
The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

author:Beiping Xiaoxi

Everyone said that attacking people is a bit funny, after Baoyu was beaten by Jia Zheng, Mao Sui recommended herself to Mrs. Wang to make a statement, which can also be said to be a "whistleblower"!

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu
The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

What is the purpose of the introduction? It was to let Jia Baoyu move out of the Grand View Garden.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

Why did you let Jia Baoyu move out? Mrs. Wang asked why, and she said something again, saying that Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai are both aunts and cousins, and the difference between men and women is not to make people suspenseful. What kind of mindless things are you talking about, you have to be precautionary.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

The attack was said in a vague manner, and it sounded sanctimonious, as if it was for the sake of the dignity of the Jia family. Give her a vernacular translation, in fact, this is what it means:

Baoyu, Daiyu, and Baochai are all puberty, and men and women are together, in case they sleep together and get pregnant with a child or something, this thing is a bit disgraceful. It's better to separate them and don't have to worry about these things.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

Why do you say that you are humane? Because she had slept with Jia Baoyu a long time ago, she was the first woman Jia Baoyu to sleep with in her life. If she keeps saying that she is afraid that the sisters will have an accident together, is she not afraid of an accident herself?

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

Then he came to Jia's mother's place, ate dinner indiscriminately, and came over here. When the attackers were busy taking advantage of the absence of the nurses and maids, they took out another middle coat and changed it with Baoyu...... Baoyu also likes to attack people, soft and charming, so he forcibly attacked people and led the police to train Yunyu.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

This is really a big joke, and it is also a proper double standard party! A maid can do anything, and she lives in the same room with Jia Baoyu every day without worrying about accidents.

Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai are both candidates for Jia Baoyu's wife, living in a garden, not a room, and there are dozens of maids and daughters-in-law staring, she is worried that something will happen, and her scheming is tiresome.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

Looking at Dream of Red Mansions, I can feel that the author Cao Xueqin doesn't seem to have a good impression of attacking people, this person has a fight with Xue Baochai, on the surface it looks exquisite, and has set up a very perfect character, in fact, he is Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, and all kinds of good things are bought in front of Mrs. Wang, and the ultimate goal is Jia Baoyu.

The dream of attacking people in life is to become Jia Baoyu's aunt and wife. So when her brother offered to ransom her, she flatly refused.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

What made her rather be a maid in the mansion than go out and find a man with the right door to marry? Of course, it is the glory and wealth of the Jia family, and for this, even if it is the wife of an aunt, it will not hesitate.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

But even if she is an aunt's wife, the competition is very fierce, such as Qingwen, and the attack is not comparable. In terms of appearance, character, and attacking people are not as good as Qingwen, so she must think about other aspects.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

After Qingwen's accident, the attacker said something, "No matter how big she is, she can't go to me!" It shows that she has been secretly competing with Qingwen in her heart, and she doesn't have the slightest sympathy and regret when something happens to Qingwen, and she may be a little happy that this powerful competitor has finally disappeared.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

As for Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai, of course they know that they can't be compared, she is still a maid after all, it would be good to be an aunt, where do you dare to want to be a wife? But even so, she still succeeded in distancing the two girls, Jia Baoyu and Lin Xue, by speaking to Mrs. Wang.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

Many people hate Hua Xianren, but also because she is not only jealous of Qingwen, but also of Lin Daiyu. All in all, whoever Baoyu treats well, she is jealous of who belittles whom. is always light and breezy, and there seems to be nothing, so Lin Daiyu is blackened.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

said these words lightly, picked out Jia Baoyu's sins, and put Lin Daiyu in. It's obvious that she can speak, "I don't know how to annoy Miss Lin again", in and out of the words, Lin Daiyu often makes trouble unreasonably, this time it's not Baoyu, it's Lin Daiyu who does things.

made Shi Xiangyun and Lin Daiyu separate. It can be seen later that Shi Xiangyun doesn't like Lin Daiyu very much, and she is squeezed everywhere, and the flower attack can be said to be indispensable. Fortunately, Shi Xiangyun is a cheerful temper and has no scheming.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu
The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

This paragraph is even more excessive, a maid actually complains that the master girl is a lazy person? Lin Daiyu was originally a sick child, and the old lady felt sorry for her granddaughter and was afraid that she would be tired, so she began to pick thorns as a maid, and she really regarded herself as Baoyu's daughter-in-law, picking on her sister-in-law? [Petrochemical]

Besides, when the old lady didn't let Lin Daiyu work, she still felt a little envious, jealous and hateful. What's wrong with not getting a needle and thread for half a year, does Jiafu still expect Lin Daiyu to do needlework to make money to support his family? The maid chews the root of the master's tongue and plays with right and wrong.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

The generosity and kindness of attacking people are all pretended, and they are done for others to see, in order to have a good reputation, so as to add points in front of the old lady and wife, and finally be able to marry Baoyu as an aunt's wife.

But when she saw Jia Baoyu's preference for Lin Daiyu, she couldn't hide her jealousy. There is something even more infuriating, that is, snobbery sees people serving dishes, Lin Daiyu's family is defeated, and the attitude of the attacker towards Daiyu is completely different from that towards Baochai, "Who still bothers her to do it?" How cold these words are, the boredom with Daiyu can be seen.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu
The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

The third time was more direct, and it was advanced again, not only in front of Shi Xiangyun, but also in front of Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu began to be arranged, and Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai were directly compared. Xue Baochai is called a perfect one, and the final foothold is to step on Daiyu.

It can be said that Jia Baoyu is an understanding person, not only rushing Shi Xiangyun, but also directly reprimanding the attacker, "My sister Lin never said that bastard!" ”

Let me tell you, you are all bastards, talking bastards, benevolence, righteousness and morality every day, what eight shares of Jinshi, my sister Lin will not be in the same stream with you. This is also to classify the attacker and Xue Baochai, expressing the collective disgust for this group.

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

Not to mention why Lin Daiyu reacted so much after listening to Jia Baoyu's words, this is the reason. Jia Baoyu understands her, and she understands Jia Baoyu. Jia Baoyu made it clear that she was on her side and helped her fight against those who slandered her, this is the same heart.

The attacker can talk to Xue Baochai together, and the two of them also have the same mind, one acquiesces that she is Baoyu's aunt's wife, and the other acquiesces that she is Baoyu's eldest wife, full of courtesy, righteousness and shame, isn't it all those things in your head?

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

Seeing Jia Baoyu come back in the rain, no one opened the door, and came up to give the attacker a heartwarming foot.

The ghost believes that he didn't see it clearly before he kicked it, what is there to see clearly at such a close distance, eighty percent of them have already seen that this mother-in-law is not pleasing to the eye, and it is very relieving to kick out with a heart-warming foot, let you be a dead mother-in-law and slander my sister Lin again, kicking you to death! [laughs and cries]

The attack was too green tea, she was in love with Baoyu Yunyu, and she also told Mrs. Wang that she was afraid that other sisters would sleep with Baoyu

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