
Why did Li Longji become the first thing he did when he became emperor, which was to kill his aunt Princess Taiping?

author:Calm glutinous rice 1

The royal palace of the Tang Dynasty has always been a place where power and blood coexist. In 713 AD, as soon as Li Longji ascended the throne as emperor, he made an astonishing move - to execute his aunt, Princess Taiping. How did this princess, who was once in power, fall into such a situation? What kind of grievances and hatreds do she have between her and Li Longji? You must know that in the recent Tanglong coup, the two were allies who fought side by side. Why did Li Longji get rid of this meritorious aunt at the beginning of his ascension to the throne? Is it jealous of her power, or is there something else hidden? Let's unravel this long-sealed historical mystery and take a look at the hidden secrets of the Tang Dynasty court. What kind of inspiration will the fate of Princess Taiping bring us?

Princess Taiping, born in 665 AD, was the youngest daughter of Tang Gaozong Li Zhi and Wu Zetian. Her birth coincided with the time when Wu Zetian began to grasp real power and gradually established his position in the court. As the only daughter of the emperor, Princess Taiping has been favored since she was a child and enjoys unparalleled glory and wealth.

Wu Zetian's love for this little daughter can be said to have reached an unstoppable level. Soon after Princess Taiping was born, Wu Zetian built an exclusive palace for her - Taiping Palace. The palace was so large and richly decorated that it even surpassed the residences of some princes. Wu Zetian also personally selected a group of talented palace maids and attendants for Princess Taiping to ensure that she could receive the best care and education.

However, Wu Zetian's favor is not untargeted. As a politician, she understands the nature of power and knows that in this court of the jungle, it is not enough to rely on the protection of her parents. Therefore, Wu Zetian began to consciously cultivate Princess Taiping's political acumen and ability to deal with things when she was a child.

Wu Zetian often summoned Princess Taiping to his side in the interval of dealing with government affairs, and explained to her the major affairs of the court and the way of being an official. She also asked Princess Taiping to observe some important court meetings, allowing her to observe the power operation in the court up close. These experiences laid a solid foundation for Princess Taiping's participation in court politics in the future.

Princess Taiping was brilliant and soon showed extraordinary political acumen. She is not only able to quickly understand the complex political situation, but also gives advice to Wu Zetian. This made Wu Zetian even more convinced that his little daughter would definitely be able to make a big difference in the court in the future.

As an important member of the Li Tang royal family, Princess Taiping's marriage has naturally become a political bargaining chip. Wu Zetian carefully selected Xue Shao as a colt for her. Xue Shao was born in a famous family, and his father Xue Yuanchao was an important minister in the court at that time. This marriage not only consolidated the alliance between Wu Zetian and the Xue family, but also laid the foundation for Princess Taiping to establish her own power in the court in the future.

However, Princess Taiping's married life is not as beautiful as it seems. Although Xue Shao was born in a noble family, his personality was weak and it was difficult to satisfy Princess Taiping's political ambitions. The deepening contradictions between the two eventually led to Xue Shao's early death. This incident caused a lot of shock in the government and the opposition, and also made people pay attention to the political ambitions behind Princess Taiping.

As Wu Zetian gradually grasped the power of the court, Princess Taiping's status also rose. She began to participate in some important political decisions, and gradually established her own power in the court. But at the same time, she also faces vigilance and precautions from her brothers. Especially the crown prince Li Xian and the king of Wei Li Dan, they were full of wariness of this sister who was favored by Wu Zetian.

Princess Taiping knew that in order to survive in this court full of crises, it was not enough to rely on Wu Zetian's favor. She needs to build her own political coalition and expand her influence. As a result, she began to secretly make friends with important ministers in the court, and used her wisdom and charm to gradually establish her prestige in the court.

Princess Taiping's political career really began with the Shenlong Coup d'état in the first year of Shenlong (705). This coup d'état not only changed the fate of Princess Taiping, but also completely changed the political landscape of the Tang Dynasty.

