
Aesop's Fables Classic Short Story (Chinese and English)

author:Copywriting literature

Zeus and man

Zeus created man and commanded Hermes to pour wisdom into them. He prepared equal wisdom for each of them, and then poured them into them separately. The short and short are filled with and become wise men; but those who are tall, whose wisdom is only poured into the knees, are not enough, and they are stupider than others.

Moral: For those who are bulky and lack a mind.

Zeus created men and ordered Hermes to pour wisdom into them. He prepared equal wisdom for everyone, and then poured it on them separately. The short man is full and becomes a wise man; But those tall people, whose wisdom only reaches their knees, are not enough, so they are more stupid than others.

Moral: suitable for those who are big and lack of mind.

Zeus and the snake

When Zeus got married, all the animals gave gifts as much as they could. A snake, with a rose in its mouth, crawled to give a gift. Zeus saw him and said, "I accept all other animal gifts, but I will never receive anything from your mouth." ”

Moral: The favors of bad guys are intimidating.

When Zeus got married, all the animals did their best to send gifts. A snake with a rose in its mouth climbed to give a gift. Zeus saw him and said, "I accept all the gifts of other animals, but I can't accept anything from your mouth."

Moral: the kindness of bad people is frightening.

Zeus and the tortoise

When Zeus got married, he held a grand banquet and entertained all the animals. Only the turtle was not present, and Zeus did not know why he had not come. The next day, he asked the turtle why he didn't come to the feast. The turtle replied, "It's still comfortable at home, I love my home." Zeus was so angry that he punished the tortoise for walking in his house forever.

Meaning: Even a luxurious banquet is not as comfortable as its own home.

When Zeus got married, he held a grand banquet to entertain all the animals. Only the tortoise didn't attend. Zeus didn't know why he didn't come. The next day, he asked the tortoise why he didn't come to the dinner. The Tortoise replied, "it's still comfortable at home. I love my home." Zeus was so angry that he punished the tortoise for carrying his home forever.

Moral: the most luxurious banquet is not as comfortable as your own home.

Sun and frog

Once, the sun wanted to find a wife for himself. The frogs shouted in horror at the sky, and Jupiter heard the noise and asked them who they were yelling at. They replied, "Even if he is single, the sun is bad enough to almost dry our swamp, what should we do if he gets married again and has another little sun?" ”

Moral: Complaining without any basis will only make people laugh.

Once, the sun wanted to find himself a wife. The frogs shouted in horror at the sky. When Jupiter heard the noise, he asked them who they were shouting at. They replied, "even if he is single, the sun is bad enough to almost dry our swamp. What should we do if he gets married again and has another little sun?"

Moral: groundless complaints will only make people laugh.


Mules that grow up eating barley are strong. Whenever he jumped, he always said to himself, "My father must be a horse that can run well, I am very much like him." One day, because of necessity, the mule had to be pulled to run non-stop. When he returned, he remembered with a sad face that his father was a donkey.

Moral: If people are famous for their good luck, they must not forget their own nature, because life is like a tidal wave, and the future is unpredictable.

A mule growing up on barley is very strong. Whenever he jumped, he always said to himself, "my father must be a horse that can run well, and I am very much like him." one day, because of need, the mule had to be pulled to run. When he came back, he remembered with a sad face that his father was a donkey.

Moral: if people are famous for good luck, don't forget their nature, because life is like ebb and flow, and the future is difficult to predict.

Aesop's Fables Classic Short Story (Chinese and English)

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