
Live Long See, a 60-kilogram big male fish that is rare in 30 years, and the head of the minced pepper fish is 25 kilograms

author:Fat sister loves fish heads

"Wow! This fish is so big! ”

Many citizens invariably sighed, and then took out their mobile phones to take pictures, for a time, the flash flashed non-stop, on the stage, two chefs are laboriously carrying a huge fish. The big fish was not honest, twisting around, slipping without leaving his hands, almost wanting to fall to the ground, so easy to survive until the citizens finished taking photos, and the two cooks were already sweating.

Live Long See, a 60-kilogram big male fish that is rare in 30 years, and the head of the minced pepper fish is 25 kilograms

(Tan Zong's two chefs joined forces to pick up 60 pounds of big male fish and took a group photo with foreign friends)

60 pounds of large male fish once in 30 years

On September 21st, Changsha Desiqin Shopping Center held a tasting meeting called "30 Years, 60 Kilograms of Big Fish Heads", and the organizer was "Tanzong Chopped Pepper Fish Heads". The two chefs hold a large male fish weighing 60 kilograms from the Tuolin Reservoir in Jiangxi Province, according to the person in charge of the reservoir, judging from the usual experience, this big male fish is 30 years old, and the head of the big fish should have 25 kilograms.

Those who were lucky enough to taste this big fish were all old customers, food lovers and media witnesses who chopped pepper fish heads, including two foreign friends from Ukraine.

The correct posture for eating the head of the minced pepper fish

The longest wait in the world is to wait for the delicious food to be served.

Just when the connoisseurs were "looking forward to wearing", the chefs pushed the cart over!

The large white porcelain plate on the car is 1 meter long in diameter, the big fish head stands in the plate, the view is like a mountain, after the big fish head is lifted to the table, the whole audience is sensational, "too big", "huge" "really worthy of the 'fish king'" The audience's sighs are endless.

Live Long See, a 60-kilogram big male fish that is rare in 30 years, and the head of the minced pepper fish is 25 kilograms

(60 pounds of big male fish made into chopped pepper big fish head is about 10 times larger than the fist)

There is a special ignition ceremony for eating the head of the peppered fish: the waiter pours high vodka on the head of the fish, gives the igniter to the most honored guest at the table, and it is lit by it, which means "red fire"; then the waiter opens the fish head with two long spoons and shouts "Open the door of wealth for you".

After listening to each of the connoisseurs, they smiled and closed their mouths.

International friends commented on the big fish head

Before the host announced the start, the chopsticks of the tasters reached out to the big fish head, and the scene of the crowd's meal was thrown by the projector to the background wall of the stage, only to see a large piece of fish head meat soaked in the soup, shiny and shiny, caught in the bowl by the customer, and then sent to the mouth, looking straight into the mouth!

For the big fish head, the two foreign friends used very fluent Chinese to say "never eaten", "delicious", "I never ate peppers, I was fascinated by this taste", describing the chopped pepper big fish head "like the mountains in my hometown".

When the host interviewed a well-fed taster, she used the word "perfect" to describe it, saying, "The taste is perfect, the collagen is full, the fish head meat is very tender; the taste is perfect, and the layering of the chili pepper can be eaten." Another taster said, "This fish head is big, very tender, good-looking, good-tasting, and very spicy..."

Live Long See, a 60-kilogram big male fish that is rare in 30 years, and the head of the minced pepper fish is 25 kilograms

(On-site foodies tasting 60 pounds of big fish heads)

Major media witnessed on the spot

Xiong Jiabin, vice president of Huasheng Online Co., Ltd., said after tasting: "Last year, Tanzong chopped pepper fish head walked into the United Nations, brought Hunan cuisine out of the country, today to taste again, I am very emotional, I hope That Tanzong can lead more Hunan cuisine out of the country, to the world!" ”

There was also the first time to eat at the scene, Huang Ying, general manager of Sina Hunan, said that the first time she knew that Tan Zong was on the propaganda film of the United Nations Foreign Ministry, when she saw the big fish head, I felt very shocked, but I never came to eat, this tasting of chopped pepper big fish head, giving her a "home feeling"

"Only by cooking for the family, will you do the ultimate with your heart, which is also the 'craftsman spirit' that the state has been advocating, and the presence of Tanzong in the mall is the blessing of the mall and the gospel of the people in the vicinity." Huang Ying said.

Wan Rong, director of Tencent's Daxiang Network Consumption Center, revealed that she was a foodie, and the feeling brought to her by the big fish head was two words: amazing.

Wan Rong said: "This big fish head is very tender and spicy enough, and I support this Hunan dish head with practical actions - I have booked the family banquet on the 26th, right here, eat the big fish head!" ”

When Cheng Hui, chairman of RedNet Media, commented on the head of the chopped pepper fish, he said very wittily and pun-freely: "The delicious secret of the hunan cuisine representative who chopped the pepper fish head and entered the United Nations is the 'status of the head'." ”

Live Long See, a 60-kilogram big male fish that is rare in 30 years, and the head of the minced pepper fish is 25 kilograms

(Cheng Hui, chairman of Rednet Media, was interviewed)

Many people at the scene did not wait for the end of the tasting meeting, they went straight to the fifth floor, ready to taste the big fish head; many citizens said that the first time they saw such a big fish head, they were very curious and wanted to eat it.

In addition, some citizens believe that Tanzong has not been able to catch such a 60-kilogram big male fish that has happened once in 30 years, but it is not sold, but it is given to customers for tasting, which really puts customers first.

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