At the end of Wu Zetian's reign, the internal contradictions within the imperial court became increasingly acute. Wu Zetian is old, and his control over the government is gradually relaxed, and her favored brothers Zhang Yizhi and Zhang Changzong took the opportunity to control the government, causing dissatisfaction from the government and the opposition. The Li Tang clan and the ministers of the DPRK and China all realized that if they did not take action, the Li clan would probably be ruined in the hands of these two villains.

At this critical juncture, Princess Taiping showed extraordinary political wisdom and action. She secretly contacted her two elder brothers, Zhongzong Li Xian and Ruizong Li Dan, as well as a group of ministers loyal to Li Tang, to plan this earth-shattering coup.

On the day of the coup, Princess Taiping personally led an elite army to raid the mansions of Zhang Yizhi and Zhang Changzong's brothers. In this sudden attack, the Zhang brothers were caught off guard and were quickly captured. Princess Taiping personally interrogated these two villains, who had brought disaster to the country and the people, and then ordered them to be put to death.

At the same time, Li Xian and Li Dan led another team and took control of the important checkpoints of the palace. They quickly took control of the situation, forced Wu Zetian to abdicate, and restored the rule of the Li Tang dynasty.

The success of this coup d'état made Princess Taiping famous in one fell swoop. Not only did she demonstrate exceptional organizational and military prowess, but more importantly, she proved her loyalty to the Li Tang dynasty. This won her the trust and support of the ministers of the DPRK and China, and also laid the foundation for her to participate in the government in the future.

After the successful coup d'état, Li Xian succeeded to the throne as Zhongzong. In recognition of Princess Taiping's contribution to the coup, Zhongzong specially gave her the honorific title of "Princess Taiping of Zhenguo" and allowed her to participate in court politics. This marked the official step of Princess Taiping from behind the scenes to the front of the stage and the beginning of her political career.

However, Princess Taiping was not satisfied. She knew that in this court, which was full of opportunities and dangers, if she wanted to gain a foothold, she had to constantly expand her influence. As a result, she began to actively participate in the government and express her opinions in various major decisions.

Princess Taiping's political talents were soon on display. She has shown extraordinary insight and determination in dealing with court affairs, and has solved difficult problems for the court many times. For example, when dealing with border conflicts, she proposed the strategy of "valuing peace" and successfully avoided a possible outbreak of war, while also skillfully safeguarding the interests of the Tang Dynasty.

Not only that, Princess Taiping was also good at befriending ministers in the court, and gradually established her own network of influence in the court. She often held literary salons in her mansion, inviting scholars from the court to participate. This not only boosted her cultural influence, but also won her a loyal following.

However, the rise of Princess Taiping has also caused some people to be vigilant and dissatisfied. Especially Zhongzong's queen Wei and eldest daughter Princess Anle, they regarded Princess Taiping as a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh, and secretly stumbled many times, trying to weaken Princess Taiping's influence.

In the face of these challenges, Princess Taiping has shown herself to be at ease. She neither confronted head-on nor flinched, but adopted a clever balancing act. On the one hand, she continued to give advice to the imperial court and show her talent and value; On the other hand, he also showed respect and obedience to Zhongzong in a timely manner, so as to avoid giving people the impression of coveting power.

This strategy has yielded good results. Although Zhongzong also had some scruples about his sister's influence, considering her contribution to the coup and her contribution to the government, he always maintained a certain degree of trust and reliance on her.

In this way, Princess Taiping's position in the court became increasingly stable and her influence continued to expand. She gradually grew from a princess who was favored by Wu Zetian to a real politician and occupied a pivotal position in the political arena of the Tang Dynasty.

However, the wheel of fate is always unpredictable. Just when Princess Taiping feels that her political career is about to reach its peak, a new coup d'état is brewing, which will once again change her destiny and will also propel her to a higher pinnacle of power.

Tang Long's coup d'état was a turning point in Princess Taiping's political career and the beginning of the peak of her power. This coup d'état in 710 not only changed the political landscape of the Tang Dynasty, but also made Princess Taiping one of the most influential figures in the court.

