
Good ingredients do not need to be over-seasoned, 2 kinds of ingredients 3 flavor season, make delicious stir-fried yam yam season, can not miss the clear dish good ingredients, do not need to over-seasoning stir-fried yam production process cooking tips

author:Forty years old cook
From 40 years of cooking, only food and love can not be disappointed! Looking forward to becoming friends with you who like food, you are welcome to "follow" me! The chef cooks with you.
Good ingredients do not need to be over-seasoned, 2 kinds of ingredients 3 flavor season, make delicious stir-fried yam yam season, can not miss the clear dish good ingredients, do not need to over-seasoning stir-fried yam production process cooking tips

The most popular ingredient in winter, that is not the yam, especially the peeled yam, a white jade, looking like people like. Yam has been a good ingredient of "medicine and food homology" since ancient times, an angel lost in the world, with a crisp texture, light and pleasant, like a fairy daughter who fell into the mortal world. However, the price of yam is very close to the people, it is a home-cooked ingredient that ordinary people can afford to eat, and when it comes to nourishing the spleen and stomach, it is also the first yam. Yam is distinguished from the texture, which is roughly divided into two types: one is the "vegetable yam" with fewer roots on the surface, the skin is thinner, the texture is crisp, and it is especially suitable for stir-frying or slipping meat slices. There is also a kind of surface whiskers with more roots, thicker epidermis, and fragrant texture, which is called "hair yam". There is a lot of starch content, mainly suitable for steaming to eat, stew soup, make desserts.

Good ingredients do not need to be over-seasoned, 2 kinds of ingredients 3 flavor season, make delicious stir-fried yam yam season, can not miss the clear dish good ingredients, do not need to over-seasoning stir-fried yam production process cooking tips

There are many classic recipes for yam, and there are countless exquisite dishes that have been achieved, but the most common way to do yam is to stir-fry, simple and delicious. Good ingredients do not need to be over-seasoned, 2 kinds of ingredients 3 flavor seasoning, make a delicious stir-fried yam. This stir-fried yam, in addition to yam, is accompanied by only one ingredient, that is, "black fungus". Black fungus is also a good home-cooked ingredient, and it has been one of the "Eight Treasures of the Mountains" since ancient times. The fungus is rich in "fungus polysaccharides", which is a natural immune enhancer, which has important benefits for the elderly and young children in the family. In addition to fungus polysaccharides, black fungus also contains a large amount of "fungus gum", which is a particularly effective "intestinal lubricant". Therefore, this stir-fried yam is especially suitable for the elderly, beautiful women who love beauty, vegetarians, middle-aged men and children at home.

Good ingredients do not need to be over-seasoned, 2 kinds of ingredients 3 flavor season, make delicious stir-fried yam yam season, can not miss the clear dish good ingredients, do not need to over-seasoning stir-fried yam production process cooking tips

Ingredients: 1 large section of yam about 370 grams, water fungus 50 grams

Ingredients: 5 g shallots

Seasoning: 30 g vegetable oil, 2 g salt, 2 g sugar (optional), 2 g monosodium glutamate or chicken powder (optional)

Good ingredients do not need to be over-seasoned, 2 kinds of ingredients 3 flavor season, make delicious stir-fried yam yam season, can not miss the clear dish good ingredients, do not need to over-seasoning stir-fried yam production process cooking tips

1, a few hours in advance, a small handful of dried black fungus, into the bowl, pour in the appropriate amount of warm water, soak for 2-4 hours, the black fungus moisturized and thorough. The water fungus that is soaked in this way will be thick and plump to eat, and the taste will be mellow. Tear the soaked fungus into small pieces, wash it again, and drain the water. Cut the green onion 5 g.

Good ingredients do not need to be over-seasoned, 2 kinds of ingredients 3 flavor season, make delicious stir-fried yam yam season, can not miss the clear dish good ingredients, do not need to over-seasoning stir-fried yam production process cooking tips

2, choose a brittle "vegetable yam" 1 large section, almost 370 grams, rinse the epidermis under the water pipe, and use a thin peel knife to cut off the outer skin. The home-style knife work is to first cut into oblique thick yam segments about 2 cm thick, and then change the knife to a diamond-shaped piece of 0.2 cm thick. Yam is a good reducing ingredient, after slicing, exposed to the air is easy to be oxidized black, share with friends a very practical little trick: half a basin of water, pour about 30 grams of white vinegar, put the cut yam tablets in, you can well prevent the yam tablets from being oxidized and blackened, to ensure that the fried yam pieces are as white as jade.

Good ingredients do not need to be over-seasoned, 2 kinds of ingredients 3 flavor season, make delicious stir-fried yam yam season, can not miss the clear dish good ingredients, do not need to over-seasoning stir-fried yam production process cooking tips

3: Remove the soaked yam tablets, put them in a large colander with the fungus and prepare to stir-fry. On the stove in a wok, pour 30 grams of vegetable oil, the oil temperature is 40% or 50% hot, about 150 degrees, and then add the green onion to the pot to make the incense. Pour in the yam tablets, water hair fungus small flowers, turn on the high heat, and quickly stir-fry until the yam tablets are broken. Add 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of sugar (optional), 2 grams of monosodium glutamate or chicken powder (optional), stir-fry again and stir-fry in one go.

Good ingredients do not need to be over-seasoned, 2 kinds of ingredients 3 flavor season, make delicious stir-fried yam yam season, can not miss the clear dish good ingredients, do not need to over-seasoning stir-fried yam production process cooking tips

4: Cease fire, put the fried yam tablets into the shallow bowl, and you can enjoy them while it is hot. This stir-fried yam, even if eaten to the end, is a wonderful taste of light and elegant.

Good ingredients do not need to be over-seasoned, 2 kinds of ingredients 3 flavor season, make delicious stir-fried yam yam season, can not miss the clear dish good ingredients, do not need to over-seasoning stir-fried yam production process cooking tips

1, after the yam slice, it is particularly easy to be oxidized and blackened, be sure to soak in the appropriate amount of white vinegar water, to prevent the yam from being oxidized and blackened, affecting the color and appearance of the dish.

2, this dish, remember not to over-season, simply add salt, mix a basic bottom mouth. Mix a small amount of white sugar, can not eat sweet, but it plays a role in flavoring and freshening, eating into the mouth is a compound three-dimensional type.

40 years of smoke and fire, looking forward to making friends who like to make food, welcome you to "pay attention" to me! We kindly ask for your feedback!

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