
If Gao Yuliang met Wang Dingding, Secretary Yuliang would humbly study the Lecture Notes on the History of Economic Thought.

author:Rong Zhenhuan micro book review

If Gao Yuliang met Wang Dingding, Secretary Yuliang would humbly study the Lecture Notes on the History of Economic Thought.

Author: Rong Zhenhuan

"In the Name of the People" has come to an end.

Everyone has a home.

It is said that Gao Yuliang went farther and farther on his ideological path, went further and further, and finally entered the prison.

In prison, he read a book. Lecture Notes on the History of Economic Thought by Wang Dingding. (Hereinafter referred to as the handout)

If Gao Yuliang met Wang Dingding, Secretary Yuliang would humbly study the Lecture Notes on the History of Economic Thought.

Therefore, his greatest wish was not to get out of prison, but to ask Professor Wang a few questions in person.

1. The first is to replace Qi Tongwei, Zhao Ruilong and Gao Xiaoqin to ask, what is wealth.

The handout says: Wealth is of course a necessary means of attaining happiness, but you must not be too greedy, otherwise you will become a slave to wealth and lose your freedom.

Aristotle gave a definition of "wealth" – "wealth" refers to "a form of value, that is, everything measured by money." Under this definition, if you can hold on to moderation, you are free.

A free man is a man who has virtue for wealth.

If Gao Yuliang met Wang Dingding, Secretary Yuliang would humbly study the Lecture Notes on the History of Economic Thought.

2, the second question, where is my fundamental problem, how do I understand the world

The lecture notes say that the fundamental problem can become a fundamental problem because it "manifests itself." You find it yourself, it's just from one point of view, it can't be found, you have to listen to life, let it present itself from all angles.

Gao Yuliang obviously started from himself and qi Tongwei in everything, did not really listen to the voice of the times, the voice of society, and the voice of the people, and finally fell in the name of the people.

The handout says that if you want to understand the world, you have to get rid of all this entanglement of concrete interests, so that the world is open to you. Intuition, however, may be limited, and Shield argues that there are only finite things for intuition. As Halder introduced, the world should intuitively be limited and partial, but we must make this part open to the outside, and the way to open it is not to think about your own interests. We are to be detached from our own partial world, which is the premise of thought.

If Gao Yuliang met Wang Dingding, Secretary Yuliang would humbly study the Lecture Notes on the History of Economic Thought.

3. I have the right to understand the law, and why I am planted on the law of abuse of power

The handout says: Easterlin is an important population economist, one of the three major population economists. "People's living standards depend on the rule of law, and if the level of rule of law is not high enough, the standard of living will improve slowly."

China is now a well-off society in an all-round way, and the overall improvement and upgrading of living standards, at this time, the construction of the rule of law is a top priority.

Using power to put yourself above the law is an extremely selfish egoist.

The lecture notes say that egoism should not be equated with selfishness, and Adam Smith emphasized the use of self-interested to represent self-interested, which is self-interested, reasonable, moderate, and a natural emotion. And egoism is selfish, it is selfish. These two concepts are completely different, selfishness is excessive self-interest, against the middle way. Not being selfish or being completely selfish against natural emotions is a violation of natural emotions, so it is right to be moderately self-interested. The most famous slogan of utilitarianism is that the maximization of the sum of utility of all human utility is the basis for the formulation of social policy, and that the formulation of any social policy should maximize the greatest happiness of all. This was jeremy Bentham's slogan. Egoism, as a form of hedonism, advocates that everyone should make the pursuit of their greatest happiness the ultimate goal. The doctrine of egoism also acknowledges that sometimes the best way to achieve this is to bring happiness to others, in order to maximize our own utility. Thus there are two versions of egoism, pure selfishness and egoism manifested as altruism.

The downfall of Gao Yuliang, Qi Tongwei, and a series of officials stemmed from selfish egoism.

4, where is the real happiness, is not my love with XiaoGao happy?

If Gao Yuliang met Wang Dingding, Secretary Yuliang would humbly study the Lecture Notes on the History of Economic Thought.

That's a good question. Knowledge is different from thought, the former being a scientific construct and the latter providing awareness of problems.

A major feature of thought is introspective insight, called "insight" in English.

The handout says: Whether you can enjoy the life depends on what kind of education you receive, education makes your sensory nerves sharper, able to appreciate the beauty of nature, able to alleviate many low-level desires, as Epicurus said, the real happiness does not lie in more wealth, but in less desire, which requires education.

The purpose of economics is to make people's lives happier, to tell people how to freely choose their own happiness under the principles of reason. Happiness is the greatest attainable goodness, and goodness is the goodness that is good because of oneself.

There are two rational principles for this good choice: first, let people choose milder desires, and the lesser of the two; second, let people maximize their own happiness, and the two benefit each other. This is also the moderation of choice expressed by Aristotle.

Gao Yuliang is first and foremost a human being, with the right to choose and can pursue his own happiness. But this happiness needs to be based on a normal social order, not on the collusion of officials and businessmen to intertwine interests.

As a servant of the people, this choice breaks social justice, undermines the people's name, and undermines justice.

What is justice? It is all people with free will who find a social order through the subjective judgment of free will, which makes all people enjoy equal freedom, which is called justice. This is also Kant's understanding and definition of civil society.

From this point of view, the Gao Yuliang and Xiaogao Happiness Building are actually built on the beach and collapse at any time, which will also cause public harm.

If Gao Yuliang met Wang Dingding, Secretary Yuliang would humbly study the Lecture Notes on the History of Economic Thought.

Remember, justice is an important indicator of everyone's happiness.

No quality is absolutely reprehensible, and no quality is absolutely praiseworthy.

There is a kind of justice called "The Name of the People", and only by guarding justice in the name of the people and returning justice to the hearts of the people can justice shock people's hearts.

If Gao Yuliang met Wang Dingding, Secretary Yuliang would humbly study the Lecture Notes on the History of Economic Thought.

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