The trigger for the coup was the sudden death of Zhongzong. The cause of Zhongzong's death has always been a mystery, but many people suspect that Empress Wei and Princess An Le committed it. Regardless of the truth, Empress Wei quickly took control of the situation, established Zhongzong's youngest son Li Chongmao as emperor, and listened to the government himself. This practice aroused strong resentment among the ministers of the DPRK and China, who feared that Empress Wei would repeat the mistakes of Wu Zetian and establish the female regime again.

At this critical juncture, Princess Taiping once again showed her political talents. She quickly contacted the important ministers in the court, including her father-in-law Wu Sansi, brother-in-law Xue Ji and others, and also won over the young and promising Li Longji (later Tang Xuanzong). Together, they planned this coup.

On the day of the coup, Princess Taiping personally commanded an elite army and raided the residences of Empress Wei and Princess An Le. In this sudden attack, Empress Wei and Princess An Le were defenseless and were quickly captured. Princess Taiping ordered the execution of these two enemies who had been against her for a long time, and vented a bad breath for the anger she had suffered for many years.

At the same time, Li Longji led another army to take control of the palace, forcing Li Chongmao to abdicate and proclaiming Li Dan (Ruizong) to the throne. The success of this coup not only consolidated the rule of the Li Tang Dynasty, but also brought Princess Taiping's power to unprecedented heights.

In recognition of Princess Taiping's contribution to the coup, Ruizong gave her the power of "Tongping Zhangshi", which meant that she could directly participate in the decision-making of the court. Not only that, Ruizong also allowed Princess Taiping to set up her own mansion, equipped with a large number of officials, and it became a "small court".

In this way, Princess Taiping became the most powerful princess in the history of the Tang Dynasty. Not only did she wield actual political power, but she also possessed enormous wealth and influence. Her mansion became a must-visit place for important officials in the court, and many important political decisions were made in her mansion.

However, the pinnacle of power also brought with it the expansion of ambition. Princess Taiping began to intervene in all aspects of court politics, from official appointments to military decisions. She even began to intervene in the issue of succession to the throne, trying to put her son Xue Chongyin on the throne.

Why did Li Longji become the first thing he did when he became emperor, which was to kill his aunt Princess Taiping?

Princess Taiping's lavish life also began to cause dissatisfaction. Her mansion is as luxurious as a royal palace, and her daily use is extremely extravagant. She is also an avid collector of rare art, and her collection is said to include many national treasures, paintings, paintings, and precious antiques. This profligate lifestyle, in stark contrast to the poverty of the people at that time, caused dissatisfaction among many people.

At the same time, the contradictions between Princess Taiping and Li Longji also began to surface. As a major participant in the coup, Li Long basically thought that he would be reused, but Princess Taiping suppressed him at every turn, and even tried to squeeze him out of the center of power. This practice made Li Longji feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction and crisis.

Princess Taiping's ambition and arbitrariness also caused displeasure among other ministers in the court. Many people began to worry that she would repeat Wu Zetian's mistakes and eventually usurp imperial power. Some ministers loyal to Li Tang began to secretly liaise, preparing to take action to balance the power of Princess Taiping.

It was in the midst of this growing contradiction that an unexpected opportunity arose. In 712, Ruizong suddenly announced the Zen throne to Li Longji. This decision disrupted all of Princess Taiping's plans and laid the groundwork for her future tragedy.

Faced with this sudden change, Princess Taiping was caught off guard. She tried to prevent Li Longji from ascending the throne, but it was already too late. Li Longji quickly took control of the situation and began his reign as Tang Xuanzong.

For Princess Taiping, this meant that the peak of her power was coming to an end. Her ambition and arbitrariness had already caused too much displeasure, and it was clear that the new emperor, Li Longji, would not tolerate the continued existence of a powerful minister who might threaten his rule. A new contest is about to begin, and the outcome of this contest will determine the final fate of Princess Taiping.

