
If the feed is mild, it has no nutritional value, and the nutritional value in the feed is reduced and the palatability becomes worse


Feed antifungal agent refers to feed additives that can reduce the number of microorganisms in the feed, control the metabolism and growth of microorganisms, inhibit the production of mycotoxins, prevent the loss of nutrients during the storage period of feed, prevent feed mold deterioration and prolong the storage time.

If the feed is mild, it has no nutritional value, and the nutritional value in the feed is reduced and the palatability becomes worse

In nature, mold is widely distributed and diverse, and most molds can cause moldy deterioration of feed, which greatly reduces the nutritional value of feed and makes palatability worse. Severe mold is not only of no nutritional value, but also feeding animals with them can cause animal growth stagnation, damage to internal organs, and even poisoning and death. The application of antifungal agents in feed is an effective way to prevent feed mold.

Antifungal mechanism of sodium diacetate:

In its natural state, sodium biacetate slowly releases acetic acid. Acetic acid can effectively penetrate into the cell wall of mold tissue, interfere with the interaction of intercellular enzymes, and denature proteins in cells, thus playing an antibacterial and anti-beauty role. So that sodium diacetate not only maintains the bactericidal performance of acetic acid, but also does not cause poor feed palatability due to excessive acidity.

If the feed is mild, it has no nutritional value, and the nutritional value in the feed is reduced and the palatability becomes worse

Sodium diacetate has a strong fungicidal ability, which can effectively prevent mold change in various feeds and has excellent effect as an antifungal agent. As a feed additive, it can improve the palatability of feed, improve feed utilization, effectively improve the survival rate of chickens and the amount of eggs produced in the off-season, increase the lean meat rate of fattening pigs and the number of sows, and improve the milk production and milk fat rate of ruminants.