long-term use of large amounts can easily lead to an increase in uric acid, resulting in hyperuricemia.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

For people whose uric acid value is already unstable, they should eat less, otherwise it will easily induce gout. Once gout attacks are a big torture for patients, so if you want to control your uric acid value, try to eat less seafood.

The second type of food is processed meat or bacon. Nowadays, there are many middle-aged and elderly friends who are particularly fond of heavy food, especially processed meats and smoked meats.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

These two are almost ready to eat as soon as they are bought and hot, and they can stimulate our taste buds.

However, processed meats and bacon are first considered to have a high nitrite content in them, which can lead to the destruction of blood vessels.

As a result, the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases increases, and the risk of cancer will also be greater.

In addition, nitrite in it can also cause arteriosclerosis, which may lead to blockage of blood vessels or rupture of blood vessels at any time, resulting in stroke.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

Therefore, it is recommended that everyone can eat less of this food, try to eat as little as possible, and processed meat has been listed as a first-class carcinogen by the World Health Organization for a long time.

The third is foods that are high in sugar. Foods high in sugar mainly affect the body's blood sugar level, and if left uncontrolled for a long time, it is likely to lead to diabetes.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

In addition, most of the high-sugar foods on the market now have a substance called trans fatty acids, and eating too much will increase the burden on people's blood vessels, which will also lead to an increased risk of stroke.

Nowadays, whether it is a child, an adult or an elderly person, it seems that there is no way to refuse high-sugar food, because after eating sweets, people's mood will indeed improve.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

However, eating a large amount of food for a long time is likely to cause excessive obesity, which can easily lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and will also cause damage to other organs of the body, so try not to eat.

In general, if you don't want to have a stroke, you can still eat less of the above three foods and try to eat as little as possible.

It is not enough to prevent stroke from the aspect of diet, for middle-aged and elderly friends, if you want to better prevent stroke, you must also do the following things.

3. Prevent strokes and do these things well in your life

The first thing to do is to control the common underlying disease. One of the most likely causes of stroke is the level of blood pressure, which can be said to be a very dangerous factor.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

Because once you have high blood pressure, your blood pressure is not controlled, and the risk of stroke is about one to four times higher than that of the general population.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to controlling blood pressure at the target value, and there are many ways to prevent hypertension or lower blood pressure, such as adopting a low-salt, low-fat, and low-sugar diet.

For people whose blood pressure is already high, they should seek medical attention in time, and many doctors will prescribe antihypertensive drugs to patients to lower their blood pressure under the doctor's plan.

It is best to take blood pressure medication on time, and never stop or change the medication at will.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

The second thing is to control your weight. When it comes to weight control, it may be difficult for most people, especially those who are already fat.

Because obesity is very likely to induce related diseases such as hyperlipidemia or high blood pressure.

So try to keep your weight within the normal range, which is also closely related to your diet, you can control your mouth and open your legs.

In addition, it is necessary to get rid of some bad habits, the most typical of which is tobacco and alcohol.

If you can quit drinking and smoking, or limit drinking, it is beneficial to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular. If you usually have a lot of entertainment, try to choose other drinks instead, drink less if you can, and you can moderate it.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods

Because drinking less alcohol and smoking less can reduce the risk of stroke, once drinking too much alcohol will cause great damage to blood vessels, so it is easy to cause insufficient blood supply to the cerebrovascular system, and eventually have a stroke.

Cigarettes, on the other hand, can make people's blood thicken, causing fat accumulation, forming plaque, and clogging blood vessels.

Therefore, it is also very necessary to quit smoking, and there are many ways to quit smoking, which can be gradual to allow your body to adapt to the process, and when you quit smoking and drinking, you can significantly reduce the risk of stroke.

Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods


Nowadays, many chronic diseases are gradually getting younger, such as high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

It is easy to ignore high uric acid, but most young people now have gout, which is a typical high uric acid value.

When the uric acid value is too high for a long time, it is also harmful to people's cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, and it is also easy to cause high blood pressure and cause stroke.

There are some precursors to stroke, and if family members or patients can pay attention to it, they can avoid sudden strokes and prevent them from affecting their lives and future quality of life.

There are many ways to prevent stroke in life, in addition to eating a healthy diet, you can also have a moderate amount of exercise, mainly to maintain weight and enhance personal fitness.


Guo Chen, Cardiovascular Surgery 2022-08-24 "Remember 5 "Stroke" Signs, Saving Lives at Critical Moments"

Longnanli County released 2024-06-09 "Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Suggestion: If you don't want to have a stroke, try to eat as little as possible with 4 kinds of foods》

Teacher Lu shared 2024-06-11 "Onions are the "killer" of uric acid? Advice: If you don't want to have a stroke, eat less than 3 foods"

General Practitioner Dr. Ren 2024-06-26 "To prevent stroke, 5 points are the key, and most people don't know the last point"

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