
After the Chen Mingren uprising in 1949, there was no demand, Chairman Mao: I will certainly not treat you badly in the future

author:Global Rolls Machine

Chen Mingren was a senior general of the Kuomintang, who fought bravely and tenaciously, and was deeply respected by Chiang Kai-shek, but after the outbreak of the Liberation War, he gradually became dissatisfied with chiang kai-shek's actions of destroying the peace, and finally in August 1949, he electrified an uprising, which further promoted the victory of the Liberation War.

In September of the same year, as chairman of the Provisional Government of Hunan Province, he traveled to Beijing to attend the first meeting of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. After arriving in Beijing, he was received by Chairman Mao and others, who greatly appreciated his feats of the uprising before the battle and asked him what he wanted.

After the Chen Mingren uprising in 1949, there was no demand, Chairman Mao: I will certainly not treat you badly in the future

1. Teachers enlist in the military

1. Throw pen from Rong

Chen Mingren was born in 1903, and his family worked as farmers in a village in Hunan Province. When he was young, he went to a private school, studied hard and steadily, and was deeply loved by Mr. Teaching, and later he was admitted to Thetüsser Middle School in Changsha, and returned to his hometown to engage in education after completing his studies.

There are clouds in the "Rizhilu": the one who protects the world, the lowly and the one who has the ear. He studied for many years, heard about the sad past of Yuan Shikai's restoration, the destruction of the victorious fruits of the democratic revolution for many years, and witnessed the bitter situation of our country as one of the victorious countries at the Paris Peace Conference, where many reasonable demands were ignored.

After the Chen Mingren uprising in 1949, there was no demand, Chairman Mao: I will certainly not treat you badly in the future

In 1924, this bookish teacher actually had the idea of studying the military, and the whole family strongly opposed it after learning about it, but he still insisted on his own idea and was admitted to the Guangzhou Army Martial Arts School, and in the autumn of that year, he transferred to Huangpu and became the first batch of students.

2. Predator

In order to achieve the goal of serving the country, Chen Mingren trained very hard, and his achievements were excellent, and after graduation, he immediately participated in the battle against Chen Jiongming. Chen Jiongming was originally a member of the League, brave and strategic, experienced the war of defending the country and protecting the Law, and also served as the commander-in-chief of the Cantonese Army in Guangdong Province, but later led his troops to defect to Sun Yat-sen due to disagreements in ideas.

After the Chen Mingren uprising in 1949, there was no demand, Chairman Mao: I will certainly not treat you badly in the future

The soldiers under Chen Jiongming's command all had rich combat experience, but Chen Mingren was even more courageous in the face of a strong enemy. In the Battle of Dongguan, he went into battle with illness and led a platoon of his men to the forefront of the whole army, like a steel knife stabbed into the enemy camp, enough to defeat a battalion, and was immediately promoted to company commander.

In the Battle of Huizhou, the enemy army relied on the towering city wall to swear to resist to the death, Chen Mingren took the lead, led a death squad to tear through the enemy's defenses, and was the first to climb the Huizhou City Tower. At the celebration meeting, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the whole army to salute him with a gun and promoted him to battalion commander, at this time he was no longer the crepe crepe student, but a brave and unstoppable soldier.

Second, simple patriotic generals

1. Weiguo boy

Chen Mingren's brave and good fighting character was highly praised by Chiang Kai-shek, and he was later called to the Military Academy for further study, and after graduation, he served as the commander of the 2nd Reserve Division. In 1939, in order to cut off our Guiyue communication line, the Japanese Kou gathered heavy troops to invade our Guinan area, and the Kuomintang army rushed to meet it, losing the first line of defense, and the Japanese Kou captured the dangerous Kunlun Pass.

After the Chen Mingren uprising in 1949, there was no demand, Chairman Mao: I will certainly not treat you badly in the future

In order to seize the lost land, Lao Jiang launched the Battle of Guinan, and Chen Mingren was also ordered to participate in this battle, the nationalist army was fierce, and the Japanese and Kou were defeated for a long time, and were forced to order a complete withdrawal from Guangxi. In 1944, as commander of the 71st Army, he joined the Chinese Expeditionary Force and joined friendly forces in a counter-offensive against the Japanese.

