
Directly hit the Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital: When the transfer is in progress

Source: People's Daily News

There are not enough statistics to show that this rainstorm is "once in a millennium", but the precipitation conversion of netizens "more than 100 West Lakes water fell to Zhengzhou in 1 hour" also confirmed the relatively restrained statement in the official press release: Zhengzhou, suffered a rare sustained heavy rainfall.

"The world's largest hospital, ZhengDa First Affiliated Hospital, lost power in the old hospital, the ECG monitoring and spare batteries were all consumed, and the emergency department was using artificial respiration airbags to rescue critically ill patients in the general department, but it did not last long." At nearly 23:00 on July 20, this "brush screen" Microblog made all those who paid attention to the flood situation in Henan feel even tighter.

Directly hit the Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital: When the transfer is in progress

The relevant person in charge of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zheng University was interviewed by reporters from People's Daily and People's Daily. People's Daily reporter Shen Zhiyuan took a photo

The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, is the largest public hospital in the country, and the hospital area is located next to the River Medicine Overpass in Zhengzhou's Erqi District, next to the Jinshui River, the main river in Zhengzhou. Heavy rain suddenly arrived, muddy water was poured in, and a large area of water was entered from the hospital.

It was confirmed that on the evening of July 20, all the power in the River Hospital area of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zheng University was cut off: dozens of operations were interrupted, more than 600 patients in the intensive ICU lost equipment support, and a large number of patients in the general ward were in an emergency. At the same time as the power outage, the campus is also facing water cuts, disconnections, medicines and food cuts. Transfer, become the option without choice.

Directly hit the Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital: When the transfer is in progress

Transfer of severely ill patients. People's Daily Shi Yan photo

According to the hospital, starting at 7 o'clock in the morning of the 21st, the Zhengda First Affiliated Hospital began to transfer patients in the hospital in batches. At 11:00 a.m. on the 21st, stepping on the silt and squeezing through the crowd, the reporter and his party came to the Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital. In front of the eyes, fire rescue vehicles, communication support vehicles, diesel power generation equipment, engineering rescue vehicles occupy the passage, medical care, property, security, patients and families, everyone has a solemn face, silently passing through.

This night must have been incomparably long.

"Relying on the one-on-one artificial airbag support of medical staff, the patient's oxygen needs are temporarily solved." But the pharmacy was flooded, and follow-up treatment was more difficult..." Bai Xia, the head nurse of the fifth department of gastroenterology in the outpatient area, recalled the tension last night.

Directly hit the Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital: When the transfer is in progress

Mild patients wait for the transfer vehicle. People's Daily reporter Shen Zhiyuan took a photo

On the first floor of the outpatient building, dozens of cleaning and security personnel are collecting clutter. Climbing up the stairs, several medical staff gathered on the second floor. "We started a backup pill in time for critically ill and hypoglycemic rescue patients, but now there is no stock available – it won't last for two days." Bai Xia's inner anxiety was obvious.

"More than 20 patients were discharged from the hospital today, and there are still more than 70 patients." Wang Zhengbin, director of the emergency department, said that more than a dozen mild patients who could have been discharged from the hospital could not leave due to communication and traffic paralysis. He brought some food from home, "barely keeping everyone from panicking." ”

Directly hit the Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital: When the transfer is in progress

Inpatients board the transfer vehicle in an orderly manner. People's Daily Shi Yan photo

The largest number of inpatients is in the 2nd inpatient building, the highest ward is on the 24th floor, and the orthopedic department is on the 20th floor. The elevator is paralyzed, causing great inconvenience to these patients and their families. According to a doctor, in order to ensure the rights and interests of patients, many wards give priority to limited water and electricity resources for their use. "We drink water and eat, and we basically carry it up on our own."

Reporters and medical staff carried 3 boxes of mineral water and 2 boxes of convenient noodles upstairs. Along the way, the corridors are dark, and patients, families and medical staff up and down open their mobile phones to illuminate, step by step, and move forward with difficulty. Although everyone was tired and sweating, everyone did not complain too much, and took the initiative to leave a passage for the "retrogrades" who went upstairs, and the people who went downstairs also spontaneously organized and lined up to go downstairs in an orderly manner.

"Orthopedic patients are very special, and most of them can't move on their own. Yesterday, when the power was cut off, we carried the postoperative patient from the 3rd floor operating room back to the 20th floor ward. Wiping a handful of sweat, the paramedic continued to walk up.

Directly hit the Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital: When the transfer is in progress

The transfer vehicle of ZhengDa First Affiliated Hospital drove out of the River Hospital area. People's Daily reporter Shen Zhiyuan took a photo

"The elevator stopped, mainly relying on manual transport of critically ill patients. The patient was carried down by the medical staff with the bed! Gou Jianjun, vice president of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengda University, told reporters that with the cooperation of relevant departments, they have overcome the unfavorable factors of complex road conditions around the hospital and have safely transferred more than 300 critically ill patients to the Zhengdong Branch of the hospital, as well as Zhengzhou Central Hospital, Zhengzhou People's Hospital and other hospitals with lighter disasters.

Under the coordination of the Henan Provincial Health Commission and other relevant parties, ambulances from cities and sister hospitals throughout the province, even buses and private cars, have joined the transfer team. In accordance with the instructions of the security personnel, the patients and their families in the hospital waited for the car to transfer to the hospital in an orderly manner. "There are many patients and many problems, but we will definitely overcome the difficulties." Liu Zhangsuo, president of zhengda first affiliated hospital, said that the icu ward of Zhengda first affiliated hospital has restored power supply, and most of the outpatient and inpatient buildings have resumed electricity. There are power generation vehicles and mobile communication vehicles supported by various departments and units on the site, which ensure the basic needs of the hospital.

Directly hit the Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital: When the transfer is in progress

An emergency communication vehicle provides signal support for the campus. People's Daily reporter Shen Zhiyuan took a photo

The reporter saw at the scene that the restoration of hospital functions such as electric power, communications, and engineering rescue has been steadily carried out. After the hospital opened the green transfer channel on the morning of the 21st, a transfer team of 14 buses departed from the Zhengdong Campus and rushed to the He Hospital District for the transfer of patients and their families. So far, more than 600 critically ill patients have been transported, and the rest are in safe transit.

"On July 22, try to finish the transfer of patients." Gou Jianjun said.

Source| People's Network - Henan Channel Guo Jian, Shi Yan, Shen Zhiyuan