
Make every effort to do a good job in logistics services

author:Nine factions view the world

From October 14 to 15, Jiang Liansheng, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, led the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to Quanzhou County, Guilin City, to carry out the third special topic study of party history study and education and the third special topic study meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Municipal Party Committee in 2021. According to the work arrangement, the logistics center of the municipal organ is responsible for the relevant conference services, vehicle support and security and other logistics services.

In order to do a good job in this logistical support, Li Guangping, director of the center, asked all relevant departments to improve their political standing, implement the work concept of "conscientious work is only qualified, and hard work is excellent", and all logistics support work is strictly implemented in accordance with the standard requirements of the center's "six demonstration posts", and complete all logistics service work with high standards and high quality. On October 13, the center arranged for special personnel to go to Jeonju County, Guilin City, and worked with other members of the logistics support group of the municipal preparatory leading group to do the logistics support work in advance.

Make every effort to do a good job in logistics services
Make every effort to do a good job in logistics services

In order to ensure the use of activity vehicles, the staff responsible for dispatching vehicles carefully inspect the vehicle interior, the configuration of vehicle items, tires, oil and other vehicle maintenance in accordance with the contents of the list, and carry out centralized safety education for the drivers of the activity vehicles.

Make every effort to do a good job in logistics services
Make every effort to do a good job in logistics services

According to the requirements of the venue layout, the staff responsible for the conference service guide the hotel attendants to complete the preparation of tables, chairs, table cards, etc., as well as the service work such as tea and towels during the meeting.

Under the great attention of the leaders of the center to this activity, the logistics personnel of all posts forge ahead, immerse themselves in hard work, and smoothly ensure the development of the activity. In the future, the center will continue to take the "six demonstration posts" as the starting point, is committed to building a first-class logistics service team, and strives to create a new situation of high-quality development of logistics services in organs.

Photo: Zhang Chuting/Wen, Huang Minxia/Photo

Editors: Zhong Yun, Li Jiao

Review: He Kongxian, Luo Bilan

Make every effort to do a good job in logistics services
Make every effort to do a good job in logistics services
Make every effort to do a good job in logistics services

【Source: Wuzhou Organ Logistics】

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