
The best American drama in history, an episode into the pit is addictive

author:Variety Spacecraft

The average person will tell three lies every ten minutes of conversation, and the lies you say will be betrayed by your expression. Want to become a master liar? Want to see through other people's lies? This drama takes you to learn and takes you into a world without lies.

The best American drama in history, an episode into the pit is addictive

Directed by Robert Svenk and starring Tim Rose, Kelly Williams, Brendan Haynes, Monica Raymond, Hayley McFarland, and Mech Feffa, aka Don't Lie to Me. The drama is based on real people and real events.

The best American drama in history, an episode into the pit is addictive

The protagonist of the play, Dr. Cal Lightman, has a magical skill, he can determine whether each person is lying by analyzing their facial expressions, body movements, voice changes, words, etc. He runs a private research institute called the Lightman Group, and whenever someone around him asks for help, Cal Lightman and his research team will help find out the truth.

The best American drama in history, an episode into the pit is addictive

Check out how Carl interrogated a bomber in the case of him. When Karl named each location, Karl used the suspect's micro-expressions to determine if the location was correct.

The best American drama in history, an episode into the pit is addictive

It turns out that all of Karl's judgments were correct. A tubular bomb was found in the basement of a church in the city of Lowton an hour later. Carr taught in this way.

The best American drama in history, an episode into the pit is addictive

When Karl said a place, the suspect shrugged his shoulders unilaterally, which Karl understood as: the suspect had no confidence in what had just been said, and the body contradicted the language, proving that the suspect was lying. As for how to judge true and false expressions, Karl pointed out that the real expression lasts less than a second, but if it exceeds one second, then it is lying.

The best American drama in history, an episode into the pit is addictive

And he showed through a large number of experiments that all people, when faced with the same thing, have the same expression. As for why he is so good at spotting hidden lies through facial expressions and body language? As you can see from everyone's comments about him.

The best American drama in history, an episode into the pit is addictive

This is just one case, and his research is enough to solve many of these cases through their special skills, such as female soldiers accusing platoon leaders of rape, basketball players taking bribes, classmates taking test shots, immigration staff illegally operating surrogacy to cause girls to commit suicide, arson cases, sick serial killings, etc.

The best American drama in history, an episode into the pit is addictive

Some people lie to hide the fact that they have done something wrong, while some people lie behind it to protect more people. For example, the female soldier accused the platoon leader of raping her, it turned out that the female soldier was lying, the platoon leader did not rape her, but someone was indeed sexually assaulted, and she sowed a "white" lie in order to protect others from allowing herself to be raped by this back.

The best American drama in history, an episode into the pit is addictive

They investigate large and small events such as the terrorist bomb attack in Washington; small incidents such as a billionaire man who pays them to investigate whether his girlfriend is with him for money. Regardless of the gravity of the matter, they are announcing to the world that your micro-expressions will betray you.

The best American drama in history, an episode into the pit is addictive

There are outrageous reasons behind the lies, but there are also warming kindnesses, but whatever the reason, in the presence of Karl and the members of his institute, lies of any kind are nowhere to be seen.

The best American drama in history, an episode into the pit is addictive

By analyzing micro-expressions, you can detect the true thoughts of people's hearts, and make this world a world without lies, is it a good thing or a bad thing? Should those white lies be debunked? If you acquired this skill, walked down the street, and faced one lie after another, would you reveal it?