
In his days in Yong'an, Wang Yanan left behind the "Chinese-style "Capital"" and the "Bold Reorganization of the Fujian Institute of Social Sciences" and the introduction of Marxism into the Institute to complete two social science masterpieces

author:Sanming Rong Media Center

Wang Yanan is a famous economist and educator in modern China. General Secretary Xi Jinping once commented on him: "Mr. Wang Yanan is not only a translator, educator, but also an economist, and his understanding of Capital is very thorough. Not only translating Capital, Mr. Wang Yanan also took Marxism as the guide, conducted a profound analysis of the old Chinese economic form, and published a series of influential works, including "The Origin of China's Economy", "Outline of China's Landlord Economic Feudal System", "Chinese Bureaucratic Politics Research", etc., I have also read it. ”

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wang Yanan came to the mountain city of Yong'an and served as the director of the Fujian Provincial Institute of Social Sciences during the war, making it an important position for propagating and studying Marxist theory and making major contributions to the prosperity and development of cultural activities in yong'an War of Resistance. In the year of Yong'an, he completed works such as "The Original Theory of China's Economy" and "Outline of Social Science", which are a heavy historical and cultural heritage that he left to Yong'an, Fujian, and China.

In his days in Yong'an, Wang Yanan left behind the "Chinese-style "Capital"" and the "Bold Reorganization of the Fujian Institute of Social Sciences" and the introduction of Marxism into the Institute to complete two social science masterpieces

Wang Yanan's "The Origin of China's Economy" by Yong'an

In his days in Yong'an, Wang Yanan left behind the "Chinese-style "Capital"" and the "Bold Reorganization of the Fujian Institute of Social Sciences" and the introduction of Marxism into the Institute to complete two social science masterpieces

Wang Yanan's Outline of Social Sciences by Yong'an

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" > drastic reorganization of the Fujian Institute of Social Sciences</h1>

In May 1938, the southeast coast was ravaged by the iron hooves of the Japanese Kou, and the Fujian provincial government moved inland to Yong'an for seven and a half years. In the summer and autumn of 1944, Wang Yanan came to Yong'an, the capital of the wartime province, and was invited to serve as the director of the Fujian Provincial Institute of Social Sciences during the war.

In his days in Yong'an, Wang Yanan left behind the "Chinese-style "Capital"" and the "Bold Reorganization of the Fujian Institute of Social Sciences" and the introduction of Marxism into the Institute to complete two social science masterpieces

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the office building of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Fujian Provincial Research Institute was located in Dongpo, Yong'an.

The Institute of Social Sciences, an integral part of the Fujian Provincial Research Institute, was formerly known as the Ministry of Social Sciences and was renamed the Institute in 1942. The original site was on the east slope of Yong'an, which was demolished in the late 1990s.

After Wang Yanan arrived at the institute, he drastically reorganized the organizational and personnel structure of the institute, established three research groups on politics, economics, and literature and history, and personally served as the head of the literary and historical group; hired Yang Zao, a well-known journalist and political commentator and cpc member, as the leader of the political group; hired Zhang Zhenqian, a professor of economics and a member of the CPC, as the head of the economic group; and hired a number of benevolent people such as Xie Huaidan, Yu Zhihong, Li Daren, and Hu Ruiliang, members of the CPC, to participate in the research work of the institute. He conscientiously selected research projects, strengthened academic research activities, founded research journals, popularized academic research results, published and distributed "Social Sciences" (quarterly), organized the "Economic Science Publishing House", and published and distributed "China Academic Series" and "Social Science Series" and other books and periodicals.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="22" > introduced Marxism to the Institute</h1>

Academically, Wang Yanan carried forward democracy, advocated a hundred schools of thought contending, seeking common ground while reserving differences, and attaching importance to cultivating new talents. He vigorously publicized new viewpoints and new methods of social science research, and advocated the use of capital views, methods and systems to study China's economic problems. To study political economy with the qualifications of Chinese, to study and analyze China's economic problems from the perspective of Chinese, at the same time, to emphasize the importance of investigation and research, theory and practice, and to raise the starting point and destination of political economy research to a new height.