He first ordered his troops to cross the Nu River and capture the Songshan Fortress with strong fortifications, and then turned to Longling, organized many brave death squads in the whole army, and attacked day and night, the Japanese Kou collapsed under the tide-like offensive, and the Chinese Expeditionary Force continued to move south.

At this time, the Japanese Kou could only survive in the area of Hatamachi, and in order to preserve this only stronghold, the Nikko desperately resisted at the gateway of Kasachi. Prior to this, Huang Jie, the general of the expeditionary force, had organized many attacks, but they were all defended by the enemy, and our troops still suffered a lot of losses.

After the Chen Mingren uprising in 1949, there was no demand, Chairman Mao: I will certainly not treat you badly in the future

At this time, the chief of staff of the US army was very dissatisfied with the failure of the expeditionary force's attack, and directly informed Huang Jie that if he could not capture Longshan again, the US army would stop air support to the front line. Huang Jie repeatedly explained that the enemy army was numerous, but the US side just couldn't listen.

Chen Mingren saw that the military might was questioned, and immediately said that he would definitely take back Longshan within 3 days, otherwise he would die on the top of the mountain, and the US side was impressed by his indomitable courage and finally chose to believe him. After Chen Mingren and his troops arrived at the front line, they first pretended to attack a nearby hill, and rikou rushed to support, he took the opportunity to lead the main force to move to Huilong Mountain, and completely annihilated the enemy Kou by means of dividing and encircling.

Once this battle was won, Chen Mingren's prestige was far and wide, and the US military praised this as a military masterpiece, and even Chairman Mao, after learning the details of the battle, was full of praise, and repeatedly reminded the generals of our army that they must pay attention to Chen Mingren in the future and must not take the enemy lightly.

After the Chen Mingren uprising in 1949, there was no demand, Chairman Mao: I will certainly not treat you badly in the future

2. All efforts are for the people's livelihood

During the Liberation War, he was dismissed due to military discipline problems and transferred to Nanjing as an idle officer. After idleness, he began to think about the reasons for the outbreak of the Liberation War, and his friends around him were also analyzing the necessity of the Communist Party's democratic revolution for him, and his early study experience made him develop a meticulous logical thinking, and after several thoughts, he began to identify with the Communist Party's approach.

In October 1948, he became the deputy commander of the "Suppression General" in central China, and had close contacts with Cheng Qian. Cheng Qian, who also held important military and political posts in Hunan Province, was also very disgusted by Chiang Kai-shek's act of provoking a civil war, and the two were like-minded and began to plan an uprising.

They first secretly sent people to contact our side, and then after our army crossed the Yangtze River, they officially sent representatives to conduct peace talks, and in August 1949, the two of them led the peaceful uprising and electrified, ushering in the peaceful liberation of the Central Hunan region.

After the Chen Mingren uprising in 1949, there was no demand, Chairman Mao: I will certainly not treat you badly in the future

When the first session of the CPPCC National Committee was held, Chairman Mao cordially asked Chen Mingren what his demands were, and he could mention them at all; in the face of such a good opportunity, Chen Mingren politely resigned, saying: Chairman, I have now truly obeyed the Communist Party and have no demands. Chairman Mao was very happy after hearing this, and said with a smile: If you make a request, we will be easy to handle, but if you do not ask for it, I will not be able to handle it well. But rest assured, I will not treat you badly in the future.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Mingren served as the commander of the 21st Corps of the 4th Field, and made great contributions to the suppression of bandits, and was later awarded the rank of general.

After the Chen Mingren uprising in 1949, there was no demand, Chairman Mao: I will certainly not treat you badly in the future


Chen Mingren was originally a teacher, and later in order to serve the country and save the people, he resolutely chose to join the army. He fought bravely and tenaciously, was able to fight in all directions in the midst of ten thousand armies, and could also win a decisive victory in the midst of a thousand miles, and was a rare outstanding general.

After the outbreak of the War of Liberation, he gradually saw clearly the true face of Chiang Kai-shek's dictatorial government, turned to support the Communist Party, led a peaceful uprising, and made important contributions to the victory of the War of Liberation. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he did not pursue fame or profit, but devoted himself to the cause of eliminating poison and resuming production, and was an upright Chinese boy.

This article is original by the global Rolls machine, welcome to pay attention, take you along with long knowledge!

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