
Osmanthus fragrant appetite comes, why is the "Hunan vegetable head brand" a minced pepper fish head?

author:Red Net
Osmanthus fragrant appetite comes, why is the "Hunan vegetable head brand" a minced pepper fish head?

Osmanthus fragrant appetite comes (Courtesy photo: Pigs and pigs maverick)

Osmanthus fragrant appetite comes, why is the "Hunan vegetable head brand" a minced pepper fish head?

This is the Xiangcai head brand (courtesy photo: The maverick of the pig)

In autumn, Changsha is full of osmanthus flowers, and walking around the streets can bring back a fragrant fragrance. At this time, you can eat the favorite food, which is even more refreshing. Focus on chopping pepper fish heads, Hunan people will always be good at the table.

开福区有家小院子,这里的鱼头做法颇有新意,采用锡纸焖锅的形式,现场‮炉开‬子,现煮,大火10+分钟,将大鱼‮焖头‬熟。 时间‬一到,掀开蒙在锅上的锡纸,服务员再将香辣的剁椒覆盖在鱼头上,香气肆意,剁椒的辣味与鱼头的鲜嫩完美融合,连配菜嫩豆腐,也是鲜香适口。

【Event Introduction】

Focus on Huxiang cuisine and convey the happiness and warmth behind it. "2021 Taste of Hunan: Let's Sunbathe the Taste of Hunan in Your Heart" activity opened, with the theme of Huxiang cuisine, let's explore the soul of Hunan taste.

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