When studying the Fujian economy, he wrote the "General Theory of Fujian Economy", pointing out that "to point out the specificity of the Fujian economy, it is not only theoretically necessary, but also more practically necessary." On the basis of Fujian's natural conditions, economic foundation, and social history, he made a concrete analysis of Fujian's industrial, agricultural, commercial, and financial conditions, looked forward to the post-war development with a wise eye, and forward-looked forward the development of Fujian's economy, saying that to "improve natural conditions, improve technical conditions, and reform social conditions, we must pay special attention to changing social production relations: so that our foreign trade will no longer have the character of a comprador; and so that our overseas Chinese compatriots will return to China to invest without being wary." So that our specialties do not completely depend on foreign markets that are not easy to compete and are not easy to grasp; so that our transportation network and financial network will not become a tool for the circulation of foreign goods and foreign capital; so that the land we have opened up or newly opened up will no longer be abandoned; so that the scientific and technological talents that we have cultivated in large quantities will no longer be crowded into the educational circles and careers. ”

When studying the rural land issue, he made specific arrangements for the land survey work in the laosu area of western Fujian, and assigned Zhang Zhenqian to lead Yu Zhihong, Hu Ruiliang, Zhong Qisheng, and others to form a special investigation team to go to Longyan, Ningyang, Shanghang, Liancheng, and Wuping counties to conduct on-the-spot investigations of the former red army land reform areas in western Fujian. In the four months from March to July 1945, more than 1,800 households were surveyed and more than 150 people from all walks of life were interviewed, and Zhang Zhenqian wrote "Research on the Management Mode of Public Land in the Land Reform Area of Western Fujian", which was published in the second issue of the academy's journal "Research Report". This work has played an important role in improving the working methods of the Institute and deepening the understanding of the management mode of public land in the western Fujian Land Reform Zone.

As a result of Wang Yanan's bold reform of the management of the institute, he selected some underground CPC party members, progressive youth, and social science workers with real talents and practical learning as the backbone of the institute, and introduced Marxism into the institute of social sciences, so that the work of the institute was full of vitality and its social influence was gradually expanding.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" > completed two social science masterpieces</h1>

In terms of work, in addition to doing a good job in the management of the institute, Wang Yanan also devoted his main energy to completing several articles such as "The Original Theory of China Economy," a masterpiece that expounds the Chinese economy in the system of "Capital", and "New Theory of Social Science", which expresses new insights in social sciences, which has played a very good leading role in the institute and formed a good academic research atmosphere. "The Original Theory of China's Economy" (republished after the founding of New China and renamed "China's Semi-feudal and Semi-Colonial Economic Form") is a representative work of Chinese economics, a model of the sinification of Marxist political economy, and the opening masterpiece of the modern "Concept of Chinese Economics". The book was printed in January 1946 at the Changfeng Printing House in Yong'an Qiaowei and published by the Economic Science Press, and was praised by the academic community as "a Chinese-style "Capital" and has been translated into many languages. "Outline of Social Sciences" is another huge work completed by Wang Yanan in Yong'an, published by Yong'an Southeast Publishing House in June 1945, and revised by Fuzhou Economic Science Publishing House in December 1946, renamed "New Theory of Social Science", which includes four major parts: the epistemology of social science, the cultural theory of social science, the theory of war in social science, and the construction theory of social science.

Mountain rain is about to blow all over the building. Just when the Institute of Social Sciences was booming, from July 1945 to May 1946, the Kuomintang diehards took advantage of the "Zhou Bi Arrest Incident" to make a big fight and create a "Yang jujube incident" in Yong'an that shocked China and foreign countries. He resigned indignantly, left Yong'an, and went to teach at Xiamen University in Changting.

In the summer of 1950, Wang Yanan became the president of Xiamen University, and the Fujian Institute of Social Sciences was incorporated into Xiamen University, and most of the researchers in the institute became teachers at Xiamen University. He paid great attention to discovering and cultivating useful talents for the party and the people. In the early days of the founding of New China, Chen Jingrun, a top student in the Department of Mathematics of Xiamen University, was assigned to teach in a middle school after graduation, and his work and life were in trouble. Through wang Yanan's efforts, Chen Jingrun returned to his alma mater and arranged to work in the department of mathematics, so that Chen Jingrun could study mathematics with peace of mind and gradually grow into a famous mathematician with world influence.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > character business card</h1>

In his days in Yong'an, Wang Yanan left behind the "Chinese-style "Capital"" and the "Bold Reorganization of the Fujian Institute of Social Sciences" and the introduction of Marxism into the Institute to complete two social science masterpieces

Wang Yanan

Wang Yanan (1901-1969), a native of Huanggang, Hubei Province, graduated from the Department of Education of Wuchang Zhonghua University in 1921, joined the Northern Expedition during the Revolution, and served as a political instructor in the army. From 1928 to 1931, he studied in Japan and in 1933 he went to Germany for further study. In 1935, he returned to China, and in 1938, he and Guo Dali jointly translated the three volumes of Capital Chinese and published in translation. In 1944, he was invited to Yong'an as the director of the Fujian Provincial Institute of Social Sciences, and in 1945, he left Yong'an due to the "Yangju Incident" and went to xiamen university to teach. In 1950, he became the president of Xiamen University.

Source: Sanming Rong Media Center Yong'an Reporter Station Wei Xinggu Correspondent Zheng Yi

New Media Editor: Yahui Luo

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