
How much silage does a cow need in a year? How to prevent mold in silage?


How much green storage corn stalks a beef cow needs is of course not clear to newcomers who are just starting to raise cattle. The forage input of a beef cow in the early and late stages is not the same, the average cow needs 10 kg to calculate, a calf needs 10 months to grow, that is, 300 days x 10 kg = 3000 kg is 3 tons, if you store corn stalks for silage, each head can be stored according to 3 tons, and so on. If you raise it, you need to reduce the amount as appropriate.

How to prevent mold in silage? There is a systematic approach to silage management.

Silage will be moldy, due to the growth and proliferation of mold, resulting in silage began to deteriorate and mold. Mold is widely distributed, spreads by the soil, and requires only water, oxygen and a suitable substrate for growth. Under normal silage conditions, anaerobic and low-acid environments inhibit the propagation of mold. However, once the silage facility is not tightly sealed, the silage begins to be activated, or once the silage facility is opened, oxygen will enter, and the mold in the silage and entering through the air will multiply in large quantities, causing the silage ph to rise and mold to deteriorate.

To prevent moldy storage of silage, an appropriate amount of feed grade sodium diacetate can be added to prevent mildew, and in the natural state, sodium diacetate will slowly release acetic acid. Acetic acid can effectively penetrate into the cell wall of mold tissue, interfere with the interaction of intercellular enzymes, and denature proteins in cells, thereby playing an antibacterial and anti-mildew role. The use of sodium diacetate not only maintains the bactericidal properties of acetic acid, but also does not cause the feed palatability to deteriorate due to excessive acidity. Therefore, sodium biacetate can prevent effective prevention of mold and spoilage of silage, thus having the effect of anti-mildew preservation.

How much silage does a cow need in a year? How to prevent mold in silage?

Management Method:

1. During the fermentation of silage, the sealing of the silage cellar mouth should be checked frequently to prevent air and rain from entering. It is best to build a shed on top of the silage cellar, which can ensure that the rainwater will not penetrate and that the surrounding environment of the silage cellar is clean.

2. When the silage work is completed and the silage is taken, it should be taken from the top of the silage cellar from top to bottom. Pay attention to the opening of the cellar and the plastic film to strictly prevent the soil from falling into the silage cellar, thereby contaminating the silage.

3. After each removal of silage, the exposed silage should be covered and sealed with plastic film in time to minimize the secondary fermentation after air entry, so as to avoid moldy rot and freeze deterioration of silage.

How much silage does a cow need in a year? How to prevent mold in silage?

4. Feed strictly in accordance with the principle of "how much to feed and how much to take". Silage is easily moldy and spoiled in the air, and if the material removed cannot be eaten at one time, it is likely to be moldy in the hot summer. In addition, the silage removed must not be put back into the silage cellar if it has not been eaten by the livestock, which will contaminate the raw materials.

5. Some rats are very annoying, they will make a nest next to the silage cellar to open up the passage between the silage cellar and the outside, and when the air enters, it is easy to cause the silage to become moldy and deteriorated. Therefore, the prevention of rat infestation can also prevent mold in silage.

From the above analysis results: in fact, the most effective means to prevent mold in silage is to add sodium diacetate to inhibit the growth of mold, and the air cannot enter the sealed silage cellar! If the silage is in contact with the air for too long, the greater the possibility of mold deterioration, which must be noted.