
Jilin Panshi Experimental Primary School Wang Yanan

author:Two or three miles of information Jilin Province
Jilin Panshi Experimental Primary School Wang Yanan

The appreciation of children is like sending a wisp of spring to children, maybe in the future, they will be able to harvest the whole spring... This is the belief of Teacher Wang Yanan.

Teacher Wang has been working this garden for 19 years. In the past 19 years, she has always treated each student as her own child, and strives to capture the shining point of each child in the ordinary and ordinary, grasp the normal internal strength of students, make them carry forward their strengths, avoid their weaknesses, taste in success, praise their advantages, and promote the formation of personality; find correct and favorable factors in the midst of mistakes and setbacks, enhance self-confidence, and develop potential.

Jilin Panshi Experimental Primary School Wang Yanan

Mr. Tao Xingzhi, an educator, said: "There is Watt under your whip, Newton in your cold eyes, and Edison in your ridicule." "Don't be busy chasing them away. Don't wait until you take the train, light the lights, or learn calculus to know them as your schoolchildren. Indeed, each student has its own characteristics, in the learning is also different, then in the teaching, it is more necessary for teachers to work hard to find the shining point of each student, especially for students who are smart but not good at self-control, look at them a few times, give them a positive look, give them a firm confidence, persevere, one day you will find that the sand wrapped in sludge is actually a golden sand! Therefore, do not easily judge the life of a child, especially the students who are currently at a disadvantage, because everyone has upward requirements and everyone has immeasurable potential. Today, he is mediocre and not outstanding, and tomorrow, through hard work, he may achieve a great cause. "Encouragement" is the stimulant and gas station for children to move forward, and in this regard, Teacher Wang's approach is quite insightful. There is such a student in her class, everyone calls him Xiao Xiang, he has an impatient personality, especially naughty, all the classmates are afraid of him, because of his impatience, he often does not ask about the blue and red of things, whether it is a boy or a girl, come up is to fight, often do not abide by discipline in class, not to tell jokes with the same table, or to poke and shove back and forth. No one played with him at the end of class, and he either went to make trouble for the gang or wanted some bad idea to hit someone. This is not, some time ago, he was more nosy, the cause of the matter is this, the other two classmates in the class chatted together after class, one of the classmates bragged to the other classmate, saying that he had some special skills, the two people were chatting happily, then Xiao Xiang walked over to the side and suddenly pushed down the child who had just bragged, exposing that people did not have that skill at all, they were lying, and the result was that the two of them fought, after investigating the reasons, Teacher Wang let him have time to help the teacher do some things, he quickly agreed. So every day after class, he helped the teacher to arrange the desks and chairs, clean up the confetti on the ground, or help the teacher remind the group leader to collect homework, or help the teacher approve the dictation and writing of small notes or something. He did have work to do when he got out of class, one would shout to collect homework, one would shout who had a mistake in dictation to correct it quickly, and from time to time he picked up the pieces of paper on the ground, the whole person was immediately busy, Teacher Wang seized the opportunity to quickly praise him, and encouraged him as a little assistant to do better. Think about things that the teacher didn't expect. This way he wouldn't have time to mess with other classmates or be nosy.

Jilin Panshi Experimental Primary School Wang Yanan

The famous American psychologist James once said: "The deepest essence of human nature is the desire to be appreciated." "Regardless of age, status, people want to be recognized by others, will not refuse the praise of others, praise or rewards from others, will make the praised person have a pleasant emotional experience, then the student will also be in the direction you guide." In Xiao Xiang's body, Teacher Wang's method was still quite effective, so he continued to implement it. In the June 1 performance of the textbook drama "Indiscriminate Filling", Xiao Xiang played Mr. Nanguo, he was spoiled for cola, and the next day he memorized all his lines, and the expressions and actions were performed very well. After this performance, Xiao Xiang seems to have changed like a child, the previous naughtiness, the class does not listen to the class, the bad habit of making trouble is almost gone, now he listens attentively to the lecture in class, writes steadily, quietly, all the tasks assigned by the teacher are completed at the fastest speed, seize the opportunity of his progress, praise him again and again, he is also very contentious once better than the next.

Teacher Wang Yanan's approach is to build this building of love between teachers and students in the depths of the child's soul, which appreciates and encourages a small umbrella like a rainy day to give the child a clear sky without rain; like a bright light in the middle of the night, giving the child a light; like a raging fire in the cold winter, a refreshing cool breeze in the hot summer. Without appreciation, there is no education, appreciation can induce good behavior, appreciation can shape a good mind. Psychologists tell us that appreciation is a golden key to tapping into potential and enlightening students, cultivating students to work hard and grow rapidly. I hope that all of our teachers can make good use of this golden key so that every student can grow in self-confidence and succeed in self-confidence.

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