
Little Ding Ding is a big problem, a detailed explanation of the problem that the parents of the male baby must see, and take a look at it for their children

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For parents with baby boys, their children's health is always a top priority. Among them, the issue of Little Ding Ding is particularly noteworthy.

During the holidays, there is always a long queue in front of the pediatric surgery clinic, and parents bring their children to the circumcision. So, why circumcision on boys?

Do all boys need to be circumcised? Today, we will talk about these issues, hoping to provide some useful information for parents who have male treasures.

Definition and difference between phimosis and excessively long foreskin

To understand why some boys need to be circumcised, it is first necessary to understand what phimosis and long foreskin is. Phimosis means that the opening of the foreskin is too small, and the glans penis is completely covered by the foreskin and cannot be flipped to reveal the glans.

Phimosis can be divided into two types: congenital (physiological) and acquired (pathological). Almost all newborn boys have physiological phimosis, in which the foreskin and the head of the penis are adhered together. This condition usually resolves by the child's 3-4 years of age with the natural upward inversion of the foreskin.

Little Ding Ding is a big problem, a detailed explanation of the problem that the parents of the male baby must see, and take a look at it for their children

If at this age, the foreskin still cannot be opened, it is pathological phimosis. This condition can be caused by balanitis of the foreskin or trauma, resulting in scarring of the foreskin opening, loss of elasticity and the need for early surgical treatment.

Excessively long foreskin is another case. Long foreskin means that the foreskin is able to expose the glans penis, but the foreskin opening is small, covering the external urethral opening and affecting normal cleaning. If the foreskin is too long, it is easy to hide dirt and dirt, and over time it will have a peculiar smell and even affect health.

Little Ding Ding is a big problem, a detailed explanation of the problem that the parents of the male baby must see, and take a look at it for their children

Hazards of phimosis and long foreskin

Phimosis and long foreskin may seem like a minor problem, but their harm should not be underestimated. First, phimosis can cause infection. The foreskin cannot be turned up, and urine remains in the foreskin sac after urination, breeding bacteria, which can easily cause infection of the glans penis and foreskin, that is, posthitis. Recurrent infections can also lead to scarring of the foreskin opening, which can aggravate the extent of phimosis.

Phimosis may cause difficulty urinating. Some children with phimosis often wet their pants because the foreskin opening is particularly narrow, and the urine line is thin and uncertain when urinating. The glans is damp, odorous, not easy to clean, and even a flushed rash appears.

Little Ding Ding is a big problem, a detailed explanation of the problem that the parents of the male baby must see, and take a look at it for their children

The foreskin bulges like a bubble during urination, which not only affects quality of life, but can also lead to serious complications such as rectal prolapse, vesicoureteral reflux, and hydronephrosis.

The accumulation of smegma is another problem. The secretions in the foreskin cannot be discharged, forming small white bumps or small lumps, known as smegma. These smegma are not only unhygienic, but can also cause infections.

Little Ding Ding is a big problem, a detailed explanation of the problem that the parents of the male baby must see, and take a look at it for their children

Incarceration is also a danger. Driven by curiosity, some children will try to open the foreskin, if the foreskin opening is narrow and cannot be turned down after turning it over, it will get stuck, obstruct the veins and lymphatic circulation, lead to edema, and in severe cases, even cause glans necrosis.

The benefits of circumcision are age-related

Circumcision not only solves many immediate problems, but also has a positive impact on future health. For newborns and infants, circumcision can significantly reduce the risk of urinary tract infections.

Studies have shown that a baby under 1 year old who has a recurrent fever is 1 in 4 likely to be caused by a urinary tract infection, and circumcision can reduce this risk by nearly 90%. This preventive effect is especially important for babies whose immunity is not yet fully developed.

Little Ding Ding is a big problem, a detailed explanation of the problem that the parents of the male baby must see, and take a look at it for their children

In childhood and adolescence, the benefits of circumcision are still significant. Children at this stage are in an important period of growth and development, and phimosis and long foreskin can easily cause infections and even lead to penile dysplasia.

Foreign studies have shown that phimosis and long foreskin are directly related to penile cancer, and circumcision in childhood can greatly reduce this risk. Circumcision can also reduce the chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and effectively protect the reproductive health of adolescents.

Little Ding Ding is a big problem, a detailed explanation of the problem that the parents of the male baby must see, and take a look at it for their children

For men in adulthood, the benefits of circumcision are also not negligible. Surgery not only improves the quality of sexual life, but also reduces your partner's risk of contracting the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Data shows that circumcised men have a 60% lower chance of being heterosexual infected with HIV, while their partner's risk of HPV infection is reduced by 35%. This undoubtedly provides more guarantees for a healthy life in adulthood.

Little Ding Ding is a big problem, a detailed explanation of the problem that the parents of the male baby must see, and take a look at it for their children

Parents also need to do a good job of psychological counseling when helping their children face surgery. It is very important for children to understand the need for surgery and to dispel their fears. Through patient explanations and encouragement, helping your child establish a correct understanding of the surgery can make the surgical process go more smoothly.

Little Ding Ding is a big problem, a detailed explanation of the problem that the parents of the male baby must see, and take a look at it for their children

In summary, circumcision plays an important role in the healthy growth of boys. Parents should look at surgery scientifically and rationally, and intervene early to ensure the health and happiness of their children. If you have any questions about surgery, you may want to consult a medical professional for more guidance and assistance.

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