After Tang Xuanzong Li Longji succeeded to the throne, Princess Taiping's situation took a sharp turn for the worse. This princess, who once called for wind and rain, is now facing unprecedented challenges. The power struggle between her and the new emperor became the most striking drama in the Tang Dynasty's political arena.

At first, Li Longji adopted a soft policy towards Princess Taiping. He ostensibly respected the aunt and retained her title of "Tongping Zhangshi" and allowed her to continue to participate in court politics. This was done out of consideration for Princess Taiping's contribution to the Shenlong coup d'état, and on the other hand, to stabilize the situation and avoid provoking a revolt from Princess Taiping's supporters.

However, this apparent peace did not last long. Li Longji soon began to take action, gradually weakening the power of Princess Taiping. He first started with personnel adjustments, and transferred a group of Princess Taiping's cronies out of the capital and arranged for them to serve in remote areas. This move greatly weakened Princess Taiping's influence in the court.

Immediately afterwards, Li Longji ordered an inventory of Princess Taiping's property. The investigation revealed many illegal acts in Princess Taiping's mansion, including embezzlement and bribery, abuse of power, etc. Although Li Longji did not directly punish Princess Taiping, this investigation seriously damaged her reputation and laid the groundwork for further action against her in the future.

In the face of Li Longji's pressing step by step, Princess Taiping did not sit still. She began to secretly connect with the old ministry of the court, trying to reunite her strength. She also openly opposed Li Longji's policies at court meetings on several occasions in an attempt to challenge the authority of the new emperor.

In 713, an important turning point occurred. Princess Taiping's son Xue Chongyin was demoted to a concubine and exiled to the frontier because he openly contradicted Li Longji at the court meeting. This incident was seen as a heavy blow to Li Longji's power on Princess Taiping, and it also marked the openness of the contradictions between the two sides.

After losing her son, an important supporter, Princess Taiping's situation is even more difficult. She began to become isolated, and many officials who had once attached themselves to her turned to support Mr. Lee. Even so, Princess Taiping still refused to give up. She began to secretly contact some forces dissatisfied with Li Longji's rule, and attempted to stage a coup d'état to overthrow Li Longji.

However, these actions of Princess Taiping did not escape Li Longji's eyes. As early as when Princess Taiping began to plan a coup d'état, Li Longji had already received a secret report. He decided to preemptively eradicate this potential threat.

In July 714, Li Longji suddenly ordered the arrest of Princess Taiping and her supporters. The action came suddenly and quickly, and Princess Taiping was controlled before she had time to react. Also arrested were her son-in-law Wu Chongxun, nephew Wu Yanxiu and others.

In the ensuing interrogation, Princess Taiping was accused of rebellion. Although there is no conclusive evidence, Li Longji still used this as an excuse to order Princess Taiping to be imprisoned in Shangyang Palace. This palace, located in the north of Chang'an, has since become the cage of Princess Taiping.

At the same time, Li Longji also ordered the execution of many supporters of Princess Taiping, including Wu Chongxun, Wu Yanxiu and others. Their property was confiscated and their families were implicated. This series of actions completely disintegrated the power of Princess Taiping, and also sent a clear signal to the government and the opposition: Li Longji was the real ruler of the Tang Dynasty.

After being confined in Shangyang Palace, Princess Taiping's situation became extremely bleak. She lost all her power and influence and could only spend the rest of her life in this deserted palace. It is said that Li Longji has sent people to persuade Princess Taiping to commit suicide many times, but she has always rejected this "suggestion".

Finally, in 716, after two years of solitary confinement, Princess Taiping died in Shangyang Palace at the age of 69. The news of her death did not cause much turmoil, and the court just held a funeral for her according to the specifications of an ordinary princess.

The fall of Princess Taiping marked the end of an era in the Tang Dynasty. Her life spanned several important periods of the Tang Dynasty, from Gaozong, Wu Zetian to Zhongzong, Ruizong, and then to the early years of Xuanzong, she has always been an important role in the imperial court that cannot be ignored. Her talent and ambition drove the development of Tang Dynasty politics, but in the end, she also went to ruin because of her excessive ambition.

