
How many pairs do males have to mate? Cats have spiny genitals, and ducks evolve spiral-shaped dings

author:Xiao Fen talks about big things


Animals not only have wonderful performances in survival, but also in reproductive behavior.

In addition to mating and reproducing through the genitals, there are also some animals that have created strange ways of reproduction because of their special reproductive organs.

Different species of animals maintain their own sexual characteristics, and this sexual characteristics are also used to gain an advantage in mating to ensure the excellent quality of the offspring.

In animal reproductive behavior, males are more "fighting" than females, and reproductive organs are also very distinctive.

Today, let's take a look at what kind of advantages come with all kinds of strange reproductive organs.

1. Prickly genitals.

The outside of the feline's genitals doesn't look like anything special, just two symmetrical bags.

But the male genitalia underneath can be very "domineering".

There is something called the pyloric gland, which we humans also have, which is mainly used to secrete some mucus to lubricate the environment and help food pass through the gastrointestinal tract.

But in felines, the mucus secreted by the pyloric gland of the male genitalia is very dense and contains many harmful substances, which can even cause inflammation, so that the mating of males and females can cause some trouble.

So the pyloric gland of the feline is "weakened", but there is no trouble after the "incapacitation", so how do male animals mate in order to avoid the failure of mating with mucus and females?

Male genitalia in felines have very complex kelp-like structures inside their genitalia that look like maces.

How many pairs do males have to mate? Cats have spiny genitals, and ducks evolve spiral-shaped dings

This is also to be able to put these seaweed-like structures into the female reproductive tract and fix them there during mating, so that the reproductive success rate is greatly increased.

So how did this unique reproductive organ evolve?

In ancient times, cats, like many other wild animals, liked to hunt, but the environment at that time was difficult, and it was difficult to find food, so the male was able to find a good female to "fatten" and then be able to reproduce through mating, so that many males kept chasing the same female.

How many pairs do males have to mate? Cats have spiny genitals, and ducks evolve spiral-shaped dings

So, in order to give their offspring a better chance to live, the females make a selection in the process, each time choosing the males who are good to them.

So in order to increase the success rate of mating, males have evolved this spiny genitalia.

2. Spiral genitalia.

The duck's genitals are the longest in the world, and even some gentlemen on the beam think it is incredible, but how long are the duck's genitals?

The male duck is only able to fully stretch when the genitals have grown up when they are sexually aroused, and its length is 40 cm, because the vagina of the female duck does not go straight to the uterus, but a long, curved passage.

This curved passage is the female duck's genitals, which are able to prevent mating by contracting and elasticating their muscles to keep the male's genitals inaccessible.

So why do male ducks have such long genitals?

This is because when the female duck builds a nest on the ground, the male will sink into the swamp area to reproduce, and in this environment, if the male duck's genitals are not long enough, they will not be able to connect with the female duck's genitals, so the male will not have the opportunity to reproduce.

How many pairs do males have to mate? Cats have spiny genitals, and ducks evolve spiral-shaped dings

So the male's genitals slowly become longer and longer.

And the female duck is not to be outdone, in order to greatly reduce the success rate of reproduction, so it gradually makes the vagina more complicated, rugged, on this basis, it has formed today's various physical characteristics, as well as reproductive characteristics.

How many pairs do males have to mate? Cats have spiny genitals, and ducks evolve spiral-shaped dings

3. Modification of the uterus.

Dragonflies, damselflies and other similar insects, males have a dagger-like thing when mating, this needle-like thing, is used to clean the female's reproductive tract, not only can they clean the sperm and other residues left in the body by the male in front of them, but also can keep their sperm in the front, to prevent other male animals from mating again in the back, so that their offspring will be fewer.

The male genitalia of insects such as butterflies and moths are like a candle wick, and they will store their semen in the reservoir in the body, and when they find a female they like, they will store the semen in the seminal vesicles, and they will make the seminal vesicles very long, and then extend the seminal vesicles into the female's reproductive tract, and the sperm will swim forward along the path that the seminal sacs have made before, and finally store them in the place connected to the egg.

The female reproductive tract is very complex, it will form a small sac in the place where the eggs will be laid in the future, and the female reproductive tract is like a syringe, and only by inserting the seminal vesicles into it, can the sperm of the male be stored in it.

However, female dragonflies and female butterflies can give males confidence that their "left" sperm can complete the process of hatching, and expel the sperm that they don't like to "stay" onto a nearby rock, leaving them unable to hatch.

How many pairs do males have to mate? Cats have spiny genitals, and ducks evolve spiral-shaped dings

In the same way, the mother damselfly can also expel the sperm that is "left" by the male you don't like.

So what kind of existence are the genitals of a hyquoll?

In addition to having a normal reproductive tract, the female quoll has two small reproductive tracts, which are mainly used to store sperm, while the large reproductive tracts are only used to release eggs.

So why do quolls have three reproductive tracts?

This is because the quoll is a wild animal, and every time a litter is born, the fetus needs to grow up in the bag, and during this period it is difficult for the mother to hunt, so when mating, the fetus can be kept in a developing state through the three reproductive tracts, so that the next litter can be born earlier, and during this period, the male can make his offspring survive more through non-stop mating, and in this way, the quoll can become more superior in survival.

How many pairs do males have to mate? Cats have spiny genitals, and ducks evolve spiral-shaped dings

And what kind of existence is the male genitalia of monkfish?

Male monkfish parasitize on females during mating, and their genitals are mainly used to produce sperm, which are then sent into the female's reproductive tract to eventually complete reproduction.

How many pairs do males have to mate? Cats have spiny genitals, and ducks evolve spiral-shaped dings


Overall, the diversity of animal reproductive behavior shows the variety of strange adaptations and survival strategies that organisms have made in order to reproduce their offspring in the process of evolution.

The structure of the reproductive organs and the mode of reproduction of animals reflect the power of natural selection, revealing the complexity and diversity of the field of biological reproduction, and the selection and strategy of motherhood in animal reproduction are also the products of evolution, showing the wisdom and ingenuity of living organisms for the survival and reproduction of offspring.

Only by understanding the reproductive organs and reproduction methods of animals can we understand the mysteries of biology more deeply and appreciate the wonders of nature.

How many pairs do males have to mate? Cats have spiny genitals, and ducks evolve spiral-shaped dings

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