
To understand "2046", first understand "Ah Fei's True Biography" and "Fancy Years", time and space are lonely

author:Writer Li Yuanyuan
To understand "2046", first understand "Ah Fei's True Biography" and "Fancy Years", time and space are lonely

To understand "2046", first understand "Ah Fei's True Biography" and "Fancy Years", time and space are staggered and lonely

Those lonely moods in the staggered time and space of a hundred years, "2046" Su Lizhen Zhou Muyun and others

Watching Wong Kar-wai's movies, watching loneliness. Loneliness is not loneliness, loneliness with a faint grievance, it seems not to be lonely, loneliness is lonely plus few, is a state of emptiness, slowly walking in time and space, not deliberately pursuing, not deliberately avoiding, fate is good, in contrast, the latter is more nihilistic.

"2046" may be the end of Zhou Muyun's Su Lizhen series, as the saying goes, things are not three. Why is it very persistent to use the names of the same batch of protagonists and supporting characters in different movies, those intermittent past events are still important or not, everyone has their own understanding, some people choose to forget, such as Lulu, some people choose to remember, such as Zhou Muyun. There is no right or wrong, only loneliness, each going its own way, each with its own way back.

Remember in 1990 released "Ah Fei Zheng Biography", about the Sixties hong Kong, that story in the prodigal son Ah Fei (played by Zhang Guorong) and Su Lizhen (played by Maggie Cheung) and Lulu (played by Liu Jialing) fell in love, and then rejected them one by one, after Ah Fei went to the Philippines to find his biological mother was not recognized, he was killed on the train, his ex-girlfriend Su Lizhen was still selling tickets in Hong Kong, and his current girlfriend Lulu chased after him in the Philippines to find him. At the end of the film, a young man also named Ah Fei (played by Liang Chaowei) combs his hair in the mirror, which is a subtle freehand technique, representing that the former Ah Fei was reborn here and wants to continue the story of the future.

To understand "2046", first understand "Ah Fei's True Biography" and "Fancy Years", time and space are lonely

So in the 2000 release of "Fancy Years", the background is still in Hong Kong in the sixties, the female protagonist Su Lizhen (played by Maggie Cheung) and the male protagonist Zhou Muyun (played by Liang Chaowei) performed a beautiful and short extramarital affair, and Zhou Muyun here is Ah Fei who combs his hair in the mirror at the end of "Ah Fei's True Biography".

In "2046", released in 2004, the background of the story is still Hong Kong in the mid-to-late 1960s, and In "The Legend of Ah Fei", Ah Fei's second girlfriend Lulu (played by Liu Jialing) appears again, but she loses her memory of the past, and Zhou Muyun is once again emotionally entangled with Su Lizhen (played by Maggie Cheung and Gong Li).

"2046" in Zhou Muyun met Su Lizhen in Singapore, still missed, after returning to Hong Kong, she happened to meet Lulu, why did this Lulu lose her memory, is she selectively amnesiac, she once loved Ah Fei in "Ah Fei Zheng Biography" like a moth to fight the fire, did she later learn the news that Ah Fei was killed, did she meet the new Ah Fei at the end of another film? Maybe the past is too deep and too painful, she would rather have fun in time, maybe her timely pleasure is her choice. She is fighting with her boyfriend CC at the moment.

Zhou Muyun moved into 2047 next door to the room of Lulu Hotel, so that he could be closer to room 2046 and closer to his inseparable memories, and thus became a neighbor of the new tenant Bai Ling (played by Zhang Ziyi), passionate, but difficult to get into the heart.

The innkeeper's daughter Wang Jingwen (played by Faye Wong) is not allowed to fall in love with her Japanese boyfriend, and eventually goes to Japan with her boyfriend to marry. In Zhou Muyun's novel "2046", Wang Jingwen is a robot who once gave gentle love to her Japanese boyfriend.

To understand "2046", first understand "Ah Fei's True Biography" and "Fancy Years", time and space are lonely

In fact, in this play, the protagonists have been quite scattered, and this is the story of Zhou Muyun and Su Lizhen, but also the story of Bai Ling, the story of Lulu, and the story of Wang Jingwen. And the most brilliant part has nothing to do with Su Lizhen, but has been snatched up by Bai Ling, played by Zhang Ziyi, perhaps Bai Ling is not a magnificent person, nor is su Lizhen in Su Huiyun's memory gentle and gentle, but she is also the same woman who fights for love. She used to be happy and had countless courtiers, but she cut off the past for Zhou Muyun and hid the money he gave in an iron box under the bed for warmth, as a love postcard

。 She came to the door to show off with Zhou Muyun and allowed him to have another woman, but she didn't want to be like other women, and she half-jokingly said that she wanted to rent him. He said that short-term rents don't matter, long-term rents don't matter. She knew that the demand was hopeless, and she was angry and decided, and threw him ten yuan to buy him for the night. She was so sad that he still teased that there was a need to say anything at any time. Here Su Huiyun returned to the attitude of the first Ah Fei to Su Lizhen in "The Legend of Ah Fei", and refused. Whether he loves it or not, he won't. This unwillingness, with masochistic pain and numbness, but also with loneliness and timidity. Throughout, three plays, a group of people. Because he had died on a train in the Philippines, he asked Ah Xu (Played by Andy Lau) to tell Su Lizhen that he had forgotten everything. Whether he really forgot or not. It doesn't matter if he's really dead or not.

Another impressive thing in the film is the innkeeper's daughter Wang Jingwen, who is a tearful robot in Zhou Muyun's novel, a brave woman who loves but can't help but finally break through the barriers, she loves what she loves, and finally gets what she wants. Wang Jingwen represents the future, represents the desire in Zhou Muyun's heart, she is to realize the dream of the human world for him, to live a life of two lovers holding hands and white heads.

To understand "2046", first understand "Ah Fei's True Biography" and "Fancy Years", time and space are lonely

In the play, Wang Jingwen is the only woman who does not love Zhou Muyun, she is calm and sober, emotionally introverted, in fact, very simple. Remember that in "Chongqing Forest", it was just the opposite, which was also a kind of mysterious operation of Wong Kar-wai, the god transformation.

I have to say that Zhou Muyun is more of a passerby in "2046", a bystander, and is about to disappear into the sea of people. Even if su lizhen really appeared and accepted him, he could not turn back. So he wants to build a 2046 train in his novel, and as long as he catches the train to 2046, he can retrieve the lost memory.

We all walk a long way, through people and things, through love and hate, and then we will inadvertently forget something. The train to the future carries memories of the past, which is hidden in everyone's heart, which cannot be escaped or forgotten, but it cannot be returned. These people go to the future, and so do we. What do we remember and what we forget?

To understand "2046", first understand "Ah Fei's True Biography" and "Fancy Years", time and space are lonely

This film has been seen two or three times, the plot is broken, and it is inside, I think there will be no sequel, here, is the end.

This year is 2019, the technology is really developing very fast, there are still 27 years to go before 2046, and if we are lucky, we can all catch up.

Are you saying we're on the 2046 train right now?

After 27 years, I should be old, but maybe there will be a big breakthrough in technology, and there is a train called 1998 on the platform there, and I will not hesitate to jump on it and go against the clock. In 1998, I didn't want to meet some of the people I had met, I wanted to keep the memories and pass by them without leaving a trace.

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