The fall of Princess Taiping is not only a personal tragedy, but also a microcosm of the entire era. It reflects the upsurge of female political participation in the Tang Dynasty from the Wu Zetian period to the return of male autocratic rule during the Xuanzong period. In this process, Princess Taiping is both a participant and a victim.

Princess Taiping's life is legendary, and her actions have caused widespread discussion at the time. Over time, the evaluation of her has also undergone many changes, showing complex and multifaceted characteristics.

During the reign of Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, due to the fall of Princess Taiping, the imperial court's evaluation of her was mostly negative. In the official history books "Old Tang Book" and "New Tang Book", the description of Princess Taiping has obvious derogatory connotations. These histories highlight her tyranny, extravagance, and rebellion. This kind of evaluation dominated people's perception of Princess Taiping for a long time.

However, as time passed, some historians began to have a new understanding of Princess Taiping. They noted that Princess Taiping's political talent could not be ignored. She has participated in many major political events, such as the Shenlong coup, and has demonstrated excellent political skills and organizational skills. Some historians believe that without the participation of Princess Taiping, the political situation in the Tang Dynasty might have been even more turbulent.

After the Song Dynasty, with the gradual improvement of women's status, there began to be some positive changes in the evaluation of Princess Taiping. Some literati began to pay attention to her scholarship and political prowess, not just her ambition and imperiousness. For example, Su Shi, a writer in the Song Dynasty, once praised Princess Taiping's talent in a poem.

By the Ming and Qing dynasties, the image of Princess Taiping began to become colorful in folk literature. Princess Taiping has appeared in many operas and novels. Although these works lack historical authenticity, they reflect the people's imagination and interpretation of the complex historical figure of Princess Taiping.

In these folk literary works, the image of Princess Taiping is often portrayed as more three-dimensional. She is no longer just an ambitious minister, but a flesh-and-blood figure. The princesses in these works are either intelligent, sentimental, or strong and decisive, showing multifaceted character traits.

The story of Princess Taiping has also become the creative material for many historical dramas. In these plays, the power struggle between her and Lee is often portrayed as thrilling and dramatic. Although these works may be biased in historical details, they have largely shaped the public's perception of Princess Taiping.

In modern academic research, the evaluation of Princess Taiping tends to be more objective and comprehensive. Many scholars have begun to pay attention to her role in the political and cultural development of the Tang Dynasty. For example, some scholars have pointed out that Princess Taiping's support for Buddhism had an important impact on the development of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty. The Shanye Temple she established in Chang'an was not only a magnificent building, but also an important cultural center at that time.

At the same time, the experience of Princess Taiping also provides an important case for the study of the status of women in the Tang Dynasty. Her level of political involvement is rare in ancient Chinese history. This has led scholars to think about and study the political participation and social status of women in the Tang Dynasty.

Princess Taiping's cultural influence is also reflected in the field of art. She was a well-known calligrapher and collector, and it is recorded that she collected a large number of precious paintings and calligraphy. Although most of these collections have been dispersed, her collecting activities have had an important impact on the development and inheritance of Tang Dynasty art.

In terms of architecture, Princess Taiping also left a profound impact. She presided over the construction of the Daming Palace Hanyuan Palace, which is a representative work of Tang Dynasty court architecture. Although the palace no longer exists, its design philosophy and architectural style have had a profound influence on later generations of court architecture.

In addition, Princess Taiping's experience also provided rich material for later generations of literary creation. From Tang Dynasty poetry to modern novels and movies, the story of Princess Taiping has always been a favorite theme for creators. Although these works may be biased in historical authenticity, they enrich people's understanding and imagination of this historical figure.

In general, Princess Taiping's evaluation in history has undergone a process of change from single to pluralistic. From the initial depreciation to the later comprehensive evaluation, it reflects the deepening of people's understanding of history. And her influence in the field of culture has gone far beyond her time and continues to this day. The story of Princess Taiping has become an indispensable part of Chinese history and culture, and continues to attract the attention and discussion of future generations.